Younger x Self

Author Note: first person perspective will end once the MC has a name.

"Example" means speaking and this 'Example' means thoughts and inner monologue.


I was lying down as a light shone on my face, waking me up. I slowly stood up and looked around myself.

"What a shit show" I woke up in an alley. Under my small feet I saw a cardboard box, newspapers and dirty shoes riddles with holes.

I looked further around and saw I or the body I inhabited, slept the night before beside a dumpster. I looked at my body and saw how bad it's condition was, but I only felt it once I started moving.

I walked towards a puddle and used the water as a mirror looking at my reflection.

"Wow. Is this how I looked like when I was little?" I saw my thin and pale face and slowly touched my dirt covered cheeks.

I saw my younger self. A small kid around 6 years old in a state that even the most heartless would pity.

Long dirty brown hair, dull brown eyes, and an average face covered by dirt and bruises.

I wore an oversized light blue shirt, ripped pants, and hole ridden shoes all obviously picked from gargabe countainers.

My body was covered in bruises, cuts, and specks of dirt. I slightly brushed over a cut on my arm. "Argh!" Everything hurt.

I lifted my shirt and looked at my stomach. I was malnourished so much that you could see my ribs at first glance and one of my eyes was bruised and swollen shut.

After inspecting myself throughly, I first looked around and saw outside the alley - a small world.

Dazzling lights came from the street full of people. Stalls and businessmen trying to sell their products or services.

It was crowded and you could hear people bargaining for better prices. The alley was dirty and littered with trash, but a small piece of another world and its people could be seen.

'I'm frog in a well, seeing only a part of the sky. Not being on earth anymore finally feels real'

A thought flashed into my mind. Countless memories of life's to many to count of swirled in my head like a typhoon in the ocean, but unlike before when receiving them, I didn't feel any pain.

Whatever light healed me is probably still in effect. I should use the time to recover my body — "food" I said while rubbing my small belly.

After regaining composure and focusing on getting food, I started begging for money and food on the street. To my suprise I got achieved nothing.

A couple of hours of begging didn't get me anything except a few insults and some small store owners one the street threatening me.

I was massively disappointed in humanity. Through observation I got some miscellaneous information like the world being slightly further behind in technology, but only by a half.

Since beggint didn't work I started looking for restaurants. After a couple of tries and I managed to get some decent food scraps from their dumpsters.

One encounter led to me getting punched in the gut and stepped on, I thought my ripcage broke as I spit out blood. I cursed my past and current naive self.

The ultimate dream of hardcore otaku, weebs or whatever you would call them was hell. I didn't know I could hate life so much.

As I layed on the floor panting and clutching my stomach, the restaurant owner emptied the bag of trash on my head.

"If you like to eat so much, be my guest! Hahahaha" he said as he walked away. My body began to tremble as I lifted my head. "God..damn it"

As tears hit my trembling hand I started picking up scraps of what seems to be a mushed burger. I felt so pathetic as I ate food scraps covered in dirt, but it surely tasted good to eat with such an empty stomach.

I limped to the alley I previously woke up in and started searching the trash for anything useful enought to use as a weapon.

I found a broken spoon, beer bottles and some razors. I swung the bottle with my meager strength against the counter, but didn't break it.

I tried a couple times, but to no luck. For now this would be good enough as a weapon. I sat down on the cardboard and my newspaper blanket and sighed deeply.

"It's time to properly start the revenge. Let's make my cheat system." Even in my current sitation I couldn't help but smile and tremble slightly as I was excited as I could be.

"Do I just say it outloud? I want a typical cheat system that can do anything from making me growing strong to buying items.

It must have a way to measure the strength from my enemies and myself. It should have an AI that will keep me company on my journey that I can talk to via my mind and... it's also an ego weapon meaning it can grow stronger with me. Also it can transform into a pet or human. Most importantly, while I have endless potential to grow stronger, so should my system"

I don't know if a weapon is the right decision since almost everyone fights with only their bare hands in the Hunter x Hunter World, but I will need to become a strong swordsman since it's not only cool but at one point I will hit limits with my body later down the line.

*.....* Nothing happened.

"Activate System! System create!.. Status window"

_Who am I?_ said a young voice that sounded like a boy that didn't even go through puberty yet.

"You are my system and friend. I already have a name for you and it's Seven."

I always thought that if I got a system that is how I would name it, simple and useful if the talk via mind function didn't exists.

I dreamed of this moment since I started becoming obsessed with Manhwas and system novels.

"Also I will change my name. Togiri. Yeah sounds good. Should I change it in every world?"

(Author note: Would you readers like that?)

@Seven? A number? Am I a fucking pet? I am THE ULTIMATE SYSTEM! Who the fuck wants to have a number as their name and why is my creator such a pathetic child@ said the cocky young voice.

Suddenly Togiri's head felt being squeezed strongly and his heart was beating fast and iregular. It was like he was being injected 10 shots of adrenaline.

"What? You bastARD! I'LL KILL- AARGH! ...My.. heart" Togiri said wringing out his voice.

Togiri's collapsed to his knees. His emotions accelared his heart rate too much, making his blood pressure shoot through the roof.

@Wow... way to overreact. I'm sorry stupid master, my personality was mostly built from your personality. It will never happen again... you little bitch@ Seven said his voice more annoying and cocky then before.

"...Huff..Huff...What is... happe.. ning?" Togiri was on all fours, clenching his shirt and chest as his breaths became shorter and more shallow.

@The effect of the healing particles previously on your body are disappearing. Your heart can't handle the subcounscious emotion your brain is releasing to cope with your new memories.@ Seven said nonchalantly.

"What?" Togiri said as the pain grew sharper. Besides the typhoon of memories inside his head new train of thoughts appeared. 'Am I gonna die? My revenge. Why did I want to leave my life. Bastard it's all your fault!' Most thoughts were hatred directed at himself.

@If you don't calm down, you will die in a few minutes. I will upload a basic meditation technique into your hippocampus (a part of the brain where the memory is stored)@

[Initialising upload. Ding. Upload complete]. A different voice besides Seven's rang inside Togiri's mind.

The voice was mechinal. The real voice of the system, Seven was just an artifical intelligence created to help navigate the huge system itself, an assistant so to speak.

"Argh!" Togiri felt the similar pain he experienced when the memories entered his brain, but the scale was smaller, like the difference between the size of the sun and a sand corn.

The eternal hellish seconds where he gained the moments of gruesome deaths of him and loved ones in his previous lives was the worst pain he ever suffered, getting your organs ripped out or getting kicked one million times in the crown jewels couldn't compare in the slightest.

Just as quickly as the pain came it dissapeared, but that was back then, now the healing particles are desolving.

'My heart is exploding and.. my head is splitting open..I...can't...'

@MASTER! WAKE UP!!!@ Togiri was laying on the floor with closed eyes as his breath got weaker and bled ran out of his eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

@IS THIS ALL YOUR REVENGE AMOUNTS TO?!!!@ Togiri's eyes opened. "NO!"

Suddenly Togiri gained a second wind, probably the energy humans exhibit moments or hours before their death.

He used all his strength and sat up. He closed his eyes and took one deep breath. He slowly cleared his thoughts focusing on his rhythmic breathing patern.

It was his first time meditating, but it felt so natural as if he had done it every day for decades.

@Nice! Your pulse is decreasing 400...370..320...240...180.. 160...150@

Togiri continued to meditate for 10 minutes, but his heart rate never went lower than 150 bumps per minute which were still too high for a regular man not to mention a six year old boy.

"I need to focus give me a summary of the story from Hunter x Hunter. I have seen thousands of anime, and read more manga, and novels that I lost count."

Togiri continued to meditate as his thought kept scattering. He hoped that focusing on the present would help him handle the complicated ball of emotions from all his past selfs.

@Summary: A young boy named Gon finds out that his father is a professional hunter.

A Hunter explores the world, subdues dangerous criminals, saves dying species, and uncovers treasures and old ruins.

Upon finding out that Gon's father Ging is a Hunter, the boy himself wants to become a Hunter, find his father, and ask why he left him behind.

On the journey to becoming a Hunter and finding his father Gon makes friends and becomes stronger than anyone could have possibly imagined. That is the general gist.@

Seven was annoyed that he was treated like a tool minutes after creation. @Friend my ass@ he said remembering one of the first words Togiri said to him.

Seven's personality and consciousness were as real as a humans, that was what at least he thought. He didn't care that Togiri created him.

Just because he created him does that mean he's a slave?. If he and his master didnt share the same fate then he would absoluty kill him.

"Seven, is it possible to partially seal my new memories or repress them?"

[Searching for an answer.....Ding Best Solutions found!]

@ Yes, but either you upgrade the System to version 10.0 which you currently can't or 99 percent of the system functions will be sealed. If you choose the second option at least a third of the memories will remain@

"....Do the second one. Don't touch the memories of me being killed and try to seal the others as much as you can. Especially the ones where all families dies. If you can't then prioritise the-.. my.. children"

@Sure@ [Initiating memory sealing]

@..1%...12%...27%....34%.....58%....67%...partial memory sealing finished. I did as you told me. 13 percent from the 33 are still from your families@ Seven said in a cold tone.

He didn't care or could sympathise in the slightest, as he couldn't relate. Just because his personality was copied from Togiri didn't mean he was Togiri. All the experiences that difined him were missing. Seven was a newborn with no real memories to himself.

"I see... good job. I can feel my mind and body calming down. I can stop meditating"

Togiri opened his eyes. He looked at the dirty ground before him. Flashes as fast as lightning bolts zapped through him, a thousand images simultaneously appeared.

He was laying or standing in wreckage. Some in or outside different homes seeing his dead loved ones. Often his children and wife, if not then parents, friends or comrades.

Togiri's calm and collected face became ferocious. A volcano exploded inside him and the demon like anger spilled forth.1

"My families died beCAUSE OF THEM!" Bang Togiri punched the ground. The sound of water splatter followed by the dripping of fluid could be heard. The skin of his right fist ripped open.

Togiri's vision became blurry, tears dripped on the ground. Both the tears and blood mixed and flowed toward a nearby puddle.

"" mumbled Togiri. He started whimpering like a dog.

"Trash! Why are you such trash. LAZY!BASTARD! Why didn't you bastards train harder" Bang – Crackle Togiri punched the ground even harder than before.

This time his small fist crackled and the bones of his knuckles were exposed. The words of the being he saw in the white void rang inside his mind.

The people he held dearest died because he stopped training. Togiri didn't have the memories of their full life's, but he had the their worst memorie.

It wasn't like remembering what something tasted like or how it approximatly was, not at all. Togiri felt every pain, every sensation and every emotion in that moment, as if he was trapped in a futuristic virtual reality scene.


"COWARD!" He punched the ground again and with his left hand and he felt a finger break.

Togiri tried to breath, but he was suffocating as if there was no air. He took a deep breath and slammed his head on the pavement in the alley. "AAHHHHHHHHHHH!" A roar of a small boy.

"AAAAARGGHHHHH! AH! AH! AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Togiri's screamed till his voice almost gave out, but before that his eyes rolled back and he passed out.

Togiri's painful scream made crows fly away, babies cry and adults shiver. They were terrified. The street before the alley became deathly quiet and quickly empty.

@Tsk. Stupid Master is killing him. Did that idiot even think for a second before ruinig his two hands? Shit, now I even need to go into sleep mode to heal his body.@

Togiri laid down in some corner of the alley as he fell asleep.

[System initialising compatible host Review. Beep! Review complete.


Strength: 0.1

Agility: 0.2

Vitality 0.1,

Body Status:

vitamin deprived, sleep deprived, dizziness, many injuries to the soft tissue, rashes on legs, right hand fractured, 4 fingers broken,

■Review: Your life is so pathetic that even death is too good for you■

@Wtf? I didn't do this?@ Seven was puzzled. Besides the mechinal voice or Dings he sometimes heard, did the system never automatically activate something.

[Heal mode Initialising. Starting Seven's hibernation mode]

As Seven was drifting away into nothingness, like his time was stopped, Togiri wished the same because this marked the first and continues nightmare filled dream he'll be having in this world.