Deal x Or x Death

"Huff...Huff...Huff..Huff-Huff" Togiri started hyperventilating. Soon he took a deep breath and focused again. His brain started working super fast.

"Machi and Chrollo Luficer. I know you both and I will tell you Information about the destruction of the Phantom Troupe that will happen in the future"

Both were surprised, but Chrollo Luficer seemed more amused than shocked. The warehouse was silent except for Fang who screamed in agony.

"First, I want Machi to reattach my friend's arm. Second I want you to leave us safely and third I want you to kill Akura, the 2 other guys and destroy the Seven Deadly Sins and leave this city."

Chrollo Lucifer was in deep thought. Togiri could guess what he was thinking about. One of their members could extract his memories or torture him if he even chose to believe his words.

Togiri could just be bluffing, but his calmness, rational demeanour and confidence were strange in his current predicament.

Togiri could have a Nen-type ability which he could see the future with and Chrollo could steal his skill or maybe this little boy really was just bluffing.

"Machi let him go and reattach that kid's arm. Now tell me what you know" said Chrollo Lucifer. Machi let him go and went over to Fang. As Togiri and Fang didn't pose a threat he went along with Togiri.

Machi picked up the severed arm and started to work on reattaching it. Chrollo Lucifer continued to stare at Togiri.

"In 2 years in Yorkshin City, there will be an auction and you and the rest of the Phantom Troupe will steal the items. I also know that you will try to steal the ability of a girl that can write the future."

"You will manage to steal her ability but will be killed by the Zoldycks. You can only survive if you hire Ilumi Zoldyck to kill the contractors of his father and grandfather that were hired to kill you."

"If you don't survive this altercation to use the Nen ability to write the future then the spider will DIE!" Everything Togiri told partial truth mixed with lies.

Even without Togiri, Chrollo Luzifer hired Ilumi to kill the contractors so that the Zoldycks don't get paid and don't kill him.

Deep in thought after listening he asked "How sure are you? How can a kid...Who is your father?" Togiri was surprised that Chrollo was a little speechless.

"I don't know. I'm an orphan" answered Togiri sincere and even happy seeing his friend in the distance with 2 arms again.


"Are you from meteor city?" Togiri immediately answered with a head shaking.

"Do you want to join the Phantom Troupe?" asked Chrollo Lucifer ambitiously.

Unexcept Togiri stared with wide eyes at Chrollo Lucifer and then he was acting like he was seriously thinking about the offer.

"Not in the moment, but thank you for asking" Togiri tried his best to decline politely, but Chrollo Lucifer was untouched by the response and smiled at him.

Togiri acted defenseless and didn't even have his Ten up since he knew how strong Chrollo and Machi were.

Just then somebody else entered the warehouse. It was a woman with short hair, an open shirt almost exposing her breasts, and a short skirt.

"Pakunoda scan him about us. He has too much information about us, find the traitor. He also said he knew the future."

The woman who entered the warehouse was Pakunoda. Her Nen ability was to extract memories from her targets.

Togiri was startled. 'This is the worst situation. I can't deal with one and now there are 3 members....'

Machi had Fang as a hostage not that he was in a condition to fight with his newly reattacked arm and his blood loss.

'Seven! Help! Can you block her Nen ability?' @Not completely, but I can feed her useless information, but for that, we need to unseal your memories because I need to work at 100 percent.'

'Sure! Hurry!'

@Memory unsealing initiation@ Seven said monotonously.

Pakunoda walked slowly toward Togiri. She was 20 meters (60 feet) away. Every step she took made Togiri more restless.

@...25%...30%...47%...@ 'Hurry she is starting to walk faster! Fuck!'

@70%@ She was 6 meters (18 feet) away. Togiri started to visibly get nervous and desperate. "Hey! Pakunoda? Your Nen ability is reading thoughts or what? Then I will just think about something else.

@89%@ Pakunoda was already standing before him and was about to grab him. Togiri closed his eyes "Wait! Can I say something before you scan me? My last words."

"Sure, but if you are stalling for time, I will kill you after I scan your memories!" said Pakunoda.

"Thank you miss Pakunoda. I still don't want to join the Phantom Troupe at this time, but maybe in the future. Also, you will get hurt if you try to scan me." Pakunoda lifted Togiri up the ground by his neck, slightly strangling him.

Half a minute passed and Pakunoda started holding her head. She fell to the ground and passed out, blood flowed out of her nose.

Chrollo Lucifer held a dagger against Togiri's heart.

"What did you do?" Chrollo Lucifer was ready to kill Togiri. "I warned her. She passed out, because of her headache. Information overload, that's all I'm saying."

Togiri didn't seem nervous or like he was at the disadvantage at all.

"If she doesn't wake up you will die!" yelled Machi across the warehouse. "Like I said It's her fault. It's also your fault if you die in 2 years if you don't listen to me, but we can change that right now. Right Here!"

"Either follow my words or DIE! CHOOSE NOW CHROLLO LUCIFER!" Togiri released his killing intent. He couldn't controll his rage of all his worst memories returning.

The memories he tried to seal were mostly about the families he lost. His heart started pumping wildly.

'I will use it to my advantage. Seven! Seal my memories when my heart can't handle it anymore' @Alright@ Seven said concerned.

Killing intent engulfed the warehouse and Togiri's usual gray Aura became black with a tinge of red.

Machi and Fang started to breathe heavily and Chrollo Lucifer body froze stiff.

Togiri's unsealed memories leveled his killing intent up many times up.

Special skills:

[Nen D+->B-]

[Killing Intent C++->S]

[Blacksmithing A-]

"Okey! You won! Release the killing intent!" Chrollo managed to slightly move and put his hands in the air.

"Huh? Won? DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?!! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!" Togiri's voice made the warehouse slightly tremble.

"AAAARRRGGHH!!!!" Togiri let out a painful roar as if he was tortured. The roar made Chrollo Lucifer fall to his knees. He vomited a mouthful of blood.

The others were also affected, Machi passed out and the passed out Pakunoda bled out of every orifice.

It was unknown if this happened, because of Togiri's killing intent or because she tried to read his memories.

"T-To...g-gi..riiii! STOP!" Fang yelled with the last piece of his strength and then he also passed out.

Togiri finally stopped his killing intent. In a few dozen seconds the whole situation in the empty warehouse changed.

Chrollo Lucifer could breathe, stand and move again. Just before he moved his hand to kill, he stopped. Togiri did something unexcepted again.

He punched the ground with his naked fist. His punch made the warehouse shake.

Chrollo was surprised by his physical strength since Togiri didn't shroud his fist with Nen.

Chrollo thought after so many surprises the little boy couldn't surprise him anymore. Togiri then punched the floor again, but this time he made the ground vibrate even more than before.

He punched again and again and again and again and again and again. Every punch was stronger than the one before.

He didn't use Nen and didn't hold back in the slightest. His right hand was shattered, knuckle bones exposed and splintered completely. His fist was not recognizable.

There was blood everywhere and before Togiri's feet was a small puddle made out of the blood. Chrollo Lucifer was confused and terrified. He didn't understand Togiri at all.

"DON'T TEMPT ME! I KNOW THE ALL PHANTOM TROUPE MEMBERS! ALL YOUR ABILITIES! LOCATIONS! ORIGINS! NAMES! AND EVERYTHING ELSE!" Togiri pointed with something that used to be his right hand but now was a pile of meat and bones that were barely sticking together.

Togiri's stared at Chrollo Lucifer in silence and then slowly walked over to Fang. He picked Fang up walked away a few meters and then put him softly on the floor and sat down next to him.

Togiri took many deep breaths as if he was meditating. The unsealed memories were raging inside of him.

His emotions were about to burst out even stronger than before. His previous killing intent wasn't even a hundredth of its full power.

"I'm very famous, which means I'm easy to find. I'm not running or hiding. I don't care if It's Nobunaga, Uvogin, Feitan, or all of you at the same time, if you stand against me YOU DIE!" Togiri released his Killing Intent again, but this time it was aimed at Chrollo Lucifer and multiple times stronger.

For not even half a second Togiri's killing intent was aimed at the Phantom Troupe member, but that was enough to make Chrollo Lucifer fall on his knees again and vomit more blood than before.

"There is no traitor and I won't kill you if you don't bother me and my family. Deal or no deal?"


"Deal!" answered Pakunoda lying on the floor wiping the blood from her eyes away.

"Swear on your Nen that you will you all will leave the city in 24 hours and will never again step in it." Machi woke up and all three swore. Togiri picked up Fang and left.


The eventful night passed Togiri and Fang were on the way home. Togiri noticed with Gyo, Machis Nen thread on Fang and cut it off.

@You were damn lucky. I still can't believe they didn't kill you. I guess they are afraid of your possible backer@

'Lucky? I'm goddamn unlucky! The only thing missing was the rest of the Pathom Troupe members. Hey, why do I feel so energyless?'

@Master, you burned 10 years of your life span subconsciously to increase your Nen temporally. Did you think your Killing Intent alone brought Chrollo to his knees? It was your Ren. A simple Ren with Killing Intent that expresses your will wouldn't be enough@

'Can you calculate how much life span I have left?' Togiri was mad at himself for everything that happened that night.

He got arrogant from his strength and thought he could handle a gang with the backing of an executive of the Nen Association.

@It's hard to calculate. You have 80 years left, but if you keep your Ten up all the time like you have been doing it could be a few decades more and that's if you don't include your improvement in Nen. If I had all my functions unlocked I could make a detailed analysis@

'Again! Besides basic blacksmithing, showing my strength in numbers and Virtual Fighting you are useless'

Togiri was concerned and looked at Fang just woken up. Togiri was carrying him since he felt he was about to faint from the blood loss, but more worried was what Fang thought of him seeing this side of him.

"Fang I-...." Togiri didn't know what to say and looked away in shame. Fang slapped Togiri, that made Togiri drop him accidentally.

"Are you crazy! Do you want to fall off a building while going home!"

"Hahahaha. That's the Togiri I know." Fang giggled away on the roof of a building.

"Are not scared of me? Don't you feel betrayed, because I hid this side of me?" Togiri asked with a guilty face.

"Why should I? I don't know how you have so much hate and rage, but I trust you completely." Fang smiled with child like innocence.

Togiri picked up Fang started crying while jumping from roof to roof. "Also sometimes you need evil to stop evil" This statement startled Togiri and stopped him in his tracks.

Togiri said determined "You're right, justice without power is worthless, but that just means we need to train even harder so that we don't need to become evil to stop evil."

There are many perspectives about the so-called right path and Togiri was not a hypocrite or idealistic, but still didn't want Fang to stray away from the righteous path.

In truth Togiri absolutely believed in becoming evil to stop evil. If he could get his revenge the he would become a devil.

Fang's expression changed as if he understood something very important just now

"Next time! We will defeat them!" said Togiri smiling to lessen the burden of helplessness that Fang was feeling.

"You are right, they are only a stepping stone to defeat Kastriot!" said Fang determined.

@That was some crazy shit@ said Seven while being a little shaky in his voice. @We almost died@.

'Yeah, true....Can you review and heal me Seven? Even if it's only been one day I want to know if I grew stronger


[Togiri. Strength: 8.7, Agility: 8.5, Vitality 9.0]

■Review: You are still the same weak bitch from yesterday■

Special skills:

[Nen D+->B-->D++]

[Killing Intent C++->S->B-]

[Blacksmithing A-]

'The ranks that I know are from S->A->B->C->D->F guess Netero would have something near SS or SSS and someone like Killua's grandfather Zeno would only have S. ' thought Togiri to himself.

'I need to think about what kinda Nen ability I need and want. In the anime, they mentioned you need a connection to it and it should be a representation of yourself. I want to have something with books or reviewing, but how can I turn this into an ability that helps in fights?'

'Chrollo Lucifer for example got skill hunter and a book that lets him steal abilities. I still have time, but it should be something simple and strong.' that and many more thoughts went through Togiri's mind.

"Why did you let them go, we could easily catch up" asked Machi.

"I saw hundreds not thousands of him and his loved ones dying. That itself should be impossible, but what we witnessed was just the tip of the iceberg." Pakunoda continued speaking in a shaky voice.

"In his memories, his murderous intent and strength was multiple times stronger than what he showed just now. He could have killed us all with a thought."

Machi and Chrollo were shocked once again. Machi said "Isn't it better to kill the little spark from the beginning?"

Pakunoda answered stiff "If we don't mess with him he will let us alone. Also he still restrained himself because of the other little boy"

Chrollo spoke "From now on, no one will ever step foot into this city ever again. We need to cancel all our operations for the moment."

"Kill these 3 and then call everybody together! We will quickly wipe out The Seven Deadly Sins and the leader's cousin, then we will leave this town." This was the smartest decision Chrollo Lucifer ever made.





If you wanna help to choose Togiris or Fangs Hatsu please comment. You can also suggest villain names, abilities, gadgets, or quirks even. Hope you had fun reading this chapter.