Culinary x Clash: x Fang's Mastery

"So, Gourmet Hunters, what are we supposed to make?" a bulky participant sneered at the two Hunters addressing the crowd.

"Buhara," answered the beautiful female Hunter with green hair. Immediately, a massive man over 3 meters (9 feet) tall stood up.

"The required ingredient is pork," Buhara, one of the Gourmet Hunters, drooled as he spoke.

"Pork? As in pig meat?" someone from the crowd inquired.

"You're free to use meat from any species of Biska Forest pigs. You must use the cooking facilities here to prepare the pork. You'll only pass if we both find it delicious," Buhara licked his lips and rubbed his big belly.

Menchi, the other Gourmet Hunter, added, "We'll evaluate more than just the taste. Don't underestimate the intricacies of cooking. Got it?"

"Okay, let's just start," the examinees responded dismissively, showing little respect for the Gourmet Hunters.

"Then, the exam's Second Phase begins now!" *BANG* Buhara signaled the start of the Second Phase with a loud slap on his stomach.

"This will be easy. Do you know what they call me? The best cook in the family," Fang wiggled his fingers theatrically like octopus tentacles.

"Haha. You get the meat, and I'll search for some herbs to make a sauce," Togiri dashed away from the crowd.

"Ha! How about we each do our own thing?" Fang explaimed prideful.

A few minutes passed, and Togiri had only found ordinary plants. "Seven, can't you scan the surroundings or something?"

@Why do I always bother myself when I'm reading something? No! I can't! Or do you want to unseal your memories? Just upgrade me!@ Togiri's Reviewer system, named Seven, was often preoccupied with reading novels from Togiri's memories.

Seven was an almost exact copy of Togiri's personality from five years ago before he changed, but Seven lacked Togiri's original memories.

He could instantly absorb Togiri's memories, but he didn't do it to regard of other novels, manga or tv shows regarding the current world he was living in.

Simply said he was an assistant navigating the system, but with a foul attitude.

"Seven. Do you want spoilers? If not, then... Wait! Is this?" Togiri examined a beautiful plant closely, ensuring no one was nearby.

The plant had a slightly yellow stem and a single leaf as big as a palm, with violent outer edges that brightened toward the center. The middle was a deep, dark blood red.

"Lowiatus mandamus, it's street name is also 'The Begging Herb.'

It's slightly poisonous, but highly addictive. If someone eats the whole leaf, they would even kill their children for another taste."

@Boooriiiing!@ Seven continued to read a random wuxia novel from Togiri's memories.

"Shut up! If I used this in the exam with a small dosage, even if it tasted terrible, they'd want more. I could easily pass with this, but-" Togiri stomped on the flower, leaving a clear footprint with his small black shoes.

"It's not worth the risk. Gourmet Hunters would recognize this in an instant with their fine taste"

@Couldn't you have just taken it with you for future use?@ Seven was curious.

"No. I have better ingredients. Why would I take trash with me?"

@Whatever. I'm waiting for the day you reach C rank in Nen to upgrade me and unlock new functions.@

"You'll see. I didn't just train in the basics all these years. There's a reason I waited and didn't make my Nen ability years ago." Togiri was just bluffing.

@Hmpf. Big talker.@


All applicants gathered again in the open garden, surrounded by high walls and in front of a huge house with the examiners.

The atmosphere was tense as everyone had failed one after another, with Menchi providing valid reasons for each failure.

Kurapika, one of the last examinees, had the best presentation till now, but still failed. It was finally Fang's turn to present his meal.

He served two dishes. The smaller dish was a bowl of simple egg rice with small pieces of fresh vegetables like peas, tomatoes, and roasted potatoes, all covered in a sparkling white sauce.

The other plate featured a big, thin filet of pork cooked medium-rare, juicy but not greasy, with a light brown sauce and small white balls that didn't absorb the sauce.

The aroma of the pork filet, enhanced by the sauce, smelled like cotton candy but as meat.

Fang took a lemon out of his pocket, sliced it swiftly, and caught both pieces, presenting them with his arms outstretched. "Please rub them softly against your lips and nostrils."

"WHAT?!" No one expected Fang's request.

"Hmm~ Okay!" Menchi and Buhara complied, then ate a spoonful of the rice.

As they chewed their first bite, Fang explained, "I made a light meal. I thought it would be a good idea since it's lunchtime and heavy food makes you drowsy." Fang bowed and gestured like an old gentleman.

'Oh, MY GOD! I suggested Fang should start cooking as a hobby, but I didn't expect him to be a master at it.' Everyone was silent, watching Menchi, who had failed everyone until now.

Menchi didn't speak. She cut the meat, dipped it in the sauce, and added a small white ball. After chewing, her eyes widened.

"You... don't pass..." Menchi looked completely defeated.

"Whoooooo!" Togiri broke the silence, but quickly became silent.


Togiri asked "What do mean he doesn't pass." Menchi wiped her lips with a handkerchief and continued "I said to use these what you find in the forest and to use the facilities here to prepare your dish, but obviously some things were already made."

Togiri looked speechless at the Eximaner and dumbfounded he looked for words to counter argument her, but then a hand appeared on his shoulder.

"She's right. It looks like my defeat... But seems like my food is good enough to satisfy a Gourmet Hunter." Fang smiled and looked at the empty plate before Menchi.

The crowd cheered. "Way to go, kid! Do you have another serving?" The crowd celebrated Fang still despite not passing.

"Good job" Togiri gave a thumbs up. "Hehe" Fang laughed with red cheeks.

"407, it's your turn," Buhara impatiently called out, eager for another taste of Fang's dish.

Togiri presented his completely burned pig, looking more like coal than meat.

"Hahahahah! I thought I was bad! Bahahaha," the crowd laughed heartly.

"Fail," Menchi and Buhara were disappointed, expecting another amazing dish.

The fun ended, and Menchi started a long speech that Togiri didn't pay much attention to until it concluded.

The applicants became mad and rebelled against Menchi.

"Woman! You can't fail everyone" someone yelled. Menchi yelled back "Yes, I can!"

"That said, it would be excessive to fail every single applicant" a voice from above interrupted. A blimp was flying over the garden.

"That's the symbol of the Hunter Association! Is it someone from the Selection Committee?" voices speculated.

'Seven, watch closely. This is what we call a strong grandpa in anime, manga, and novels.'

@Strong grandpa? How can an old man be strong?@ *BOOM* A loud impact followed as something fell, creating a cloud of dirt that engulfed the applicants.

A breeze blew, revealing an old man dressed mostly in white with long eyebrows, a beard that darkened at the tip, and old Japanese wooden shoes.

'Beware of the old man in a profession where men die young' @I know that Netero is strong, but what does that have to do with grandpa's?@

"W-Who is that geezer?" a voice asked.

"The Chairman of the Selection Committee. He's in charge of the Hunter Exam... Chairman Netero," Menchi answered.

"I work behind the scenes, only taking action when there's an issue, like now. So, Menchi-kun..."

"Yes, sir," the previously stern examiner looked nervous.

"You passed not a single applicant because you disapproved of their reluctance to try new things?"

"No, sir... I lost my cool when a candidate insulted Gourmet Hunters. I made the exam harder than necessary."

"So you were aware that this exam was unacceptable."

"Yes, sir. When cooking is involved, I lose control. I'm unqualified to be an examiner. I will resign and redo the Second Phase!"

"But it would be difficult to find another examiner on short notice."

"I apologize."

"Very well. How about this? I'd like to continue serving as an examiner. But—"

"But you must also participate in the new test that you propose. Is that acceptable?"

The applicants looked confused.

"I'm certain that will help the applicants accept the results."

"That's true. Then the new challenge will be boiled eggs" Menchi announced

"Boiled eggs?" Leorio asked.

"Chairman, can you take us to Mt. Split-in-half in your airship?" Menchi requested.


The airship arrived at a massive gap in a distant forest and desolate mountain. Togiri smiled as he looked down. 'Do you remember when I was once scared of heights?'

Togiri's superficial smile faded as he recalled his past life before his journey of revenge.

"Come on, we landed!" Fang grabbed Togiri. "Are you that excited?"

"Yes! Do you know why? Because—" Fang was interrupted by Menchi.

"Now everyone, look down there." The applicants saw a Spider Eagle's web below.

"They build webs down there?" Gon asked as a strong breeze blew some applicants back.

"Look below the web," Menchi continued. "Those are Spider Eagle eggs, known as dream eggs. They build their webs in deep ravines to protect their eggs from predators."

"W-Wait a minute... You don't mean we..." the previously arrogant participant stammered.

"I sure do!" Menchi jumped down the cliff, grabbing a web rope. She let go and grabbed an egg mid-fall, flying back up with the breeze.

"That looks fun!" Fang and Killua said in unison, laughing.

The applicants jumped onto the web. Some released too early and fell to their deaths, and the web slowly broke under their weight.

Togiri trembled but regained his composure with meditation. "You are formless like water. Angry like a tsunami or still like a lake. Become the cup" he muttered, calming himself.

"What did you just recite?" asked Kurapika. "A mantra from my idol Bruce lee"

Kurapika looked confused and surpised. He thought of what kind of person could be the idol of Togiri.

Fang looked worried, knowing Togiri's former fear of heights. Togiri overcame his fear but was still slightly affected.


Everyone was holding onto the webs and waited.

"Now!" At Gon's signal, everyone let go and fell, except Togiri.

"TOGiriiiii...ii..." Fang's voice faded into the distance. Togiri opened his eyes.

"I'm the master of my fate, not a coward. I'm the best!"

Swinging back and forth on the web, he aimed for the eggs, grabbing a whole dozen that were webbed together.

Focusing his aura into his feet, he used emission to propel himself against the ravine wall.

His emission shot hit the opposite wall, creating a sizable hole. Togiri jumped against the wall once more, landing on the web ropes and running across them. With a final leap, he performed a front flip, landing perfectly before Chairman Netero and Menchi.

"Hoh, not bad," Netero remarked, stroking his beard, though he seemed unsurprised. Menchi, on the other hand, was visibly taken aback. "H-How could a little boy..."


All the applicants stood once again in the open garden, this time with a more intense atmosphere.

Most had failed to retrieve the eggs successfully, but those who did presented them to the examiners.

Fang and Togiri stood out among the crowd. Menchi, though initially skeptical, tasted the egg prepared by Fang, her eyes widening in surprise. "You pass," she said with a mix of defeat and admiration.

"Way to go, kid!" Togiri cheered, joining the crowd in celebrating Fang's success.

"407, it's your turn," Buhara called impatiently. Togiri stepped forward, presenting his perfectly boiled egg. He served it with a side of herbs and spices he'd gathered, enhancing the flavor.

Menchi and Buhara tasted it, their expressions transforming from skepticism to delight.

"You pass as well," Menchi declared, much to the astonishment of the other applicants.

Chairman Netero addressed the group, his voice carrying authority and wisdom. "This exam tested not only your cooking skills but your adaptability, courage, and integrity. You've all demonstrated remarkable potential."

The applicants, now fewer in number, nodded in agreement, their respect for the examiners and the exam itself significantly heightened.

"Let us continue to the next phase," Netero announced, leading the group forward.


As the blimp soared towards the next location, Togiri and Fang sat together, reflecting on their journey so far.

"You did great out there," Fang said, clapping Togiri on the shoulder. "So did you," Togiri replied, a rare genuine smile crossing his face.

Their bond, forged through shared challenges and mutual respect, grew stronger with each passing moment.

They knew the road ahead would be filled with even greater trials, but together, they felt invincible.

The blimp descended, revealing their next destination: a dense, mysterious forest teeming with unknown dangers and hidden treasures. The remaining applicants steeled themselves, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"Let's do this," Togiri said, determination shining in his eyes.

"Right beside you," Fang replied, his resolve unwavering.

And so, the adventure continued, with new challenges and discoveries awaiting them at every turn.


Hope you enjoyed this continuation! If you liked the chapter, let me know in the comments and have a nice day.