Test x Of x Wits x And x Agility

Thanks on HidanFlo voting a powerstone.

Resuming the story.


"Now, let me explain the rules. If you can take this ball from me before the airship reaches its destination, you win."

"I believe we're scheduled to arrive at 6 AM? Well, that gives you nine hours. Feel free to attack me however you want. I won't touch you."

Netero changed into a black shirt and white sweat pants, leaving his wooden shoes behind. He held a yellow ball, large enough to be gripped by a single hand.

"Huh? That's too easy. You can't call that a game," Gon remarked. "I agree," Fang added, unimpressed by Netero's challenge.

"Why not give it a try first?" Netero suggested. "I agree," Togiri said with a thumbs-up and a mischievous grin.

@If only he knew how strong this old man really is,@ Seven chuckled, enjoying the moment.

"So, we just need to take the ball?" Killua asked. "Yes," Netero confirmed. "Then I'll go first." Killua began stretching.

"Go ahead," Netero said. Killua circled Netero, observing him closely.

Netero, seemingly unfazed, suddenly found himself surrounded by doppelgangers of Killua.

Each clone walked in a circle around him. 'Interesting! He activated this technique just by walking normally. I can't tell which one is real. Seven, can you identify how he did this? Can I replicate this technique?'

@No, the learning function is restricted. You must figure it out yourself, but I can replicate the technique to be used by the Virtual Fighting Avatar@ Seven replied.

'Can you gather enough data for the Avatar to use in Virtual Reality Fighting or do i need to ask Killua to performthis techniquea couple more times?' @Once is enough@

'If I recall, this assassin technique is called "Rymthn Echo". It might not be useful against stronger opponents, but any extra skill could be valuable.'

Killua attacked, disrupting his technique as he attempted to snatch the ball from Netero's right hand.

Netero dodged effortlessly, while Killua continued to strike, using both his hands and feet. They danced around each other, jumping, twisting, and turning. Netero moved unpredictably, as agile as a monkey.

At one point, both ended up upside down, balancing on their hands. Netero supported himself with his right arm, his left arm behind his back, and the ball resting on his rear/butt.

Fang laughed heartily at Netero's antics, while Killua grew increasingly frustrated.

Killua eventually stopped his relentless attacks. "What? That's it?" Netero balanced the ball on his nose like a seal.

"Hahaha!" Fang laughed so hard he was holding his stomach.

Togiri asked himself if he could win at full power with weapons but quickly dismissed it. @I think you have a pretty good chance. He became stronger after training to fight the Chimera Ant King in the story later?@

'Like I said beware if old man in a profession where man die young' @Sure sure@

'Is Seven a dumbass?' Togiri had the choice to let Seven hear his thoughts or not, usually opting for the latter.

Killua tried another attack with a scissor kick, but Netero stood his ground, enduring the blow with ease.

"Ouch... Right on his pivot leg!" Gon winced as if he'd been hit himself. "Hehe... ahhh OW!" Killua hopped on one leg, clutching his shin in pain.

'I barely saw it. At the last moment, Netero used Nen and blocked the attack, even trying to hide it with In. I always use Gyo, but if I hadn't, I would have missed it.'

"Killua! Tag! Tag! Oh, do you want to go before me?" Gon asked Togiri and Fang. "No, we'll go later. Don't worry," Togiri assured him with a thumbs-up.

Togiri then whispered to Fang, "Sorry, but let's sleep for a few hours and come back later." Fang was slightly annoyed since he was supposed to fight next.

"We'll come back later. See you later, Gon, Killua!" Togiri said as they walked away.

"Wait for me, old man! I'll get that ball. I'm not backing down," Fang shouted as Togiri dragged him away by his shirt.

'Seven, set a timer for 6 hours.' @Okay@ Gon resumed stretching after Togiri and Fang left. Without hesitation, he charged at Netero.

Gon suddenly vanished from Netero's view. Netero scanned the area and spotted Gon above him. 'He's fast.' Gon's smile faltered when he hit his head against the ceiling.

"Ow!" Gon cried, holding his head in pain and hopping around like a cat.

"Idiot! We know you can jump high! Control your strength! For a moment, the old man let his guard down!" Killua observed from the door.

'He may seem simple-minded, but he's actually quite clever,' Netero thought. "I messed up there," Gon admitted.

'They should keep me entertained until morning. And I have the other two to look forward to.'

Tonpa opened a door and saw Leorio and Kurapika sleeping soundly. 'What? They're asleep? Even after I warned them the test might occur on the airship.'

"What are you doing, Tonpa-san?" Togiri asked from behind.

"N-Nothing, haha... I just needed to use the restroom," Tonpa stammered as he walked away nervously.