Beyond x Gings x Shadow

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A pristine white room, covered in green buttons, echoed with the sound of a shirtless red-haired boy's labored breathing.

Fang, clad only in black pants, was jumping from button to button, sweat pouring down his face.

"Ha... Ha... Ha... Why! Only 10 left! Sigh~ Should I just give up and break my way out of this room?" Fang had pressed all the buttons correctly, and only 10 remained.

"Okay! Last 10. Last 10!" Fang wiped the sweat from his face and resumed his relentless jumping, pressing buttons with determined precision.

"This kid is a monster," muttered the examiner to himself, munching on cookies as he watched Fang.

"His movements are too fast to see properly, even when slowed down. He's challenging the hardest room in Trick Tower and will be the second to ever complete it."

The examiner chuckled to himself. "He's not as smart as that participant back then, but he's stronger, faster, and more persistent. Wait until I tell the others that someone beat the legendary Ging's record."

*Ding Dong* 'Last 10,' Fang pressed one of the remaining buttons. "Huh." The button turned blue, a color Fang hadn't seen before. He quickly pressed another button before the 5-second timer reset everything. The next button turned green.

He continued, pressing the remaining buttons. Suddenly, the last four buttons gave unexpected results. *TIK* *BLING* *DING BEEP*. One button turned black, another orange, one stayed white, and one flickered between green and red.

Fang stopped, puzzled. He stared at the five buttons in a row—blue, black, orange, white, and one flickering between green and red. "What? Five weird buttons... What's the deal with these colors?" He glanced around the room, then checked his stopwatch. Five minutes passed, and the colors didn't reset. Fang pressed the five buttons, but nothing happened.

"Now I get why this is a riddle... Puff." Fang blew out a frustrated breath. He retraced his steps, pressing the green buttons in the same sequence as before. When he finished, the last button turned white again. Fang pressed the blue button, and the white button changed to blue.

"Huh?" Fang tried pressing a few more buttons. "HUH?! How much time do I have? 65 hours? Did Togiri already reach the base of the Tower?"

Over 6 hours passed since Fang started in the white room. In another part of the Trick Tower, a room so dark that you couldn't see your own hands in front of your face was filled with sounds—traffic, planes landing, gunshots, and blades sharpening.

The air was thick with poisonous gas.

@This sucks! Why do I have to suffer? Why can't I just keep reading my books?@ 'Shut up and create another dozen Killua avatars, but this time make them half my strength. No, 60 percent.'

Togiri was mostly unaffected by the poisonous gas. The avatars, part of a Virtual Reality function, couldn't physically harm Togiri, but the pain they inflicted was real.

'It's getting harder to breathe. Time to go.' Togiri dashed forward, eliminating the blue Killua avatars with lightning-fast punches to their chests.

'Alright, where's the exit?' Togiri leaped up, piercing the ceiling with his hands. @The real-life Spider-Man. Hahaha@

Using En, Togiri quickly located the exit. He had spent over two hours searching while avoiding traps, but now, the fun was over.

As he entered the exit, a flamethrower greeted him with a blast of hot flames. Togiri didn't dodge, but used Nen to quickly cover him. He made a small shield and quickly threw a dagger destroying the flame thrower.

@Going from Spider-Man to Captain America is interesting. Whats next?@

Togiri ignored Seven. "Oh shit, my clothes!"

Togiri ran past the flamethrower and quickly pulled out identical clothes from his backpack, dressing in an instant.

'Ridiculous. My body is like steel. I don't need Nen when even iron swords can't cut through my muscles. But I should take better care of my clothes.'

Of course Togiri spoke when using Nen at the end of the day no matter how strong his body is, he's a human made of flesh and bones.

Quite a few top Nen users and fighters can receive bullets without getting injured, but Togiri was far from that, but Togiri could receive a sword slash from a normal person and be almost unharmed.

Togiri's combat level without weapons currently would be between D and C tier. That was probably also why under special skills his Nen was still D+++.

He is stronger than most Chimera Ants or beginner Nen users, but not Chimera Ants that were Squad Leaders or that awakened Nen and Nen users that fully developed their Nen ability.

But that was counting Togiri without weapons and without a developed Nen ability.

Togiri rounded a corner and stood before a monitor and two doors. "Do you want to compete against five examiners or three applicants?"

"Of course, O. The five examiners are prisoners. There's no way they'd have five real Hunters just to compete against one applicant."

Togiri pressed O. The right door opened, and after a short walk through a hallway, Togiri entered a gigantic room.

In the center was a square arena with four torches at each corner. Surrounding the arena was a bottomless pit, dark and seemingly endless.

Togiri wasn't afraid of heights, but he was wary of dying before he could fulfill his revenge.

If he fell, he could pierce his hands into the wall to stop his descent and jump his way up like when he sprang down to get a dream egg.


Meanwhile, the rest of the group arrived in a similar room, but larger.

"You bastard! You've just confirmed all my suspicions!" Leorio grabbed Tonpa by the collar.

"You're a worthless piece of trash, only good for sabotaging other applicants!"

Tonpa's expression shifted from fear to a wicked grin. "Exactly. That's what I do every year. And I plan to continue the tradition."

Tonpa's revelation shocked Gon and Leorio, but not Kurapika and Killua. "Wh-What?" stammered Leorio.

"I'm not looking to pass the Hunter Exam. I'm in it for the thrills." "The thrills?" Everyone except Leorio stared at Tonpa with cold, indifferent expressions.

"Yes. The Hunter Exam is a trial meant to crush the dreams of confident young people. The moment when ambition and hope give way to despair... gives me exquisite pleasure." Leorio's face twisted from anger to disgust.

"Especially when I'm the one shattering those rookies' dreams. I don't plan on becoming a Hunter. I've had my fun this year. It's time for me to bow out." Tonpa's smug attitude infuriated Leorio even more.

"You bastard!..." Leorio pulled back to punch Tonpa. "Take this!" "Stop, Leorio!" Kurapika's voice halted his fist an inch from Tonpa's nose.

"But, Kurapika..." Leorio protested. "They want us to waste our time fighting amongst ourselves."

Killua added, "If their goal is to buy time, then the old man made the right choice."

"Huh?" Leorio was puzzled. Killua continued, "That bald guy is probably a former soldier or mercenary."

"If you'd fought him, he would've started by crushing your throat so you couldn't surrender. Then he would've tortured you for the rest of the time..."

Tonpa's face turned pale. "Th-That was one possibility I considered... Ha-Ha..Ha." His lie was obvious to everyone.

"Regardless, we need to win three rounds to advance. We've already lost one," said Kurapika.

"Who'll go next?" asked Killua.

"Me! I'll go!" replied Gon, raising his hand.