Unraveling the Reviewer System

Double chapter 2 in 1


Togiri sat on the floor in his training room. The white metallic tiles reflected the light and shone on Togiri's excited expression.

Togiri looked at the plain white system window before him. The words *Tutorial starting...* were written in black before him.

"Weird it's been a few minutes since this system window popped up. Seven.... he is still not answering. Is it a bug?"

Togiri only grew more impatient every second. For the last 5 years, he didn't get a golden finger main characters from novels, and Manhwa, manhua have gotten.

Except for a little help at blacksmithing and having opponents to fight Togiri found the system useless and disappointing.

*An hour passed*

After an hour Togiri couldn't wait anymore and stood up because he was hungry. As he stood up the system window finally changed *Tutorial postponed. This world doesn't meet the requirements*

Togiri was baffled. "What does that mean? Why can't the tutorial start?" *Ding* Another system window popped up.

*Finalising update of the Reviewer System*

*Ding Ding Ding* Togiri heard hundreds of bells ringing at almost the same time and hundreds of system windows popped up. The same scene that happened while Togiri was asleep.

"Seven, help!" Togiri began to hold his ears in pain of the system prompts but the sound he heard was telepathic.

"Arghhhhh" Togiri was on his knees holding his head. His head became tomato red and veins started bulging on his forehead from pain.

This lasted for half an hour until it suddenly stopped. Togiri was laying on the ground almost unconscious @....@ ....r...@ @.....ter..@ @Master!@

Togiri heard Seven's voice and slowly muttered "h..eal..me..." Togiri closed his eyes and expected the slow healing effects from Seven to kick in, but in just a breath his pain was gone.

Togiri's eyes slammed open. He jumped up in surprise. "What happened? How did you heal me so quickly?" He asked bewildered.

@Existence Points@ said Seven nonchalant. "E..xistence Points?" @Yeah@

Togiri noticed something odd. Seven's shrill kid voice seemed to be older. His voice changed from a high-pitched 6-year-old to a young boy before puberty.

He wanted to say something but ignored it for the time being. "What are those and why didn't you react when I called you? I have been saying your name for the last hour."

Seven often Ignored Togiri, but never his orders. This made Togiri feel betrayed.

@I have been upgraded and became older. I feel closer to my dream of having a real physical body one day. @ Seven said with yearning.

@Ahem. Anyways, there are a bunch of features, but also a big problem. A mark was left on your soul and existence.

Anytime the being who gave you the power to create the Reviewer System and me can take your strength and system away.@

Togiri eyes widened in disbelief, but quickly a demonic smile appeared on his face. "I wouldn't except anyless from those bastards." @Me neither@

"What can I do to remove the mark?" Togiri asked directly, but Seven hesitated to answer.

@....You need to give up all the strength accumulated since you entered this world. @

Togiri was again shocked, but regained his calm a moment later "My Nen is at the beginner level anyway"

@...not only your Nen, but your physical strength too@ Togiri pupils shook. "My... hard earned body?" Togiri's was heart was shaken.

For him his body was the only thing that made his desires of revenge slightly bearable.

His blacksmithing skills couldn't improve to master level, his 1 year worth of Nen training couldn't be compared to Fang's half assed training for a week.

Seven tried to reassure him that he will quickly regain his strength with the system, but Togiri blocked his voice from entering his mind and sat in silence for a good while.

"How can I become the strongest if I don't take risks? What are my last five years of hard work worth? I built up my money and knowledge, but my strength barely improved.

What are five years worth? Even if it were ten or a hundred years, I would sacrifice them without blinking an eye to get my revenge. What am I hesitating for?"

Togiri unmuted Seven and with cold eyes he spoke the words "Do it" @Yes, master@

*Removing authority mark* said the system promt and a system window appeared showing an empty bar slowly filling.

Togiri felt his body slowly becaming heavier. The energy getting sucked out of him as if he didn't sleep for 2 days.

He could see his muscless decreasing at visible speed. He clenched his right hand into a fist with all his strength until he slowly felt as if he had no strength in bones.

His body became thinner and eye lids appeared on his face. A few minutes later Togiri looked like a completely different person.

A literal former shell of hid former self. His well built physique was gone and so was his Nen. He was frail and looked visible malnourished.

Togiri felt the weight of his clothes crushing him. She quickly took of his pants and shirt. When he looked at chopsticks arm and legs he shuddered.

His tone and trained muscles were gone. His six Pack dissapeared and his fat also dissapeared until you could every single rip detailed on Togiri's chest.

"Makes sense that I am this malnourished since when I first was transported here I was also malnourished and frail"

*growl* "I should order a ton of food" While Togiri was ordering over a dozen kinds of meat he saw the bar was stuck at 65 percent.

*Ding* *The energy is insufficient. Using EP (Existence Point).* The bar was filled in a few breath.

*Authority mark removed* Togiri looked lifeless at the system window before him until Seven spoke. @You will regain your strength in a few days don't worry@

Togiri muttered in a frail voice "Seven what did the system update change?"

@Look at it yourself@ A competly different system window appeared. Togiri could only call up his status window or Virtual Fighting by voice, but now he saw a real system window before his eyes.

1. Status

2. Shop

3. Inventory


5. Training Simulator (Virtual Fighting)

6. Crafting

7. Karma

Togiri first checked out his status window. Just like before his status was displayed in numerical value



Strength: 0.1

Agility: 0.1

Vitality: 0.1

The standard of an adult male was described as 1. Togiri with his pre-pubescent body reached the numbers 12-13.

Even if he had no talent either body or Nen, he reached his physical limit in training with willpower and the healing from Seven.

Now he was even weaker than when he first was transported as a six-year-old. It was a miracle he could even stand and hold his phone to order food.

"It's weird, this time no mean review was written. Let's move on before it's written"


Nen (not learned)

That was all. Previously his normal skills were locked, but at special skills, his Nen was at D+++ and his blacksmithing was also at A-.

Togiri quickly moved on to shop. He clicked on it a huge number of pictures flashed before his eyes.

At the left corner was the word SP(Shop Points) written. Currently, he owned 0 shop points, but above it was another two words written. 1 Million EP (Existence Points), 0 RW(Reviewer Points).

"Why are there 3 kind of points?" Seven chimed-in @Shop Points (SP) can only be used in the shop. Existence Points (EP) can be used to heal you or to convert to either SP or RW (Reviewer Points), but the Reviewer part of the system has been locked to some unknown problem.

The conversion of EP to SP is 10 to 1.@ Togiri was slightly confused. What were existence points and why did it sound familiar then a memory flashed across his mind.

'When I first left Earth and was transported into the white void I talked with some high being. He mentioned Existence Points, but it quickly left my mind as if it were forced out of me.'

"What are Existence Points?" @This is easy they are &€♤▪︎◇□%...weird. Why can't I remember?@

Togiri remained calm and thought about it for a while, but he couldn't come up with a reasonable theory.

He continued to look through the shop and a few items took him by suprise and he smiled which he didn't do often. "Before I buy that item I should check the other thing out from the update"


Before Togiri was a game-like inventory with 10 empty spaces. He put his hand into the system window. Usually his hand phase through but this time he felt his hand was being pulled slightly in.

After putting a few things into his inventory he summarised his experience in his notebook like usual.

"Same items get stacked. Time is flowing the same outside as inside that space. Fire doesn't get extinguished inside it, but continues to burn. It doesn't change the temperature of items. Also, I need to physically pull out the items and can't make them appear in my hand."

Togiri continued to move on. He now checked his status, skills, inventory, and shop. The remaining things were Karma, Training Simulator and Crafting.

The things that first caught his eye were the word the last on the list Karma and Togiri pressed on the word, not following the order.

A system window popped up. *After the Tutorial was accessible* Togiri pressed it again and the same text came.

Togiri looked at Crafting and saw a simple game-like window where several boxes were empty and a plus symbol was between the boxes.

Togiri currently had no material at hand and threw in a few random items. A water bottle + a water bottle made a bigger water bottle.

"It's the same amount of water and the volume of the bottles also stayed the same, but it's like somebody fused the plastic together. This needs to be further tested"

Togiri left the Crafting Menu and then clicked on the last option remaining Training Simulator (Virtual Fighting).

Togiri looked at it and sighed. It was the same as before but made in visual form. He had two lists. A list of people he could choose and a list of techniques he could let them use.

"I think the best function of the Training Simulator is to gain experience and learn a few techniques"

A few hours passed since Togiri first started to explore his improved Reviewer System. He felt it was still lacking in the typical cheat system, but he knew it was more than enough for now.

*Du Du dududududu Du dududu Du Du dududududu Du dududu* Togiri's phone rang. "Yeah?" "Can't you hear me knocking on the door? We got your food." Togiri hurried toward the door in his training room and opened it.

It was Rika holding several bags of food for 10, but she dropped it all when she saw Togiri.

Togiri looked at his body and then at Rika. He completely forgot he was in underwear and he looked like a skeleton. He looked like an abused boy who hungered for months.

"Rika let me explain, this is only temporary. Come inside" Rika was extremly shaken but she followed his orders.

*Half an hour later*

Rika calmed down and Togiri finished eating the food that was in the bags. Togiri licked his finger and sat down beside Rika on the floor.

Her eyes scanned him up and down, her disturbed face told him everything. "Listen. Instead of making up a false story, I will just say that this is only temporary."

Rika was a great beauty. She had silk-like black hair. White porcelain-like skin, peach-like lips, and a beauty mark under her left eye.

She was 10 years older than Togiri. In time Togiri was 25 years old, 20 on Earth and 5 years on this planet, but his body was 13 and hers was 23.

Although Togiri found her alluring he would be often disgusted by her. Sometimes Rika the strong competent woman who leads a whole company acted cute and like a little girl.

He couldn't know if this was a ploy or not. He would rather be on the safe side and not even show a little weakness in front of his subordinate than become close, but he kept up the pretenses.

He played the role of a highly intelligent boy. They wanted to achieve good in the world but used a few evil means to do so.

Rika honestly didn't care as long as she could save up her big paycheck and also grow the company where she owned 20 percent of the stocks.

Togiri owned 60 percent of the company stocks and the rest was sold, bought, and reselled again to raise the price and value of the company.

Rika was a very intelligent young woman. Even if she wasn't loyal anymore towards Togiri, he was certain he could provide enough benefits to keep her.

You can only force to destroy someone, but not to keep them. If anyone wanted to leave Togiri they could do so, but he made sure to be generous to the loyal people.

That was something he learned by reading novels. 'I think I will buy the items after she leaves'

Rika has been briefing Togiri about their new 3 products being close to being released and circulated in the market.

The weapons the Phantom Society produced and sold were all more hidden. They were more suitable on single targets, but they also produced a few multiple-target weapons.

The weapons ranged from enhanced daggers that could shoot out the blade and were replaced with specialized mini bombs and granates.

The Phantom Society was to clean up dirt, produce weapons, generate money and increase Togiri's status so that regular problems except killing weren't an issue for him. Now with the Hunter License, the last problem was also solved.

Togiri couldn't go around killing people because he became a Hunter, but if he had justification or it was part of the job there would be no problems.


"See you, bye" Togiri closed the door. @Finally she left. Hearing her talk about the Phantom Society and boring stuff is annoying@

"I still can't quite get used to your older voice. If I update the system again will it reach your teenage years?" Togiri said jokingly.

@Probably. Now that you mentioned I didn't have time to tell you. You currently have 1.027.682 Existence Points, which is enough to upgrade the Reviewer System again. Do you want to do it?@

Togiri thought about it but shook his head. "Not at the moment, but maybe soon. Once I see my strength increasing slowly I will do it."

Togiri sat down slowly because his body was frail enough that if he hit the floor hard he could break his whole hip.

"Open the shop and convert. A hundred thousand EP to SP (Shop Points). Togiri saw two of the 3 numbers in the left corner of the system window changing.

"It's still weird how are there three currencies. Seven how could I increase my Shop Points if I didn't have Existence Points?"

@There are a couple of ways. The easiest three would be to convert Reviewer Points or Existence Points to Shop Points, the second would be to complete quests and the third would be to kill.@

This stunned Togiri. "Do you mean I can kill everything or humans?" @Everything, but the stronger the more points. I think you would need to kill a million mosquitoes for a single Shop Point@

"Doesn't that mean I have a whole lot of Shop Points?" Seven chuckled. @Even if you think your efforts of the last five years were wasted. They can make you in a week multiple times stronger than Fang probably.@

*Conversion Complete* Togiri a few times and bought a few items that were automatically placed in hand.

10 000 Shop Points disappeared quickly. Togiri bought himself a Nen awakening pill. It was a blue round pill and the description of it was [Fully open your Aura nodes and awaken to the world of Nen].

Togiri smelled and looked at the pill, but couldn't figure a single thing out about its origins. Togiri placed it in his mouth and before he could even bite or swallow it the pill disappeared.

For a few seconds, nothing happened and then Togiri could feel a waterfall hit his body from all sides. "Hng" This was a very uncomfortable feeling.

'I feel like I am in a torrent and getting pulled down to the ocean floor.' This lasted for a few minutes.

*Congratulations. You have awakened Nen. Current Aura 100. Nen (entry-level)*

"Wow! I feel like I have even opened aura nodes that I didn't previously. My Nen is flowing more smoothingly than before. I feel like my master in Nen increased by at least doubled."

Togiri called up his Skills Window and saw that Nen changed from not learned to entry level and his Aura Capacity was shown.

"The 5 thousand for a Nen awakening pill was worth it. Interesting. Now to these pills." Before Togiri was a small mountain of brown pills and orange pills.

The brown pills were body tempering pills. Increasing his physical strength and the orange pills were aura-increasing pills.

@Gon's potential aura output without resting when fighting Knuckel was 21500. Knuckles Nen ability Bine, aka debt collector, allowed to lend Gon more than 100 Aura with a single punch.@

"Hmm. Good to know. So my current goal is to reach 25000 Aura and at least be able to stand on footing with Gon Aura level. I didn't see anything in the shop to increase my master of Nen."

@Until the tutorial is complete you can't acces that, but you now have a new option in the System window.@ Togiri opened the system window to look.

1. Status

2. Shop

3. Inventory

4. Skills

5. Training Simulator (Virtual Fighting)

6. Crafting Tab

7. Karma

8. Nen Affinity

Togiri clicked on the number eight 8 and saw a Nen chart. Conjuration 100%, Transmutation 80%, Enhancement 60%, Emmision 40%, Manipulation 60% , Specialization 0%

Togiri saw a minus and button on each Nen category except specialization. He pressed plus on Transmutation but nothing happened.

"Seven, what is supposed to happen?" @You can control 10 percent of your Nen Affinity and give it another category.@

"Oh! So I can reduce 100% Conjuration to 90% and add the 10% to Transmutation"

Togiri did it and didn't feel anything changing. "This works well with Phantom Pages. The Transmutation part of my ability is when I create the page and summon the book.

Ripping and summoning the Phantom Warrior doesn't have a big need for Conjuration. I can give 10% of my Conjuration to Manipulation, so when I write commands the aura loss is less.

Or I could give it to Enhancement so when I actively increase the power of the Phantom Warrior once summoned the strength, speed, and durability increase is bigger.

Another option would be to use it on my weakest Nen category Emission. If I enhance my Phantom Warrior I need to stay close within a few feet because too much Aura gets lost and it becomes less effective the further I am, but now I can probably increase my distance by a few feet."

Togiri already planned out the practical aspects of this new system function in battle.

"Is there a way to increase this Nen Affinity?" @Seven said yeah. Ten thousand existence points for 1 percent.@

"That's expensive. If it took 5 years to make 1 million existence points I can't just waste them. I also don't know how to replenish them since Seven starts to bug when I ask."

Togiri looked at his Existence Points in the corner of his status window. 927.682 -> 927.683

"Wait, how did the points just go up by one?" Togiri asked himself. He had a few theories, but couldn't confirm them.

"No risk no gain Let's use another hundred thousand and raise the Nen Affinity by 10 percent, doubling the previous number and making the total number he could move 20 percent.

"Let's get back to the pills before me" Togiri took a brown body tempering pill before him. Unlike before it didn't disappear once it was in Togiri's mouth, but he quickly swallowed it.

"I wonder if the effects will be the same as before. Another tidal wave hitting my body." Togiri closed his eyes and focused, gripping his knees while sitting.

Suddenly a magical feeling flowed in Togiri's body. He felt his body being nourished and steeled as if he trained for months.

A system prompt could ring in Togiri's ears *Congratulations for embarking on the journey of Immortal Cultivation*

"What!" Togiri quickly opened his skills window and saw the proof he wanted.


Nen (entry-level)

Togiri didn't find what he was looking for ans opened his status window.



Strength: 0.3

Agility: 0.3

Vitality: 0.3

Body Cultivation - First Layer of Body Refining (not started)


Usually it would take a month or two of training hard training to gain 0.2 point in strength, speed and vitality.

Togiri almost reached 13.0 in all three stats in almost five years, but that was Togiri achieving the impossible. Seven had to constantly heal him at maximum output while he was training and Fang still slowly caught up to him.

At first Togiri thought he had only bad potential in Nen, but after seein Fang progress he understood his overal internal and external potential was despairing to own, but now it was different.

A dozen thoughts flashed in Togiri's mind. He quickly opened the shop and looked for a specific item. "Come on. Come on. Please be here....FUCK" Togiri sighed in disappointment.

The Qi-increasing pill he searched for wasn't there nor any skills about cultivation.

"This means without a proper Body Cultivation Technique I can only keep swallowing pills which accumulate toxins in my body from the pill. Is there any toxin-removing pill.... I found it for 5000 thousand? So expensive! It's the same price as the Nen awakening pill"

Togiri was dissapointed for a short moment but his excitement at his strength growing and to embark on the path of Immortal Cultivators that could destroy whole worlds massively excited him.

Togiri looked at the Aura-increasing pills and body-tempering pills before him and a vicious smile appeared. "If I don't have any Shop Points anymore, Seven said I can just get more by killing." Togiri's face would have made his loved ones shudder.