Blood Spilled

"It's already evening, and I barely visited home in the last month. Mom, Dad, and Lilia are probably worried about me." Togiri attempted to lift his 50 kg pants and 50 kg shirt, but they were too heavy to wear with ease like before.

"Seven, now that the system's updated, can you manipulate the weight more too?"

@Of course! Previously, I could only manipulate things touching you by 25 kg, but now I can increase it to 200 kg. I can reduce your clothes to zero weight if you want.@

Togiri chuckled softly. He was no longer surprised by Seven's upgrades. "Do that. My training regime is changing. I'll focus on my body weight instead of using gym equipment."

"If I increase my pants and shirt each by 200 kg, I'd be carrying 400 kg. That will increase the force in combat. The momentum alone would be insane."

He recalled his previous fight with Hanzo. He had managed to push him back a little by increasing his clothes to 150 kg, but Hanzo still crushed him in every way.

"Let's pack up and head out. I ate enough food for ten people earlier, but now I'm hungry again. My metabolism has skyrocketed. Unless I can nourish myself with qi, I'll need to increase my food intake by twenty times."

@There is a pill in the shop for that too. If you eat it you dont need to eat for a month, but for your body is probably gonna be at most a week. It costs 10 Shop Points@

"Too expensive I can't waste any points for useless things like that. I have enough money to buy steaks into my inventory. The same item stacks in the inventory. Time flows like normal, but I can just buy beef jerky for a few days when I don't have time to order food."

As Togiri walked home, he replayed the day's events in his mind. There was much to process. He decided to walk instead of taking a taxi, using the time to think.

Suddenly, a scream pierced the air from about a hundred meters away. His enhanced senses alerted him before the noise fully registered. 'My sensitivity has improved... they are much sharper now.'

He quickly approached the source and saw a young man lying in an alley, his white shirt stained with blood. Above him stood a hulking older man with a protruding belly, grinning as he kicked the young man viciously.

"Argh!" The victim spat blood, his body going limp. "That's what you get, you little punk!" the older man sneered, kicking him one last time.

Togiri's gaze fixed on a floating number above the man's head—*12* in stark black lettering.

'What's that? Shop points? Existence points? And why can I only see it now? Is it because I want to kill him?'

The older man noticed Togiri. "What do you want, kid? Walk away if you don't wanna end up like him."

Togiri's lips curled into a wicked grin. "I was saving my strength for tomorrow, but why waste this chance to test it out?"

He stepped forward, dropping his backpack as he rolled up his sleeves. The older man sighed, his patience wearing thin.

"Another brat with no manners, huh?" the man spat on the beaten man beside him.

The man swung at Togiri, but before his hand could descend, Togiri's fist connected with his nose. Blood sprayed, and the man stumbled back, clutching his face.

"I didn't use enough strength to break it. Sorry, let me try again," said Togiri, his voice cold.

Before the man could react, Togiri's second punch shattered his nose with a sickening crack. The older man screamed, only for Togiri to silence him with a swift calf kick to his left knee, which crumpled under the pressure.

The gangster collapsed, clutching his destroyed knee and howling in agony.

Togiri knelt down, pressing his knee against the man's throat. "Shhh... You don't want the police to come, do you?"

Terror filled the man's eyes. 'This kid's a demon!' he thought. Togiri's nonchalant brutality terrified him.

Togiri continued, his voice dripping with malice. "This city's full of vermin like you. People think Momo City's all about opportunity because of the Heaven Arena, but it's just a breeding ground for trash."

As Togiri's knee pressed firmly against the old man's throat, a look of utter terror appeared on the gangster's face.

The old man's pleas for mercy came out as choked whispers, barely audible. ", let"

Togiri's gaze was cold, his dark brown eyes reflecting a deep, abyss-like intensity. "Answer me these questions, and I'll let you live," Togiri released a little of his Ren with murderous intent.

The old man's eyes widened in panic. Togiri's presence was overwhelming, and the weight of his threat seemed almost palpable. "Yes! Yes! Anything! Just let me go!"

Togiri's knee slightly loosened, but his voice firm. "Which group do you belong to?" he demanded.

The old man's hesitation was visible; he was struggling to find the right words amidst the throes of pain. "The Blue Mask Monkeys," he finally gasped out, tears streaming down his face. Togiri increased the pressure on the old man's throat.

The gangster howled in pain, his body trembling uncontrollably. "Where is your hideout?" Togiri's voice grew colder, his killing intent radiating from him like a dark cloud.

"ARGH. At 34 Jompong Street. In the basement! Please, please stop!"

Togiri's lips curled into a satisfied smile. "Alright, thank you." Togiri stood up back, giving the old man a moment of relief. The gangster took a deep breath, his body shaking as he tried to regain composure.

Just as the old man thought he had been granted a reprieve, Togiri's expression shifted to one of malevolent delight. Without warning, Togiri snapped his neck with a swift, decisive motion.

"I said I would let you live," Togiri said, his grin widening, "but I never said for how long."

The old man's eyes widened in shock before his head hit the pavement. He was laying lifelessly on the ground.

Togiri stood over him, a twisted satisfaction curling his lips. So this is how it feels to kill. It's deeply satisfying. My desire for revenge feels somewhat fulfilled.'

Togiri knew he had to learn to kill one way or the other and to be honest except for kids he didn't really care that much outside of his family.

Togiri turned his attention to the system window before him. The numbers had shifted:

731,708 EP

12 SP

0 RP

His Shop Points had indeed increased. He examined the results with a sense of grim satisfaction. He had confirmed his theory about the Shop Points, and now he needed to explore how the Existence Points worked in relation to his new understanding.

@Master, I just gained new information. When killing you can not only absorb that person's energy into Shop Points, but also their body. The body of humans in this world are worth almost nothing, but if you killed animals you would gain more points, especially if they were of a magical race like the Kiriko in the Hunter Exam.@

As Togiri turned his focus to the young man he had saved, he felt a twinge of guilt. The young man, Ryoichi Kael, a 24-year-old detective, was still lying on the ground. Togiri approached him with a mix of curiosity and impatience.

He slapped Ryoichi hard across the face, startling him. "Stop pretending. Who did this to you and why?"

Ryoichi, still recovering from his injuries, glared up at Togiri with defiant eyes. "You think you're a hero, don't you? This was just... cold murder."

Togiri's patience was wearing thin. He used his En to sweep over the young man. He pushed the young man onto his back, revealing the hidden wallet and phone.

"Hiding your wallet and phone under your stomach wasn't a bad idea," Togiri said, rummaging through them.

He read the name on the wallet aloud. "Ryoichi Kael. Detective of Momo City. Pretty young for a detective." He flipped through the contacts on Ryoichi's phone, noting mundane entries like 'Girlfriend,' 'Parents,' 'Boss,' and 'Friends.'

Togiri's eyes narrowed. "Your brother died eight years ago, but you still message his deactivated number. You became a cop to bring justice to the world. How cliché." He laughed bitterly.

Togiri kneeled down and looked Ryoichi directly in his eyes "Do you really believe your justice system will change anything? The only thing that matters is strength."

Ryoichi's fists clenched in frustration, his lip trembling as he bit back tears. Togiri's words cut deep, especially in the face of his current situation.

"Do you really think you'll get away with this?" Ryoichi said defiantly. Togiri taunted, a cruel smile on his face. "I'm a Hunter. I have justification to kill."

He pulled out his Hunter License and showed it to Ryoichi, revealing his name. "Do you think the Hunter Association or the police care if I eliminate a third-rate criminal who was assaulting a young detective? No, they'll reward me."

Togiri picked up his backpack and turned to leave, feeling a surge of satisfaction. 'Seven, can you tell me if there is a sudden increase in Existence Points in the next three hours?'

@Sure if you do me a favour. If you let me spend ten thousand Existence Points to update, I can form a body in your consciousness.@

'If my theory is about Existence Points is correct, I'll let you spend ten thousand EP. You've got a deal," Togiri agreed.

Togiri walked home, his thoughts racing. He kept a careful watch on the people around him, but no numbers appeared above their heads. 'I think the requirements for activating Shop Points might involve someone hostile or of above-average strength.' he mused.

Reaching home, Togiri inserted his key into the lock. The familiar sight of his house brought a sense of comfort.

@Master your Existence Points just increased by 17 in 2 minutes.@ 'My theory is correct. Increasing my fame will also increase my Existence Points.'

@You are correct that is one of the many ways to gain Existence Points@ 'So you can't tell me directly what Existence Points are or how I gain them, but after my experiment you can confirm it? Ridiculous'

Togiri twisted his key and opened the door. Beforehe could fully enter, a small figure bumped into his legs. "Oni-chan!" Lilia's excited voice filled the space as she clung to his leg, her face glowing with pure joy.

Togiri bent down and enveloped her in a warm embrace, his face softening. "Did you grow again? Soon, you'll be taller than me," he said with a gentle smile.

Lilia beamed up at him, eyes sparkling. "Look, Togiri oni-chan! I'm going to grow big and tall, just like you!"

Togiri laughed, his heart swelling with affection. "You will, Lilia. And one day, we'll reach the top of the tallest tower together!"

Lilia giggled, her excitement palpable. "Yeah! Stars and the moon! And I'll be as tall as the tallest tower!"

"Where are Mom and Dad?" Togiri asked, his tone shifting to curiosity.

Lilia's smile widened. "Mommy is baking cookies. Daddy is sleeping. Sh~ Mommy said not to wake him up," she said, mimicking her mother's scolding tone.

"Alright," Togiri said, reaching into his bag. He pulled out a large children's book titled *Emperor Duck in Space* in bright yellow letters.

Lilia's eyes widened with excitement. "Read me! Read me!" she squealed, jumping up and down.

@Your turning her into a bookworm like you@ Togiri patted her head and walked with while holding her hand.

'She is only 3. She can't read. Once she gets older I will be more and more away. She is also missing Fang'

@You should focus more on training. Her mother doesn't need to do anymore administrative work and her father also barely works anymore, because he doesn't need to anymore. Fang's winnings from the Heaven Arena coupled with the profits from the Phantom Society even their grandchildren don't need to work a day in their life.@

'You don't need to remind me about training. About the money.... I will use a huge amount to gain Shop Points. Curently 95 percent of the profits I make is used to grow the company, but that will now change.'

As they settled in, Togiri's mind wandered. 'She's only three. She doesn't know yet how much my path will take me away from her.' he thought with a tinge of sadness.

The evening passed quickly. After dinner and spending time with his family Togiri returned to his room, ready to explore his new crafting abilities.

In his room was a big table with metals and many instruments and blue prints. He examined the metal pieces on his table, eager to test out the new system features.

He placed the metal into the crafting slot, but nothing happened. A familiar chime rang in his mind: *Congratulations on your first attempt at crafting. Until the tutorial is complete, only basic items can be crafted. Currently, you can only craft items you are familiar with.*

Images of potential crafts appeared, and Togiri selected a dagger. The system window displayed a countdown: [30 minutes until crafting is completed].

Togiri waited patiently. The dagger appeared in his inventory 'The shop items get spat out from the system window, but the dagger automatically appeared in my inventory' @This can be configured how you want@

Togiri took the time out of his inventory and examined it closely. 'The craftsmanship is excellent, even slightly better than what I can make,' he noted, impressed by the efficiency of the system.

'To create a dagger of this quality and sharpness I would need almost half a day and many instruments, but the system made it in 30 minutes and even slightly better than me'

Togiri sighed a little 'If I had this system function when I first arrived I wouldn't have starven. Even now I could increase the production speed of weapons in the company, but I would need how to create a few things from the ground. It would be a waste of time'

He contemplated the next steps. 'I'll explore the Simulator Training feature. Seven, are there any specific improvements?'

@Yes. You can now train while sleeping or meditating, though it won't physically enhance your body. This training will be conducted within your consciousness,@ Seven explained.

Togiri sighed, appreciating the value but aware of its limitations. 'It's useful for improving techniques and combat experience. I'll make the most of it.'

@Master I wouldn't recommend training more than 1 hour or 2 while sleeping, because mental fatigue@

As he prepared for sleep, Togiri walked over to his wardrobe and opened a hidden compartment. He pulled out a duffle bag full of syringes.

@Master, tranquilizing yourself to sleep isn't necessary anymore. The system can now force your consciousness to sleep@

Togiri's pupils shook. "And the nightmares?" he asked outloud instead via mind.

@... that cannot be changed. I'm sorry, Master@ Seven responded apologetically.

Togiri layed down, trying to ease his disappointment. Nightmares had been a constant, haunting presence since his first night in this world, but he had managed to endure them for the sake of his training and goals.

He closed his eyes, commanding Seven to start the Training Simulator. Togiri's transparent form floated in a vast black void, a space that invoked unsettling memories.

It reminded him of the white void where he encountered the higher being who let his suffering begin.

Togiri resented his past naive and foolish self that was delusional to want to live like the main characters of novels and anime.

"Seven? Can you hear me?" Togiri called out.

"Yes, Master," Seven responded, his voice a soothing presence in the void. "Please grant me permission to construct a body in your consciousness."

A system window appeared, prompting Togiri to spend ten thousand Existence Points for the construction of Seven's meta-body. He confirmed, and the process began.

Before him, a dazzling golden light swirled into a humanoid form. The result was a striking figure—a boy with golden hair and eyes, dressed in elegant white and blue attire.

Seven looked like a prince from a manhwa, radiating an ethereal charm. Togiri's eyes widened in surprise. "You really went all out with this body."

Seven approached with an enthusiastic grin. "Master!" He opened his arms to hug Togiri.

Just as Seven reached Togiri he swung back, Togiri swiftly kicked him in the ribs. "You still don't change. I wondered why you were so obedient the past three months."

Seven clutched his ribs, wincing in pain. "Haha, I was just joking, Master. I would never punch you hehe"

Togiri rolled his eyes but smiled. "Sure you were. Now, let's start the Training Simulator."

"Close your eyes and imagine the scenario you want to train in, or simply state it," Seven instructed.

'He wants to get another cheap shot in'. "Hunter Exam, last phase arena against Hanzo, but reduce his strength to match mine."

In an instant, Togiri found himself in the familiar arena, facing a slightly altered Hanzo. The realism of the simulation was striking, enhancing the training experience.

Togiri would have belived he time traveled if he didn't see Hanzo frozen far away from him and the room empty.

Togiri prepared for the battle, pulling out his dagger and bracing himself for the fight. 'Even my dagger is here'

As Togiri dashed forward Hanzo was unfrozen. Both like in the original fight clashed against each other.

Sparks flew from Togiri dagger and Hanzo's kunai colliding.

"Let's start the real fight!" A child like smile appeared on Togiri's face.