Character Birthdays and Ages

Togiri 13 (25) years old but actuallly half a year younger because he is the samw age Gon. Original Birthday February 7.

Fang is also 13 years old, but his Birthday is on May 23.

Lilia is 3 years old and her birthday is on June 14.

Arthur 46 years old, August 30 - Fang father

Julia is 39 years old, december 2, Fang's mother

Kastriot - 27 years old, January first. Fang brother and once was the most wanted criminal in the world, but dissapeared from the world many years ago.

Rika Vermillion is 32 years, birthday unknown.

Kaizen is 28 years old, birthday unknown.

The other squad members are also around 30 years old, Tsuchi is the oldest.