chapter 3: history

The days passed, filled with rigorous training and meditation. With the guidance of the spirit of the Devouring Dragon Art, I advanced rapidly, honing my skills and deepening my understanding of cultivation. Yet, a nagging doubt gnawed at the edges of my mind: why did the art I had created on Earth possess a spirit in this world?

One evening, as I sat by a campfire, the spirit spoke again. "You seem troubled, Lucifer."

"I am," I admitted. "I created the Devouring Dragon Art on Earth, yet here it has a spirit. How is that possible?"

The spirit's voice was gentle yet firm. "There are many mysteries in the universe, young cultivator. Perhaps you did not create the art but rediscovered it. The knowledge may have been within you, waiting to resurface."

This explanation provided some comfort, but the doubt remained. Determined to find answers, I decided to seek out a place of knowledge. If this cultivation world had existed for thousands of years, surely there would be records or historians who could shed light on the origins of the Devouring Dragon Art.

Packing my belongings, I set off towards the nearest city, known for its grand library and ancient archives. The journey was long, but the thought of uncovering the truth kept me focused. Along the way, I encountered other cultivators and beasts, each encounter testing my resolve and sharpening my skills.

Upon reaching the city, I headed straight for the library. It was an imposing structure, with towering columns and intricately carved stone walls. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of old parchment and the hum of whispered conversations. Scholars and cultivators alike perused the vast collection of texts.

Approaching the librarian, an elderly man with a long white beard and piercing eyes, I asked, "I seek information about ancient cultivation techniques. Can you help me?"

The librarian's eyes narrowed slightly. "Ancient techniques are often shrouded in secrecy. Why do you seek such knowledge?"

Choosing my words carefully, I replied, "I have encountered a unique technique during my travels. I wish to learn more about its origins and those who practiced it before me."

He studied me for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Follow me."

He led me to a secluded section of the library, where he pulled out a dusty tome bound in dragonhide. "This book contains records of powerful cultivation techniques and their histories. Be warned, seeking such knowledge can be dangerous."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his words. I eagerly flipped through the pages, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I read, the truth began to unfold. The Devouring Dragon Art was indeed ancient, its origins lost in the mists of time. It had been passed down through generations, its secrets fiercely guarded. Many had sought to master it, but few succeeded. Those who did often left their mark on history, their names whispered with awe and fear.

My hands trembled as I read a passage that confirmed my suspicions: "The Devouring Dragon Art is said to possess a spirit, an ancient consciousness that guides and protects the worthy. This spirit chooses its vessels carefully, bestowing its power upon those it deems fit."

I sat back, stunned. The art I had thought I created was, in fact, a powerful legacy that had transcended worlds and time. Somehow, the knowledge had found its way to me on Earth, and now I was part of a long lineage of cultivators.

Thanking the librarian, I left the library with a heavy heart. The revelations had answered some questions but raised even more. As I walked through the bustling streets, I couldn't shake the feeling that my journey was part of something much larger than I had ever imagined.

That night, as I sat alone in my rented room, the spirit spoke again. "You have learned the truth, Lucifer. The Devouring Dragon Art is a legacy, not just a creation. You are now its guardian."

"I understand," I said quietly. "But why me? Why now?"

"The universe has its reasons. You have the potential to achieve greatness, to surpass those who came before you. Embrace your destiny and continue to grow."

With renewed resolve, I vowed to honor the legacy of the Devouring Dragon Art. My path was clearer now, the weight of history resting on my shoulders. I was no longer just a cultivator seeking power; I was a guardian of an ancient tradition, destined to unlock its true potential.

Aware of the danger that knowledge of my art could bring, I resolved to keep it a closely guarded secret. The librarian's warning echoed in my mind. I would tell no one of the Devouring Dragon Art or its spirit. In this world, power often attracted danger, and I could not afford to expose myself to such risks.

As I continued my journey, I adopted a more cautious approach. In battles, I refrained from using the more distinctive techniques of the Devouring Dragon Art, relying instead on more common martial arts to defeat my opponents. When I meditated or trained, I did so in secluded areas, away from prying eyes.

My interactions with other cultivators became carefully managed. I presented myself as an enthusiastic but ordinary cultivator, eager to learn and improve. This facade allowed me to blend in and avoid undue attention, all while secretly advancing my mastery of the Devouring Dragon Art.

Despite the secrecy, I felt a sense of liberation. The burden of my hidden power was balanced by the thrill of my potential. I was on a path to greatness, guided by the spirit within me. The road ahead was long and fraught with challenges, but I was ready.