chapter 4: first blood

The days continued to pass, filled with training, meditation, and careful concealment of my true abilities. My cautious approach allowed me to avoid unwanted attention, but it also meant that I constantly had to be on guard. The world of cultivation was a dangerous one, and power attracted not only allies but also formidable enemies.

One evening, as I was traveling through a dense forest, I sensed a presence nearby. My instincts, honed through countless battles, alerted me to the danger. I stopped and scanned my surroundings, every muscle tensed and ready for action.

"Show yourself," I called out, my voice steady despite the tension.

A figure stepped out from behind the trees, clad in dark robes with a menacing aura. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of curiosity and malice. "You're quite perceptive," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But then again, you have to be, to survive with a bounty on your head."

I narrowed my eyes. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

The man laughed, a cold, chilling sound. "I am Kalen, a hunter of sorts. And you, Lucifer, have quite the price on your head. I'm here to collect."

Kalen moved with a speed that was almost imperceptible, launching a series of swift and deadly attacks. I parried and dodged, using every ounce of my skill to keep up. His strikes were precise and powerful, each one aimed to kill. It quickly became clear that I couldn't match him in sheer strength.

I needed to outsmart him.

As we fought, I observed his movements, looking for patterns and weaknesses. Kalen was confident, almost to the point of arrogance. He relied on brute force and overwhelming speed, leaving himself open in subtle ways. My mind raced, formulating a plan.

Feigning a stumble, I let Kalen think he had the upper hand. He lunged at me, a triumphant sneer on his face. At the last moment, I twisted my body, avoiding his strike and landing a sharp blow to his side. He grunted in pain, momentarily staggered.

Seizing the opportunity, I reached into my storage ring and pulled out a small vial of paralyzing poison. With a flick of my wrist, I splashed the contents onto the blade of my dagger. Kalen recovered quickly, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Is that all you've got?" he taunted, lunging at me again.

This time, I didn't dodge. Instead, I met his attack head-on, allowing his blade to graze my shoulder while I drove my poisoned dagger into his abdomen. The effect was immediate. Kalen's movements became sluggish, his eyes widening in realization and horror.

"You... you tricked me," he gasped, struggling to stay upright.

"It's called strategy," I replied coldly, pulling my dagger free and stepping back. "You should try it sometime."

Kalen fell to his knees, the poison spreading rapidly through his system. With a final, desperate glare, he collapsed, lifeless. The threat was neutralized, but I was far from unscathed. The wound on my shoulder throbbed, and blood flowed freely.

As the adrenaline faded, I felt the full extent of my injuries. My vision blurred, and the ground seemed to sway beneath me. I stumbled to a nearby tree, using it for support, but my strength was rapidly waning. The poison had taken a toll on me as well, weakening my resolve.

I slumped to the ground, my thoughts becoming hazy. The forest around me seemed to close in, the shadows growing darker. I tried to focus, to stay conscious, but it was a losing battle. My body refused to obey my commands.

As darkness claimed my vision, I couldn't help but think of the journey ahead. The dangers were real, and I was far from invincible. But with the Devouring Dragon Art and the spirit guiding me, I would continue to fight, to grow stronger. This was just one battle in a much larger war.

And with that final thought, I passed out, the world fading to black.