WebNovelMake Me.30.00%


I wake up in a well lit room... It takes a few moments for my blurred vision to clear and I realize that I am in a hospital bed. My head hurts a lot and a nurse walks in and updates me on everything. It was agonizing... Not what happened per se, but more or less just the overwhelming aftermath weight of all of it.

From feeling violated all the way of her asking me if I need help from the police. As if.. As if they could or would help me.

I was taken in by someone who didn't stick around... I had a concussion and a came in bleeding from the back of my head. By law she had to ask me about my safety and of course...

I lied. I'm too scared, and I know the Canes can do more than I could ever imagine. I'm not risking my life or my family's life for failure. I don't trust the Dr's they can all be bought along with whoever.

The nurse brings in my mom and sister, they're freaking out, Helenah looks like shit, assuming she's been up all night and day.

'Lyannah thank God you're okay, what the fuck happened to you last night?'

Helenah asks in almost tears. I turn to mother and see the concern painted on her face but she just waits for my answer.

I look as okay as I can and I regrettably lie.

'Just over did it, had too much to drink... I must've lost balance and fell... Seriously I'm fine.. I just wanna go home, where's my bag?'

Helenah hands me my clutch and wait to open it, I need to check my phone but I will not do it until I'm alone and have privacy.

I tell my mom I refuse to stay so they can either release me or I'll wait and leave on my own. The Dr wants to keep me one more day but I refused politely. Against his wishes I am eventually released into my mother's care with instructions.

After a silent ride, we finally arrive home. I head straight for my room to plug my phone in and wait like a fiend. After a few minutes my phone is all loaded and I've got multiple messages coming in from Micah, Helenah and the unsaved number.

The only one I care to open is the unsaved number text.

' You're going to submit to such a coward? That is such a disappointment Lyannah.. '

I sit and stare at my screen, fuming, how dare he!

' Was audacity on sale this week? You've got a lot of nerve to talk about cowardice.. Still hiding your identity, taunting me for what? '

It probably wasn't the best idea to text back let alone something so sarcastic but I don't even know who he is or why he is fucking with me. I feel my phone go off and I check it immediately.

' You better mind your tongue before I mind it for you! '

I read and reread this message again and again.. This stranger scares me but not in the same way Micah does.. It's such a strange feeling. I've never been a fast learner.

' You had your chance last night and failed '

It must be the pain meds making me arrogant or something. I have no idea who this man is and just how dangerous he is, he could be Russian mob for all I know. I do remember over hearing father tell mother that the Canes had ties to mafia but I don't know which one.

It finally dawns on me... What if this man is Micahs spy? Then he knew the whole time.. But why? It has to be money.

The man never responds to me and honestly I'm okay with that. The first day and night I spend back home is spent trying to come up with a plan.. I could sell all my valuables and flee, give up my name and go into hiding.. Which sounds like the prefect plan but I have no access to my passport and don't have enough immediate items I could make enough from. Plus mother has been watching me like a hawk, like I'm some kinda fragile infant.

I sit and stew when I get a picture..

It's from Micah, it's a picture of a gorgeous room with it saying ' Your new room ' more like prison I think. I have only 4 days to figure out what the hell I'm going to do. I send a bleak thumbs up, I might as well be as civil as I can.

Two days pass and still no word from the mystery man.. my mother has been having a distant relative pack up my room because apparently me being all good health wise isn't good enough. She wants me to stay in bed and "rest and heal". I'm fine but she won't listen to anything I've said.

Helenah comes into my room and sits on my bed and says ' Please don't forget about me when you leave... I know what kind of wife Micah wants but I know you better than that... Please make it a compromise for once a week '

I immediately spit out ' You have no idea what kinda wife he wants... Not by a long shot... I... I can't marry him Lenah... I WON'T marry him I don't care what their back ally deal was... '

Watching and reading her face as she digests what I have just told her I watch as she fumbles on what to say.

Finally I hear ' Well whatever you decide, I'm always here. If there's anything I can help with you know I will, I have a strings I can pull... The good thing about being... Soiled! '

I furrow my brows for many reasons, I feel her hug me and quietly making her way out shutting my door behind her. I simmer on her words. One person who would never betray me is my big sister, and I, her! That's an unbreakable bond.

Most of my room is done and there's 25 hours left until my last dinner as a "free" woman. I cry myself to sleep as I'm feeling defeated already. I awake to a text from Micah saying ' Let the countdown begin! ' Such a great way to start the morning. I climb out of my bed and force myself into a hot shower. It doesn't make me feel any better.

I decide to do the best protest I can.. All black everything, it's the philosophical death of me. And I do intend on being a nuisance to the fullest, but I'm not holding my breath on whether or not my plan will do anything, I mean I've tried everything and nothing has worked thus far.

I spend my last moments taking my edible and heading out for a drag, I couldn't do the pain meds anymore I'm healed just a bit of bruising sensitivity that needs to be healed a bit longer. Those pills just make feel gross, I prefer nature's medicine.

In total there will be 6 of us at dinner tonight, I don't understand how in the 21st century we're still bartering humans in the name of marriage. Plus why the Cranes of all families, surely there's a more peaceful family willing to have me.

' Lyaaaaaannnnnah '

I'm shaken from my thoughts hearing my mother call for me, I'm not ready for this.

I make my way back into the house. Mother takes one look at me and groans.

' Honey, What are you wearing... You look like there's been a death in the family.. You can't advertise a bit better?'

' I'm not excited nor happy about being forced to marry that.... Monster! How could you do this to me!!! '

' Leah you should be happy to find such a handsome RICH man who WANTS you. Not many women have that luxury. '

' You have no idea what he wants! Or what he is really is! He's a wom... You know what it doesn't matter really does it. You just want me to go to the highest bidder huh? '

I storm through the front door getting into our Phantom, awaiting my doom. We're on our way within minutes. Helenah and me go back and forth, I'm so upset I'm just letting them win but this is what I get for being a rich brat with no wits on survival. About halfway through the ride a new text comes through that gives chills.

' You Ready? '

My heart races so fast it's almost cartoonish, What does that even mean, we're almost to restaurant and I finally get a response from the weird stranger. Before I can even think of responding I'm jolted forward watching my father slam on the breaks to stop from crashing into a blacked out shit mobile.

I see the masked man coming from the side, His steel pointed and I'm scared. What the fuck is doing. I hear my mother freaking out and my father being his calm nonchalant self. I get the glance of his face, from what's not covered by the masquerade mask from our party.

He's... So...