WebNovelMake Me.40.00%



There's multiple men surrounding the car at gun point while my window is pistol whipped and broken, I scoot to the other side as he unlocks and opens my door. I kick and scream to no avail. My parents screaming curses are drown out by my screams.

The big man takes a look at me and says grabs my legs and pulls me out enough to sack my head and flop me over his shoulder and he makes his way to the van and I hear a single shot before the tires squeal just a bit and were off. There's minimal conversation.

I hear the deep velvet voice giving commands, all I hear is ' Take us to the crib! ' My face is drowned with tears, one of the men grab my arms and pull them behind me before getting close to me ear and saying

' I've got your coward right here princess! Now you're going to learn your manners.. '

I don't how to feel being bullied by two very different kind of monsters was not on my bingo card. When I don't respond he ties my wrists with what I'm assuming is rope, it's tight and petty uncomfortable.

After a long drive we're stopped, the man grabs the ropes to push and drag me out telling me to -Go- I hear the van drive off as a door is unlocked and opened. I'm shoved forward and I'm at on a chair and bound before the sack is taken off.

His masquerade mask is off by now and his features are striking, nothing what I imagined. His brown eyes lock with mine before plops himself on the table in front of me.

' Going to your funeral? '

He says laughing at me, which I mean he isn't wrong in the slightest.

' Apparently! I have a cowards target on my forehead. '

His eyes shift so quick and before I know it my hair is wrapped around his fist and my head is pulled back as he's inches away from my face and he says

' Last time I checked cowards don't commit multiple felonies to save a bitchy damsel in distress! You should show some gratitude Lyannah. '

As he releases I can't help but laugh.

' By what I've been shown I'm sure this isn't your first felony, and I never asked you to save me! Why would I? I don't even know who you are '

I say pretty dryly.

' You really have no idea who your going to marry do you? He may run politics but I run the streets. Boss will be pleased to hear the good news of your arrival. '

' If you've gotta problem with Micah take it out on him and do us both a favor! ' I snap

' Oh I plan to! '

He says as he uses the tip of the steel to trace around my cleavage before continuing on..

' But if I do that for you .... What will I get?... Because as far as I'm concerned you're in quite the dilemma. An innocent nepo being sold off to the highest bidder... A highest bidder that has a habit of hurting all the women he crosses paths with.. '

I roll my eyes and try to keep from crying, he's right and it hurts. I've had enough.

' What do you want? ' I plead.

' What I want is irrelevant princess, by now the plan is in motion and you're stuck here with me for awhile, Which is better than that fuck wad '

' Why do you fucking care ' I say venomously

His laugh brings a rage out of me and he sees it.

' I dont. You are an assignment. Although I do find it deplorable that such an impeccable trophy is being wasted on a mook.. Too bad, I could have so much fun with you! '

He smirks as he looks down at my innocence. I gulp as I feel the goosebumps all over my body rise.

' What would you know about fun! You're a bore at best. ' I truly never learn to just keep quiet when I need to.

His laugh is genuine and I'm not sure how to take it.

' You act pretty tough for someone bound to a chair without a pot to piss in ... Tell me princess what power do you think you have right now? I could do whatever I wanted to you with no worry. That's the difference between me and your husband to be. I have a bit more self control but keep it up and I might just lose it. '

' Big bad men.. You're all the same... Same name of the game just opposing sides. And the name of the game is pain' I say slickly.

' Save it for your soapbox princess. The only pain I bring women is the kind they beg for not that a virgin like you would ever understand! ' He chuckles.

' Virginity USED to be a virtue, not that you would know anything about that. And maybe if I wasn't so ' virtuous ' I wouldn't be in this bullshit! '

I watch as the man walks into the dark hallway and I'm left alone with my thoughts. This feels childish. He's not here to hurt me but I am assuming this is a Ransome. The man comes back about 20 minutes later and says nothing but unties me from the chair and leads me down the dark hallway.

I'm walked into a room lit up by dim lighting, it's pretty furnished but not homely. The man tells me to get onto the bed. I take notice to the boarded window and cuffs on the headboard.

' Go on Lyannah - I've got business to handle. I'll have your dinner brought to you when I'm done. '

' You think I'm hungry? ' I reply dripping in an antagonistic tone.

' Don't test my patience Lyannah, I'd hate to have to show you whose in control! '

He says as he unties the rest of the rope from my wrists and backs me onto the bed before finishing.

' I'd hate to soil you before you get to your betrothed '

I feel his breath on my lips for only a second before it's replaced with almost a want. My breath is rigid. I'm angry, worried, intimidated and almost lustful? I'm not sure but I don't like it.

He walks out and shuts the door behind him, and I almost immediately hear his phone ring and his voice fading. He took my phone but left my clutch. He can keep me in this room but can't keep from escaping my reality. I eat my adult gummy and light up a much needed cigarette. I take long drags and pace back and forth between the door of the bedroom and bathroom eventually finishing my smoke.

The whole time his words replaying in my mind, He wouldn't want to soil me...

I hate the dark thought that goes through my mind. How could I think of such a thing... Being stuck between a rock and a hard place will call for some unsavory business.. But this can not happen.

The edible is kicking in and I'm completely in my head. My thoughts are abruptly interrupted when the door is opened and I watch as the man walks in with a pizza box in hand and an older man coming in behind him.

He sets the box on the foot of the bed as I watch cautiously at the older man, our eyes meet before he speaks a word. The man is tall, lean, Salt and pepper but mostly salt, clean shaven in a suit.

' Don't be frightened girl, this will all be over soon. You have nothing to fear from me ' the strange man says.

I squint before responding ' I dont believe you! ' I hiss. I watch as the corner of his lips curl.

' Oh on the contrary, You are of much more value alive and safe. And I do intend on getting my way like I always do! '

He looks at the man and says ' I'll keep you updated.. It'll be a few days but the the game is started! Stay on guard and control yourself. '

They nod and the old man is on his way. What the fuck does any of that mean. It's infuriating not knowing anything. I light another smoke and give a death stare at this man.

' You need to eat Lyannah! '

' No '

His laugh is unsettling but almost laughable.

' Keep playing with me princess '

I roll my eyes at him and his next response gives me chills.

' I have a better reason to make your eyes roll, Keep it up you're gunna find out ' He says so confidently.

' You're a psychotic. Only in your dreams and even that is pushing it ' My words are like music to his ears apparently.

I watch as he walks to right in front of me and says

' If you think my dreams could ever be as sweet as you you're even more delusional than I thought! There's drinks in the mini fridge... Now eat if I come back to a full pizza.. You will be punished! '

I choke down my bitterness and say nothing.. I just watch him leave. And I'm appalled and honestly quite ashamed of myself...

I've never felt the feelings I'm feeling right now. I've complained about never finding a spark with anyone yet here we are. It's like the fourth in my chest. Honestly could go for attacking him as well. How is that possible. Do I belong in a jacket? What kind of person am I really.

I eat a single slice to save face, waiting for the man to come do his check. It doesn't take much longer. Before I hear the door creek open.

I see a blade in his hand as I feel my heart beating faster and faster. I watch him take it and slice my dress like slicing cake. I stand as still as a mannequin as he tosses the dress into the hallway.

' There's clothes in the dresser, You'll be here awhile, get comfortable! '

His words are as full as his eyes as they scan my body, only my most private areas covered. Wanting to hide and cover myself but I can't bring myself to do so. I let him scan as my breath gets rigid, I sit on the bed and slowly remove my heels while keeping my eyes on his. Until I get up and walk towards the dresser.

I open and go through a few things, eventually coming across a spicy gown. I decide to play the cards I was dealt. I turn my back to him as I undo my bra and toss it to the floor before sliding the gown on slow enough to show a little skin.

If I'm going to make it out I'm going to have to play smart, and that means being the "damsel" Everyone thinks I am. Men are easily manipulated by women like me, I know how to play the part, credit to my mother unfortunately. So that's exactly what I plan on doing, maybe it wasn't such a useless thing to learn.

Thinking I'm in control realizing quickly how wrong I am. I watch as he grabs the pizza and I assume to check and put away. I climb into the bed, I just want to sleep I have no reason to be excited to be a prisoner here or with my promised.

The man reappears as he comes in and take his shirt off along with his pants.. Leaving him in only his briefs, I try not to stare but it's hard. It really was an uno reverse. I look up to find him with an antagonistic grin on his face, I don't back down.

' Don't worry princess! No funny business.. Regardless of how much we both want to' He says, heavy on the both.

I scoff before my protest ' What kind of fucked up individual would want to fuck the mental case who took her against her will? '

' You princess! '

I roll my eyes as hard as I possibly can. And before they reach their focus again he's damn near on top of me. Gripping my chin between his fingers making me look at him before saying

' You're a slow learner aren't you princess. '

He's propped up on one arm over me, as he releases my chin he drags his finger down to my throat then down to the bare part of my chest. I swear he can feel my heart.

' I'm also a bad judge of character ' I say quietly. I watch as he grabs the cuffs and puts one on me, thinking he's putting the other one on the headboard he doesn't. He cuffs it to himself. I can't even fathom any of this. I just need to go to sleep. I don't know what's going on behind closed doors, I'm assuming they're asking either Micah or my parents for the ransome.. I can only hope they make this as quick as possible.

I lay there next to this stranger, staring at the ceiling imagining what I would be doing right now if only I took the same path as my sister. My mind eventually drifts off into dreamland and my night is finally over. I can only hope this goes faster than they say.