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Hot Psychotic

I wake up drenched in sweat, I did not sleep well... Although I did wake up alone. The handcuffs back up hanging from the headboard. I sit up wrapping my head around my reality. Sad really.

As I'm wiping the sleep from my eyes the door opens and I watch as the man comes in with a small plate with an omelet on it and a shake in his other. He places the shake on the side table and the plate beside it. He's wearing only his briefs still... I try avoiding the obvious xl imprint, as he laughs and says

' I'm serving you an omelet not sausage princess! '

I'm cranky in the morning and my face NEVER fails me. I just look up at him and say

' If I'm such a princess.. And the princess wants sausage.. then wouldn't it be sausage being served? ' I say in a condescending tone. I watch him bite his lip quickly before responding

' Is the princess asking? '

He struck and hit just how he intended to. I'm completely caught off guard and he knows it. I swallow and simply reply with a low - no -

' That's too bad I heard a good breakfast was the way to a great day... '

I drink about half of the shake... It's exactly how I like it... Strange no doubt. The man is in the kitchen on the phone the door is cracked and I only hear faint words. I make my way back to the dresser to try and find actual clothes. I am in luck the dresser is filled with everything I'd wear.

I grab the first sundress I see, and head into the bathroom as I start the shower. There's new 'girl hygienic' items. The same brand I use.. I roll my eyes and immediately pictured his musky fingers on my chin talking shit. I also immediately shake this thought.

I spend way too much time on the shower, alone with my thoughts wondering how I'm going to get out of this free and alive. Why should I willingly allow myself to be bought and sold like cattle.

Although even though I'm dying of boredom if the night had gone as intended I'd imagine I'd be a lot worse off. Micah has been very clear on his intentions and we did not share the same enthusiasm. I do wonder how he's taking all of this. He never been a patient nor kind man so I can only imagine he's not taking this well.

I finish my shower and wrap myself in the towel, brush my teeth and head back to bed getting ready to put the dress on. The wooden door fails me when it's opened without a sound.

I drop the towel to my side as I turn and slide my dress on when after it's on my mouth drops. He got full bare frontal and I immediately turn beet red. DID THIS REALLY JUST HAPPEN?

' Don't be embarrassed you have the body of a Goddess '

I'm not sure what to say, I stand there still in shock. I watch as he continues his way inside the room. By now he's dressed.

' You will have access to the house not that there's a lot here. This house has been triple looked over there is absolutely no way out aside from the front door, you will be monitored at all times... If I'm not here there will be men here guarding. They have their instructions. Which will be tonight, Boss has an update so I'll be gone for a few hours...'

He sees the news isn't settling well with me but that I have no choice. He continues

' There's enough groceries, smokes, edibles and a TV if you get bored. '

For a psychotic he sure has planned well. I continue looking down fiddling my thumbs before I feel his fingers grab my face before he says one last thing.

' You are safe I promise! '

I shake my head from his grip and hear a growl before he stands up and leaves. I hear him talking as I creep into the hallway of this slab house. I peek around the corner as I watch him walk out the front door and see the guard man lock it.

There's only one man I imagine the others are on perimeter duty.

' You don't have to hide girl... Come on out '

Regrettably I quietly move forward as he tells me to not give him any trouble and I'd be good. I feel his gaze all over and it feels disgusting. He's a short gross looking man. I watch as swigs something from his flask.

I say nothing as I just grab an edible and my smokes and sit on the couch as I  put some TV on. There's a small segment about what happened yesterday but nothing to big. The man laughs knowing they have insider knowledge.

The next few hours are spent not doing much. Even with TV, it's so boring. The man is pretty lit by now and has become quite unbearable. He plops down beside me and trys to make small talk. I ignore at all angles.

I wonder when the man will be back it's been hours. The gross man plants his hand on my knee while grumbling something I can't understand. There's nothing behind his eyes, just emptiness.  I scoot away a bit and this pisses him off his next words are cold.

' What you think you're better than me bitch.. ' I freeze in fear as I watch him stand up cursing at me and blending foreign words. I try to plead as he leans atop of me trying to grab and hold my arms as I fight back. I hear him say one more clear thing.

' I'll teach you some manners ' He uses his weight to his advantage and he's winning this strength battle, I cry, beg and plead for the man to stop. With all the panic in the moment all I can hear is waves in hear ears, head and chest. I'm shaking uncontrollably, the man is so close to getting what he's after ...

The man straightens himself in preparation for dominance win when a quick sound is heard and I'm left splattered wet and stuck under this heavy weight for only a moment before a hear an aggravated velvet voice demanding the mess be taken care of.

Shaking violently I'm met with the man staring down at me rage painted clear across his face before he picks me up as easy as he would a kitten.

All I hear him say is

' I'm sorry! You're safe now! '

I can't even cry any more just frozen in shock as he takes me into the room closing the door behind him continuing into the bathroom. He stands me up looking at the red that was painted on my face. I can feel the anger in him.

I stand there as he pushes the straps of the dress down my shoulders and I let him. He drinks me in before starting the shower. For some unholy reason for the first time I feel calmed and safe... Which I think to myself. Am I?

' My name is Kian by the way '

I can't bring myself to respond I just step into the water and watch the water below me turn from a red to a pale orange before turning into clear. I wash myself over and over. When I'm done, Kian is there waiting with a towel extended open waiting to wrap around me.

I let him and he swoops me back up and carries me to the bed. He sits beside me and says

' That wasn't supposed to happen, the mess is almost cleaned, you can stay here for the night I'll get you anything you need. '

' I need a drink ' I mumble and without hesitation he gets up and is on his way. He returns a few minutes later with a variety of options. I grab the bottle before he even sets the tray down. I gulp it down before he snatches it away chugs some himself.

I feel it burn as it goes down yet I have goosebumps all over again. Our eyes lock on one another, he's got the most beautiful eyes, hurt, strong yet bright. I swear they change within moods though.

He gulps another bit down before placing the bottle on the side table and sitting down beside me. And only for a moment do I feel an undeniable silent mutual admiration. Kian asks me if I need anything and when I say no he leans over and cuffs my closest wrist to the headboard.

' I'll only be 20 minutes '

I watch as he goes into the bathroom and closes the door. I drink a bit more feeling tipsy trying to drown out this nightmare I'm in. I smoke a cigarette and after I'm finished I hear the shower turn off and the door eventually opening.

I watch as he walks out in just a towel, he stops in front of the foot of the bed and unapologetically drops his towel, no hesitation.

My eyes go wide at the murder weapon that's between his thighs. Sweet baby Jesus that thing is the size of my arm. I gulp as I can't look away.

' See, nothing to be embarrassed over '

It's not the first one I've seen, just because I've never been with a man there's been a few hot moments but neither of those compared to Kian. I watch as he pulls up his clean briefs and let's them 'snap' on his chiseled scarred hips.

His devilish grin gives away what he wants to happen but won't attempt. Not after tonight's shenanigans. He looks at me and asks me if I'm sleeping in my towel. I shake my head and head to grab the oversized tee hanging from the dresser.

I don't shy away as I put it on, maintaining eye contact once again as I watch him shift. I know the power he somehow has over me and the power I somehow have over him. It's a weird mutual problem. And once more I'm in the same position I was in the night before, in bed handcuffed to a hot psychotic.