
Akira looked at the boy and waited for him to speak. The boy was silent for a moment before he asked, "Where is the Gyuko?"

Aki was confused.

The boy came closer and asked him again in a more frightening tone, "Where is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Aki replied loudly as he backed away.

The boy narrowed his eyes in suspicion before asking, "Who has it then?"

"Has what?"

The boy was silent again before explaining, "A red crystal in a small black box with this symbol on it". He pulled out his phone and showed Aki the box with the same crystal his friends had shown him. Aki almost pissed himself when he saw the photo, he knew it.

"Where is it?" the boy asked, his eyes narrowing.

"M-my friends have it!"

The boy's eyes widened and he hurriedly asked, "Where are they?!"

"They're taking it to a jeweller just outside of the city."

"Which one?!!"

"I forgot its name!!"

The boy looked at Aki and grabbed him. His movement was quick, but Aki quickly regained his composure and they began to run. 

"Your friends are in danger, we have to find them quickly!"

Aki's heart ached at the thought of something bad happening to his friends.

"Why are they in danger?!!"

"The stone they have is a special-grade blood exorcist weapon!"

'Exorcist?' 'Special grade?' 'Weapon?'

'That tiny stone was a weapon?

Aki was confused by what the boy was saying, exorcists weren't real, right?

"What do you mean exorcists, they aren't real," he asked as they ran quickly.

"They are, and that stone is a very dangerous weapon that belongs to us!" 

Aki started to think he was crazy and wondered why he was running with him, for all he knew this guy could be lying and didn't seem normal. At first, it was only physical, but now he thought there was something wrong with his mental state as well.

But all his doubts were quickly dispelled when the boy summoned a huge beast out of thin air. Aki was shocked, lost his balance and fell face first to the ground.

The boy was surprised that Aki could see his Gyuko.

"Hey!" he shouted as he kicked Aki, "Can you see him?" he asked.

Aki got up and held his red face. He looked and the beast was still there. It looked like an overgrown wolf, it was about three metres tall with dark fur and six eyes.

Aki stared at the beast in disbelief, were actually exorcists real?

"Can you see it?" the boy asked again.


The boy just stared at Aki for a few moments, lost in thought, before he jumped and sat on his beast.

"Get on!!"

Aki stared at him, trying to process what was going on, before he jumped and sat on the beast. Its fur was surprisingly soft and quite comfortable.

"Hang on!" the boy said before the beast jumped into the air and started to run. Aki almost pissed himself at the thought, they were flying, the beast was running on air.

"His name is Moon!" the boy told him.

"What's yours?" Aki asked loudly, his short black hair dancing in the wind.

"Kelain!" the boy replied.

Aki was surprised, "That doesn't sound like a Japanese name."

"It's not."

"Then where is it from? You don't look like a foreigner"

"I'm not...and I don't know where it comes from."

"Well, it's okay."

They flew over the streets of Tokyo in silence before Aki asked, "What's Moon?"

"He's a Gyuko."


But before Kelain could explain, they spotted Aki's friends and Aki immediately shouted "There! Kelain had already spotted them, they were near a small jewellery shop.

Moon began to descend towards them and Aki panicked "Won't they see us?!"

"They won't, only exorcists can see Gyukos," Kelain replied.

Moon descended just a few metres from Aki's friends and they didn't even notice. He and Kelain got off Moon and looked straight at them and Moon disappeared.

"Why can't they see us?" Aki asked in a panicked tone as he looked at his friends chatting almost next to the shop.

"They'll see us soon."

Aki was confused and Kelain quickly explained, "Only exorcists can see another exorcist when or after they use their gyukos. Normal humans cannot, and it takes some time for the barrier that prevents humans from seeing exorcists use their power to break down."

Aki thought about it for a few moments as the barrier wore off, "D-doesn't that make..."

"Make you an Exorcist, yes."

He was shocked but couldn't ask more as the barrier had completely worn off and he had to run to his friends.

"Guys!" he called to them as they were about to enter the shop. They were all surprised to see him there with some random guy.

Aki ran up to them and asked about the stone, "Where's the stone? You have to give it back to him," he said, pointing at Kelain.

"D-does it belong to him?" one of his friends asked.

"Yes!!" he replied hastily.

"A-are you sure?"

"YES!! Just give it to me!"

"Hero has it," one of his friends said.

Aki looked at Hero and asked for the stone. Hero hesitated and slowly took the stone out of his pocket. He held the box and Aki had a strange feeling, he felt something, a strong power, something from that stone.

Hero reached out his hand to give it to Aki but stopped. He didn't want to give it back, he had found it, so it belonged to him, what if this guy was just lying, Aki was stupid and easily believed anyone. Hero withdrew his hand, pushed one of his friends aside and ran off with the stone.

Aki watched in shock as Hero ran off with the stone. His other friends tried to call him, but he didn't stop and kept running. Aki stood frozen until he felt a sudden wind blow past him and saw Kelain running after Hero. He was too fast for the others to see, but Aki saw him well and quickly followed. He was just as fast as Kelain and quickly caught up with him. Kelain was a little surprised at how fast and yet silent he moved.

Hero was very familiar with the roads there and used that to his advantage to avoid them. They could both sense the stone, and that helped them stay close to Hero.

Kelain clasped his hands together and jumped into the air as Moon appeared. He sat on Moon before grabbing Aki's arm and flying up. They flew over the streets and spotted Hero walking on a football field near the streets and in a park.

Moon quickly flew towards him and Aki and Kelain jumped off. They started running as soon as they landed on the ground. 

Both of them felt something, it wasn't the stone, it was something else, something Aki had never felt before.

Suddenly, the ground shook and a long tentacle jumped out and grabbed Hero as Aki watched in horror.

What the hell was that?