
"HERO!!" Aki shouted before trying to run towards Hero.

"Stay back!!" Kelain shouted at him. He quickly pulled out his phone and answered a call.


[Second Grade Malevolent Spirit]

"I'm on it!"

[Do you have the stone?]

"Not yet!"

He said before hanging up and sprinting off. Aki watched as he summoned a horde of black magpies. His hands glowed with misty black flames as he directed the magpies at the spirit. The spirit emerged from the ground with a thunderous roar, its body shattering the ground and silencing the winds. The magpies quickly attacked the tentacle holding Hero and sliced it off in an instant. Hero's body fell from the falling arm's grasp and Aki ran to him, "HERO!!"

"Moon!" Kelain called out before the mighty beast appeared and he leapt quickly. He quickly flew towards the falling body and caught it before flying back to Aki.

"HERO!!" Aki screamed, his emotions mixing, anger, fear and remorse all in one place. The spirit began to retreat as the flaming magpies overwhelmed it, attacking again and again with great force.

Kelain landed with Hero and Moon quickly joined the magpies in attacking the weakening spirit. Kelain immediately began searching Hero's hands and pockets. His face grew pale and his eyes widened. He looked back at the spirit, cold sweat dripping down his face.

'Did it manage to eat it?

Aki noticed his frightened expression.

Kelain quickly pulled out his phone and Moon appeared.

"We have to go!!"


They both felt it, it was something they had never felt before, it was not the spirit, it was something more, something much more powerful.

Even the magpies began to retreat.

Aki froze and Kelain quickly grabbed him and Hero and threw them onto Moon's back.

Moon immediately leapt into the air and Aki sat in confusion.

He looked back and saw the swarm of flaming magpies following, he couldn't quite make it out, but he saw something, a figure standing where the spirit's body had once been.

Why were they running away?

"It ate the stone!" Kelain shouted into the phone in panic.

[What!!!] the voice on the other line shouted back. It sounded like a woman.

"It's not my fault, just tell the school to prepare a team to go and have a look. We're not strong enough to deal with what might have been released."


"It's a long story, so just meet me at the school gate."

[Ok, I'll tell the school what happened]

"Yes, thank you!"

*Call ended*.

Kelain looked back and saw Aki, his expression was mixed, fear and confusion, it was all there.

"He'd better get used to it...