Gyoko High

They flew in silence, Aki needed time to process things. Kelain used the magpies to drop Hero near a hospital where someone could find him.

"We're going to Gyoko High," was all Kelain told Aki about the place they were going to.

Aki was silent before he asked, "What was that thing?"

"A spirit," Kelain answered in an empty tone.


"We exorcists exist for one purpose and one purpose only: to free tormented souls."

"Free tormented souls... but don't exorcists fight demons or something like that?"

"A demon is just a highly advanced evil spirit, a spirit that has manifested and evolved to the point where it can break through the barrier that separates it (spirits) from humans at will."

Aki was silent, absorbing all the new information he never thought he could believe.

"Won't humans see the one we left behind?"

"Normal people can't see spirits."

".... So why did you choose to become an exorcist?"

"I didn't choose it, nobody chooses it, it's just the way it is."

He didn't ask any more questions because of Kelain's tone when he answered the question, so they flew in silence again.

They flew for a few more minutes until they finally reached Shinjuku. They were high above the clouds and Moon began to descend with great speed. Aki screamed and closed his eyes as he felt the wind hit his face. He held on tightly to Kelain.

They descended fast for a few moments before everything stopped abruptly. Aki was left screaming and Kelain pushed him away, "Shut up!"

Kelain jumped off Moon and clasped his hands together before Moon disappeared and Aki fell face first to the ground. He groaned in pain as he got up, holding his red face. He looked at Kelain in annoyance and yelled at the jerk, "You could have told me!"

Kelain just looked at him with the same blank expression before walking towards a gate.

Aki finally looked ahead. His jaw dropped when he saw the biggest school he had ever seen. The school looked like a normal Japanese school, just a little more than twice as big.

Gyoko High' was the name of the school, written in large letters on the front building. The large iron gate opened as Kelain stood in front of it. A young girl about his age stomped out with an angry expression on her face. She had short brown hair, dark brown eyes and pale pink skin. She was wearing black pants and a white shirt with the words 'Gyoko High' on it.

Aki watched as she shouted at Kelain at the top of her lungs.

"How could you lose it!!!"

"It wasn't my fault," Kelain tried to defend herself, which only made things worse.

The girl didn't seem to notice Aki standing there until Kelain pointed to him. She looked at him, her expression softer but still confused. Aki waved his hand awkwardly and smiled at her.

She just made a face at him before turning back to look at Kelain. She lowered her voice and talked to Kelain while Aki just stood and watched. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but the girl raised her voice a few times in anger before they finished talking. She approached him with a reluctant, angry yet suspicious expression and introduced herself as "Kushiyagi Nabara".

Aki stared at her for a few moments in confusion and surprise before also introducing himself as "Kuma Akira...or Aki".

Nabara's expression softened a little before they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you..."

"Stop pretending to be so nice!" Kelain interrupted, only to receive a sharp slap on the head and a death stare. Aki found their dynamic quite funny and laughed a little, only to also receive a sharp slap in the face that sent him flying, "You think that's funny, asshole".

Nabara walked into the school before turning and saying "I told the school about everything, well not about him, but they want to see you, they want to see both of us....Bring him along, he might be useful."

Kelain stood lost in thought for a few moments before looking at Aki who was wiping his bleeding nose. 'What was the school's final verdict on the whole thing going to be, he wondered.