Abright beautiful morning came to set, a bunch of maids lined up on Sofia's bedroom door and knocked.

Sofia.... Come in please.

They all went inside in their straight line because Sofia was the only daughter of the king, she was a princess. 

Maid.... What would you prefer to wear your higness today?

Sofia.... Anything will be fine i guess.

Maid.... His majesty woke up early and his waiting for you to join him for breakfast.

She got ready and joined her dad for breakfast. 

King.... Looking pretty as usual my angel. 

Sofia.... Thanks dad. 

King.... Get ready because tomorrow is a big day for you, you will get engaged to him. 

Sofia.... I know dad, but i dont even know how he looks like.

King.... Its okay, his handsome and you will surely fall for him at first sight. 

Sofia.... Its not like i have a choice. 

In the evening, she took an evening stroll with her guards on the lake in a royal boat, she took a deep breath as her hair was flowing with the air. One of the bodyguards approached her.

Rio.... Excuse me your highness, sorry to interrupt your free time. 

Sofia.... What is it? Are you new here? I've never seen your face before.

Rio.... I will explain everything later, but i need you to listen to me. 

Sofia.... Is anything wrong?

Rio.... Whatever happens, am going to protect you so dont be scared. 

Sofia.... Your scaring me now, what are you talking about?

As he was still talking to her, Sofia got shot by one of the guards in her chest, she fell down, they sorrounded her and Rio. Sofia was bleeding alot, Rio pulled out his gun and shot some of them, he was a good fighter and fought them until any of them could move.

She went to Sofia who was still conscious.

Sofia.... Who... are you?

Rio.... Dont worry, am gonna get you out of here alive.

On standing up from her, Sofia pulled off his necklace but he didnt notice. He drove the boat to the shore and carried Sofia out from it, he took her to a forest but she was unconscious.

Rio pulled out a watch from his pocket, it was a very different watch with a rotating button, he rotated the button and a portal opened, he carried Sofia and they went inside the portal, it closed.

In the palace, it was also a massacre, it was all filled with blood. 

Man.... Your highness, the king is dead but... 

Woman.... What about my sister?

Man.... We are sorry but our men were all killed. 

Woman.... What?? He saved her? Now everything is ruined if Sofia is still alive. Riooooo.... ugh!

Sofia woke up in a small bed sorrounded by two men she didnt know of. 

Sofia.... Who are you? Where am i? What is this place? 

Felixo.... Son, she is not from here, she is not spanish at all. 

Dano.... She looks indian but then britain. 

Felixo.... Whats your name? 

Sofia.... My name? Are you guys my family? 

They looked at eachother in shock. 

Dano.... Look here, we dont know you at all. Just tell us who are because we need to take you back to your family. 

Felixo.... Youve spent a month here unconscious, we also dont know anything about you. 

Sofia.... What? Who am i and where am i? I spent a month here? How? So am not related to you guys? 

Felixo.... Are you serious right now? 

Sofia.... Please say something because i dont remember anything or how i came here. Where am i? 

Felixo.... Your in Spain and we are in the countryside, am a policeman and i found you on the lake shore when i was on patrol. 

Dano.....My dad brought you here because you had no injuries and we thought that you were just a drunk underage, but we didnt know that you wont ever wake up till today. 

Sofia.... What? So you guys also dont know how i came here? 

Felixo.... We dont, it was already days and i couldnt report to the authorities about you, we got for you a doctor but he said you were fine though you never woke up. 

Sofia.... Since your a policeman, can you please help me find my family? I know nothing about myself, not even my name, can please stay here as you find my family? 

Felixo.... Its okay, we've been taking care of you since last month, we wont mind. 

Sofia.... Thank you guys. 

Dano.... Here, we found this necklace in your jacket, its the only thing you had with you. 

Shockingly and suprisingly, Sofia the only princess of UK had no memories of her life at all and she was now in Spain after being rescued by Felixo a policeman. 

The only she had was Rio's necklace whom we dont know what happened to him or his whereabouts. Sofia stayed with Felixo and his son Dano but nothing came to her memory. 

Sofia.... You guys are nice people. 

Dano.... Thanks. 

Felixo.... Anyway, no clues about you or your family. 

Sofia.... What? Where will i go then? 

Felixo.... Its okay, we cant let out in the streegs, we will stay with you until your family is found. 

Sofia.... Really? Thanks alot guys. 

Dano.... We should get you a name, we arent going to keep calling you you. 

Felixo.... Lets call her Lana. 

Dano.... Dad.... 

Sofia.... Its okay, i love it anyway. 

Dano.... But its mama's name. 

Felixo.... She is gone son, lets move on from her and be happy. 

Sofia... Am sorry about her. 

Dano.... Dont be, she didnt die, she just abandoned us and am sure she is in Madrid. 

Felixo..... Enough with the talking, you are Lana from now on until you remember yourself, let's eat guys.