Five months went by and Lana was used to her new family members and they loved eachother though she was the only girl among them. 

Felixo.... Guys, i have good news.

Lana.... What is it dad?

Felixo.... I was promoted and am going to start working in Madrid. 

Dano.... For real dad?

Lana.... That would be so good because the countryside is so boring, am so excited to finally be in the city.

Dano.... Does that mean Lana will also go to school?

Felixo.... Ofcourse, she is seventeen and she has now adjusted to everything, she is ready for school. 

Lana..... Thanks alot dad. 

Dano.... I cant wait to start university. 

Lana.... Someone is excited, huh?

Dano.... Ofcourse iam, am gonna make new friends and maybe, a girlfriend. 

Felixo.... Look at you both so excited, it makes my heart happy too. Anyway, lets prepare everything because we are setting out very early in the morning. 

They packed their things and slept happily, in the morning, they set out to Madrid and went to an apartment Felixo had bought.

Lana.... This place is nice dad so is the city.

Dano.... Indeed, the city is an amazing place. 

Felixo.... Your rooms are next to eachother so go and unpack because i need to go to the station right now. 

Lana.... Okay dad, i will arrange your room too. 

Felixo left and they organized the house and everything in it. 

Lana.... Let me cook for celebration. 

Dano.... As if you know how, dont bother, i will do the cooking so just relax. 

Lana.... Your the best brother, lets take a stroll in the evening around the city because am sure dad won't come back earlier. 

Dano.... Good idea, i have a friend in the city and i had plans of meeting him, i will introduce you guys. 

Lana.... So youve once been here? 

Dano.... Of course, that was years back when mum was still with us. Anyway, lets hurry and go meet him. 

Lana.... Okay. 

He cooked and they ate, after they went outside for an evening stroll talking about the city. 

Dano.... He sent me a text, his in the park, lets go to him. 

Lana.... Okay. 

They went to the park where his friend was waiting for them. 

Dano.... Dude! 

Rio.... At last man. 

They hugged, but suprisingly, his friend was Rio who saved Lana or Sofia, but Lana had no memories of her past life at all. 

Lana.... (Wow! I had no idea that he had such a hot friend. Wow! I can see his abs through his shirt.... what am i thinking?) 

Rio..... Its Lana, right? 

Lana.... Huh? ye... yeah, Lana it is, nice to meet you. 

Dano.... This is Rio, my bestfriend. 

Rio.... You have a cute sister, am glad to meet you. 

Lana.... (Did he just say cute? Wow! am so into him, is this love at first sight?) 

Rio also seemed not to know Lana at all, but Lana was amazed by his hotness and she instantly fell for him.

Dana.... Look at you, dont even think about it Rio. She is younger than you, she is senteen years and we are almost twenty two.

Rio.... I was joking, she is way too young for me. Anyway, lets grab something to eat, my treat. 

Dana.... But we already ate at home. 

Lana.... Am starving already, lets eat something, come on Dano. 

Rio took them to a nearby restaurant and they had dinner together, they walked together to go home but Lana couldnt take her eyes off Rio.

Rio.... Am so excited to start university with you dude, it will be an amazing experience.

Lana.... Good for you guys. 

Rio.... So, your also starting highschool? Its also fun, but it will be funnier when you grow and join university.

Dano.... Dont talk to her about that, she will get jelous. 

Lana.... I cant. 

Rio.... Anyway, it was nice meeting you Lana. Lets meet at campus bro, someone is waiting for me. 

Rio left a d they also went back home, Felixo was back and they went to bed but Lana kept thinking about Rio.

Lana.... Gosh! His so pretty and attractive, i bet he has a girlfriend because city people are always like that. He cant date someone like me though, he even said that am younger yet i dont mind our age gap, whatever! I like him and thats for sure.

In the morning, Dano went to campus and Felixo drove Lana to her new school.

Felixo.... Good luck honey. 

Lana.... Thanks dad, same to you. 

Felixo left and Lana went in class, she sat queitly because she was still new and knew no one there. A guy later approached her. 

Boy.... Hi, am Martin, you? 

Lana.... Lana. 

Boy.... Nice name, sorry to ask this random question, but your so pretty, are you mixed blood? 

Rio.... Nice start dude. 

Lana.... Rio??? 

Out of the blue, Rio showed up behind them. 

Rio.... Sorry to startle you, but am here to deliver something to you. 

Boy. ... Do you know him? 

Rio.... Off you go young man, my sister here is way too pretty to date someone like you. 

Lana.... Sis... sister? 

Rio.... Also, she is indian british, now move along. 

The boy left and he sat next to Lana, Lana's heart started racing and she felt shy. 

Rio.... Dont talk to those guys Lana, they just wanna bite you off so be careful. 

Lana.... What do you mean? 

Rio.... Hahaha, your so innocent. 

Lana.... So, why are you here?