Chapter 25: The evil Kobalt’s attack begins!


Dungeon system: The thousand realms

Owner: Knox light

Level:3 (100/600)

Mana 1000/1000

Dp:200 (Dungeon points)

Protectors:27 (Goblins 18) (Kobalt's 6 + 3 workers)

Intruders: 0

Abilities: Mana manipulation, vassal creation,

Dungeon shaping, weaken willpower


Draco looked down at Sage, he figured now was the perfect time to accept him.

"Sage!, are you willing to be my disciple, once you are you will be for life"!

Sage perked up and smiled.

"Of course master Draco, it's all I've ever worked for"!

Draco smiled and felt that he was about to tear up, but he held it in, he couldn't afford to show weakness in front of his new disciple".

Draco wasn't as strong as he showed, he felt weakness but he hid it, he knew Sage idolized him, and he feared not being a good influence on him,

This was also the reason that, Draco always maintained a harsh outwards demeanor, he wanted Sage to be strong, even stronger than himself hopefully".

Draco spoke loudly and sternly.

"That settles it, from this day on, Sage you will be my student, and I will protect and teach you, it will be hard, it will be strenuous, but remember this is all for you"!

Draco smiled, he watched as Sage's face lit up with happiness.

Sage was finally was accepted by Draco, he was finally strong enough to be useful!

Draco stopped Sage's jubilation quickly.

"Alright it's time to continue training, come at me now"!

Sage smiled looking at Draco and thought.

"Welp it looks like he wont take it easy on me".

So the Kobalt's continued training, Draco no longer held back his strength, he was smacking sage all over the floor.


Meanwhile the Evil Kobalt's were arming up, it seemed Throg was preparing to attack Knox's dungeon!

Throg yelled out towards the small team he was preparing!

"You four must not die, you should attack, and you should retreat, but you mustn't die"!

The four armed kobalt's saluted their chief and in union yelled.

"Sir we will complete your mission and we will return alive"!

Throg's face was filled with strength, but deep down felt felt immense worry.

Throg thought inwardly.

"What if they die?! What will I do then, the dungeon might be too powerful".

Throg felt that worrying ahead di him no good so he spoke to the team's leader, his nephew Yob.


Kobalt scout:

Name: Yob




Mana: 20/20

Will power: 2


Skills: hidden presence, detect life, trap detection.


Throg spoke loudly.

"Nephew you must return, do not lose your life, your all I have".

The Kobalt tribe had escaped complete destruction before they had made their home here in the forest, originally they were on the coast of the sea.

However they were forces to migrate, they found that they caught the attention of the western vampires….

As they escaped, 2 of Throg's siblings perished under the grand duke Alderan's soldiers.

And his sister… well she was impaled, the vampires like to impale important figures before they attack.

It was their calling card, it was what caused many on the dark continent to fear and more importantly hate them.


Yob responded to his uncle Throg.

"Yes uncle, I understand my life is more important than this battle".

So Yob and his 3 scouts left towards the dungeon, they climbed the tree, gaining high ground.

Yob standing on the tree branch whispered to his buddies.

"Alright guys we must make my uncle proud, he's expecting a lot from us".

Yob friends all shook their head, they made sure to keep quiet, and they only responded through their body language, hoping that they wouldn't be discovered.

Yob signaled with his hands "move quickly", and off the kobalt's went, they moved by jumping from branch to branch.

And soon the squad of kobalt's had entered the dungeons vicinity…

Yob was the first to feel the thick wave of mana with was naturally released, it was a overwhelming feeling, it took him a minute to adjust to it.

Yob looked over and noticed that his companions had all thrown up, and that his best friend was even crying.

Yob jumped over to his tree branch.

"Get up now, Kruc, you're a kobalt stop acting like a measly goblin immediately".

Goblins were often looked down upon, mostly due to their weak statures, and their over reliance for protection from the stronger races.

Kruc stood up quickly ashamed of himself.

"I'm sorry brother, I wont fault again.

Yob smiled, he trusted his close friend to keep his word.

"Alright then let's go inside, we cant be scared and sit here all day.

The three kobalt underlings nodded, and soon the four made their way in front of the large dungeon doors…

They were huge, seemingly made of strong wood engraved with gold and steel, if it was locked they would have no way of entering.

They marveled at the door, it was so grand, it was like nothing they had ever encountered, it seemed even otherworldly.

Yob whispered to his friend.

"Kroc let's move, you go and open the door".

And so Kroc followed his order, he walked forward approaching the door, and when he pushed forward he was shocked…

The huge 12 foot door opened with no problems, it was like the weight was all for show, and it left Kroc wondering.

Kroc thought foolishly.

"I'm much stronger than I thought, this dungeon shouldn't be too powerful.

Kroc smiling yelled out forgetting their plans whispering.

"Hey Yob, with a door like this how powerful could it really be!"

Yob smacked his forehead.

"You idiot, it's a dungeon, it's not like it wants to keep us out"!

Kroc looked downtrodden hearing this, and to make up for his foolish actions, he decided he would go first into the dungeon…

Kroc spoke quickly giving no chance of rebuttal.

"I'm sorry, I will make up for it".

And he ran into the dungeon, leaving Yob and the other two dumbfounded.

Yob smiled and spoke to his remaining two followers.

"Let's follow quickly, we cant let him die now can we?

And so the remaining 3 kobalt's moved into the dungeon passing the doors, quickly following Kroc's footsteps.

That was until they entered a large room, they had followed his footsteps, into this room, they had found the rough door, and realized Kroc had entered through it.

They looked ahead and saw Kroc looking down upon something, there was clear worry evident on his face…


Thank you for reading, I always welcome any comments.