Domestic Disaster

Nora was happily sprawled on the couch, enjoying her favorite show when she heard the door open. She didn't even bother to look up; it had to be Alex back from work.

"Oh hey," she said, pulling out one of her earbuds. "What's up?"

But Alex didn't respond. Instead, his eyes darted around the living room, his jaw clenched tight. Nora glanced around too, and was shocked to see the mess she'd made.

"Um, I was trying to find something to watch and... well, I guess I made a bit of a mess," she said with a sheepish smile. "It's not that bad though, right? I mean, it's just a little clutter."

But Alex's face darkened, his eyes blazing with fury. "A little clutter? Are you kidding me? This is a total disaster zone! How can you live like this?"

Nora shrank back, her smile faltering. "I didn't realize it was that bad. I can clean it up, ."

But Alex wasn't having it. He stormed past Nora, barely acknowledging her as he went. "You're damn right you'll clean it up," he growled, his hands balled into fists at his sides. "And if you ever make a mess like this again, you're out"With that, Alex turned on his heel and stormed into his bedroom, slamming the door Nora shook her head in disbelief. "Jeez, what a drama queen," she muttered under her breath. She'd barely made a mess, and Alex was acting like she'd just burned the whole place down. But she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of seeing her upset.

With a huff, she started picking up the scattered books and snack wrappers, muttering to herself as she worked. "It's not like I did this on"I mean, he could've just asked me to clean up," she continued, her voice rising slightly. "But no, he had to go all 'monster mode' on me. It's not my fault he's so uptight"


With a knot in her stomach, Nora slowly approached Alex's study door. She steeled herself, mustering up the courage to knock.

"Alex," she called out softly, "I've prepared dinner. I know you're still upset, but I was hoping you could join me in the dinning room ,it's just a simple meal."

There was a pause, a pregnant silence, before Alex's voice responded from within.

"I don't know, Nora," Alex said, his tone terse and reluctant. "Why should I bother with this?

Nora bit her lip, trying to hold back tears of frustration. " Please, just come downstairs and give me a chance to make it up to you. I promise the food is delicious."

" it's not like the mess I made was that much,you're just overreacting " she muttered under her breath

Alex sighed heavily, and Nora held her breath, waiting for his response.

After a moment, Nora heard the sound of Alex's chair scraping back, followed by heavy footsteps approaching the door. It creaked open, revealing Alex's stern, set features."I heard that" he said, Nora's eyes widened,but she quickly regained her composure

" You heard what? She said looking him straight up in the eyes, his jaw clenched tightly. "Nevermind,I'll join you. But this better be worth it."

Nora nodded, her heart pounding in relief, and led him down to the dining room. As they sat down at the table, she couldn't help but remember the mess she made in the kitchen,she prayed Alex doesn't find any reason to go into the kitchen until tomorrow morning

The dining room was quiet, save for the clinking of silverware and the soft sound of breathing. Nora watched Alex warily as he took a bite of the dish she'd spent so much time preparing.

His eyebrows furrowed as he chewed, and Nora felt her heart sink. She'd been so careful to follow the recipe, so sure that the flavors would be irresistible. What had gone wrong?

Alex put down his fork, his face scrunched up in disgust ,one glance at Nora,he quickly changed his facial expression,took a deep breath and smiled,

" You're a good cook,a very good one" he said whilst gripping the glass of water ,he gulped down the whole content of the glass cup,Nora stared at him weirdly "uhmm thanks for the compliment" she drawled

"Common eat up,did you taste what you made? Alex asked with a sheepish smile"Nope,I didn't bother tasting it because I knew the meal was going to be a bomb"She replied quickly glancing at the kitchen door. "Of course it turned out to be a bomb,eat up" Alex said smirking.she quickly took a bite of the dish and stilled,the meal tasted bad, horrible, awful, whatever names you could call it,she put in so much effort in preparing this meal, well it's not like she was a good cook in the first place." Is there a problem Nora?" Alex asked with a mischievous grin. "No problem I'm good" she replied while sipping water from the glass cup. " Alright I'm done here" He swiftly stood up from his chair ,and started strolling towards the direction of the kitchen when he heard Nora yelled. "Wait!!! Where are you going to? She quickly ran up to him.

"The kitchen" Alex stated confused. "Why?Nora asked trying to keep him away from the kitchen.

"Last I checked,this is my house and I can go in and out of anywhere any fucking time I fucking please,so please excuse me" he responded clearly annoyed and opened the kitchen door, he was astonished at the state of his kitchen,he quickly turned to Nora

" What the fuck happened here" he snapped.

"Hey,calm down I was going to clean it up after dinner"she retorted

" What did I tell you about my house being organized ? I thought we agreed on that!! He yelled

" I was just trying to prepare dinner , it's no big deal , you don't have to scream out your lungs, I'll just clean up now" she said rolling her eyes

" Why is it so difficult for you to clean up your mess! Last warning Nora,if this happens again you'll be out of this house" he stormed out of the kitchen .