Justice Must Be Demanded

The young lord of Old Dragon City, Fu Nanhua, was currently seated opposite the young man from the Song family, carefully examining a small pot marked with a Shanshuo emblem. He handled it meticulously, like admiring the delicate body of a stunning beauty, never tiring of it. Some people or objects can make one fall in love at first sight. For the picky Fu Nanhua, this pot was such a treasure. Although there's a fine line between finding a bargain and making a mistake, Fu Nanhua was convinced he had struck gold this time, and not a small one. His Old Dragon City ranked among the top sects in the southern part of the Eastern Baoping Continent, and Fu Nanhua was truly knowledgeable about great wealth and treasures, which was why Cai Jinjian had been so deferential earlier.

Song Jixin yawned, shifting in his chair to a more comfortable position. He lazily asked, "Brother Fu, since we've confirmed the authenticity of the item, should we discuss the price?"

Fu Nanhua, rarely addressed as 'brother', suppressed his slight discomfort and reluctantly put down the Shanshuo pot. He smiled and said, "I'm sure you can sense my sincerity, Brother Song. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so candid about the pot's true value right from the start. I wouldn't have lingered here, openly showing my eagerness for this pot, just to avoid endless haggling that wastes time and damages our friendship. Brother Song, I've already considered you a kindred spirit on the path of cultivation. Today, we are making a straightforward business transaction, and whether we can depend on each other in times of joy or peril in the future depends on how solidly we establish this first step."

Song Jixin pointed at Fu Nanhua, smiling slyly, "Brother Fu, I'm a simple guy, driven by profit, but I do value friends. When we sit down to do business, though, if someone starts talking about brotherhood, I can't help but wonder if, when I need him to honor our brotherhood, he'll actually be calculating the cost."

Fu Nanhua's face turned cold. He leaned back, fingers tapping the table softly, silently.

Song Jixin seemed oblivious to Fu Nanhua's change in demeanor. "Calling you Brother Fu and showing you this pot is my gesture of sincerity. Since we both want this deal, let's be straightforward. You name your price, and I'll nod or shake my head. You get two chances. After that, even if you promise me a mountain of gold, I won't sell."

Fu Nanhua smiled sincerely, without a hint of arrogance or condescension, placing a brocade pouch on the table and pushing it towards Song Jixin. He solemnly said, "This pouch of coins is called 'offering money', one of many types of incense money used in temples. Placed in the mouth, hidden in the stomach, or held in the hand of a deity statue, each has its own significance and use. But the key point is that these coins, though they look like gold, are made of 'gold essence', far more valuable than gold. As the saying goes, 'A jadeite may be mined, but gold essence is a secret'. This pouch of gold essence offering money, along with the Old Dragon Pendant, is a fair price for the pot. Brother Song, you would definitely be gaining from this deal."

After saying this, Fu Nanhua waited for a response.

Song Jixin was silent for a moment, then blinked and asked, "That's it?"

Fu Nanhua smiled bitterly, "That's it."

Song Jixin's expression changed abruptly, slamming his palm on the table. "Fu Nanhua, you think I'm a gullible child? You know very well that upon entering this town, you have three pouches of coins. One pouch as an entrance fee, and for every treasure you acquire, you must give up one pouch. A pouch can hold up to thirty coins, at least twenty. Your pouch barely has twelve coins! You call this a fair deal?"

Fu Nanhua's fingers tapped the table, gradually increasing in speed. Song Jixin's heart pounded, his breathing labored, his face turning red, eyes bloodshot. He pressed his hand against his chest as his heartbeat thundered, threatening to break free.

Fu Nanhua slowed his tapping, and Song Jixin's face eased. Smiling, Fu Nanhua asked, "Since we didn't agree on the first offer, I'll make a second one. Twenty-four gold essence offering coins. Do you sell?"

Sweating profusely, Song Jixin hesitated. Seeing Fu Nanhua's movement, he was about to speak to ease the tension, but the lord of Old Dragon City increased his tapping speed again, like a sudden summer downpour.

Song Jixin clutched his chest, his handsome face twisted, a mix of pain and a grim smile.

Fu Nanhua almost wanted to kill this wolf cub, but the allure of ascending the celestial path was too great. He stopped tapping and spared the boy.

Gasping for breath, Song Jixin smiled hoarsely, eyes burning.

Fu Nanhua was puzzled. There was no hatred in the boy's eyes, just an inexplicable emotion. He asked, "What are you smiling at?"

Song Jixin, breathing steadily, leaned back in his chair, wiping sweat from his forehead, eyes shining. "I'm happy because I can imagine having your ability to kill with a tap in the near future."

Fu Nanhua laughed it off. This boy, whom he found intriguing, would be easy to deal with as long as he was in a superior position. But once the boy climbed above him, things could change.

The young lord didn't think he would be overshadowed by a boy who hadn't been taken away from the town by the age of nine.

Song Jixin glanced at the pot and the pouch of coins, then looked up. "Fu Nanhua, I have two conditions. If you agree, I'll sell you this Shanshuo pot and another valuable item."

Suppressing his joy, Fu Nanhua asked calmly, "What are they?"

Song Jixin didn't beat around the bush. "First, I want three pouches of gold essence coins, not two."

Fu Nanhua agreed without hesitation, "Deal!"

Song Jixin stared into his eyes.

Fu Nanhua smiled, "Believe it or not. But you must show me the second item today."

Song Jixin nodded, "Of course."

Fu Nanhua asked, "What's the second condition?"

Song Jixin said slowly, "Kill someone for me."

Fu Nanhua shook his head, "You should know we outsiders can't kill here without being expelled, or worse, losing our roots and missing out on this place's opportunities."

Song Jixin smiled, "Don't refuse too quickly. Wait and see."

Fu Nanhua asked, "Who do you want dead?"

Song Jixin half-jokingly said, "I'm still thinking."

Fu Nanhua picked up the pot, feeling its texture, and said casually, "I'll wait and see."

Across the table, Song Jixin rubbed his neck, his face pale.


Earlier, when Zhi Gui had escorted Cai Jin Jian to the Gu family gate, Song Jixin's maid had gone shopping. When Cai Jin Jian entered, she froze, shocked by the old man sitting on the bench. Trembling, she asked, "Are you the True Lord of Jiang River from Shu Jian Lake?"

The old man replied, "How do you recognize me?"

Cai Jin Jian said respectfully, "I am Cai Jin Jian of Yunxia Mountain. Ten years ago, I followed my father to Shu Jian Lake to witness the old turtle carrying the stele. I was fortunate to see you from afar, and I remember it vividly."

The old man nodded, "I see."

Cai Jin Jian's mood sank, "True Lord, I..."

The True Lord of Jiang River, disguised as a storyteller, glanced at her and said indifferently, "For the sake of Songxia Patriarch, I won't hold your trespass against you. Don't make it a habit. Close the door on your way out."

Cai Jin Jian hesitated but then nodded, "I will take my leave."

She left, closing the door gently.

Inside, the woman looked worriedly at the gate and asked, "Immortal, she doesn't seem to be one to give up easily. Will there be trouble?"

The old man scoffed, "In this town, even breathing can cause trouble. Should we avoid seeking opportunities because of that?"

The woman had no answer.

The old man laughed, "Tell me, Gu Shi, if you had a choice, would you send Gu Can to Yunxia Mountain to cultivate or follow me to Shu Jian Lake?"

"Don't rush your answer."

He waved his hand, signaling her to wait. "Yunxia Mountain is considered a second-tier sect in Eastern Baoping Continent, but don't underestimate it. Its Yun Root Stones are true treasures. Even in the whole world, they are unique. Yunxia Mountain holds a special position, respected by many, especially the Daoist sects. On the other hand, I am just one of many cultivators in Shu Jian Lake, holding only a small island, with few disciples and less than a hundred servants."

The woman, Gu Shi, smiled charmingly, "My status compared to the Yunxia Mountain woman is like yours compared to her sect. How could I let Gu Can miss such a blessed place and follow her to toil in the fields?"

The old man laughed heartily, then asked seriously, "What about that boy's background? Tell me in detail, just in case."

Gu Shi was momentarily confused, then smoothed

her hair and said softly, "The poor boy is named Chen Ping'an. His parents grew up in the town. His mother and I were close. She wasn't very pretty but had a kind heart. I never saw her angry. Her husband wasn't much to look at either, a bit unworthy of her. But he had good skills in pottery. If he hadn't died early, he might have become a kiln master in twenty years. As for how he died, some say it was a rainy night, rushing to keep the kiln fire from going out, and he fell into a stream. Others say he went to chop wood in forbidden mountains and was taken by wild animals. His body was never found. He was quiet, never saying much, but he was good to his child. He always brought small gifts back from the town. Their life was stable before he died."

"After he died, his wife fell ill, and her health declined rapidly. She became gaunt and unrecognizable. The boy, Chen Ping'an, took care of her. He did everything, buying and boiling medicine, cooking, even though he had to stand on a stool to cook. To save money for medicine, he foraged for herbs and sold the surplus to the pharmacy. One time, he must have eaten the wrong herb and collapsed, foaming at the mouth. We thought the whole family was gone. My mother-in-law said it was for the best, a family reunion in the afterlife. But somehow, the boy survived that illness. His mother didn't make it through the winter."

"Oh, and Immortal, Chen Ping'an was born on the fifth day of the fifth month, which our town considers the most unlucky day, attracting bad spirits and bringing misfortune. After his parents died, there wasn't a coin left at home. He even traded the small gifts his father brought for food. Despite the superstitions, the neighbors in Mud Bottle Alley helped him with food now and then. We couldn't bring him into our homes, but we could give him a meal. People are kind-hearted. If it wasn't for his birth date, more people would have taken him in. Some neighbors were mean, making life hard for him, forcing him to become an apprentice at the kiln, even though his dying mother made him promise never to work there. Such a filial child, to break that promise, must have faced terrible hardship."

The old man asked, "Do you know the names and birthdates of his parents?"

Gu Shi said she knew their names but not their birthdates. The old man said it didn't matter and began calculating. After a moment, he sneered, "Trickery and sorcery!"

Gu Shi was puzzled.

The old man explained, "The man died unexpectedly, probably learning a secret of the town. Unlike your family, he didn't have enough fortune to protect him. To save his son, he broke his life pottery, making him pay with his life and his wife's. A crude cover-up spell was used, showing how little they cared."

Gu Shi looked despondent.

The old man saw through her thoughts and asked, "Feeling guilty?"

Gu Shi smiled sadly, "Guilty, yes. But I don't regret it!"

The old man nodded, "I see that."

Gu Shi said to herself, "If it were Chen Ping'an's mother in my place, she would have done the same."

The old man shook his head, "Not necessarily."

Gu Shi shouted, "She would!"

The old man sighed, "Parental love is universal."


The boy sat on the threshold, "Miss Ning, can I ask you some questions?"

The black-clad girl leaned against the wall, legs crossed, a green-sheathed knife on her lap, "Sure. But I won't answer anything confidential or personal."

Chen Ping'an asked, "How long do you usually stay here?"

The girl frowned, "It varies. Some leave the same day, some stay forever. If I had to guess, it depends on luck. Those rich fools might stay a few days. That high-crowned guy will probably leave soon. The big guy is fixated on a well, who knows if he'll succeed."

Chen Ping'an asked, "What about the tall woman?"

"Do you like her?"

Chen Ping'an smiled, clearly not taking it seriously.

The girl seemed to realize her joke wasn't funny, "I overheard your conversation with the Taoist. You have a grudge with her, so you want revenge?"

She sighed, "Let me advise you, to those at the top, people like you and me are no different from those at the bottom. Not because they're arrogant, but because they have the right to look down on us. In this 'end of the law' place, even that red-robed kid could injure you with a punch. Your punch wouldn't even make him flinch. Do you understand?"

Chen Ping'an nodded, "I think so."

The boy seemed lost, looking out the door.

After a long time, he turned back, "Miss Ning, if you don't mind, you can stay here. Tell me if you need anything."

"What about you?"

"I know someone, I'll stay with him. His name is Liu Xianyang, my friend. My good friend!"

The girl looked at the boy's thin back and smiled, "Thank you!"

Chen Ping'an scratched his head, smiling without saying anything. He hesitated, then said, "Miss Ning, if I don't come back, could you give my bag of gold coins to Liu Xianyang? Ask him to take care of this house. He doesn't need to clean it, just repair it sometimes, fix the roof, keep the walls and gate from falling apart. It would be best if he could put up Spring Festival couplets and door gods on New Year's Eve. If it's too much trouble, he doesn't have to."

The girl saw the light in the boy's eyes when he talked about the couplets and door gods.

Clearly, this orphan in Mud Bottle Alley had dreamed of having door gods and a spring character on his door for many years.

For as many years as his parents had been gone.

So when the boy, with no attachments, took a deep breath, patted his knees, and stood up,

The sheathed sword on the table inside the house suddenly rang out.