Discard Five to Keep Three

When Fu Nanhua walked out of the house, he noticed a delicate maid sitting on a small stool in the yard, feeding chickens with a handful of corn. The hen, followed by a flock of fluffy yellow chicks, pecked at the ground. Seeing him, the maid barely moved her lips, as if acknowledging his presence.

Fu Nanhua opened the courtyard gate and saw Cai Jin Jian waiting in the alley, looking rather dejected. He turned to close the gate and, through the narrowing gap, caught a glimpse of the maid's eyes. Despite her impoverished appearance, her eyes had an unusual brilliance, making her seem like a fresh green shoot in early spring. However, Fu Nanhua didn't think much of it. For the young lord of Old Dragon City, beautiful women of various types were nothing new.

Walking side by side with Cai Jin Jian, Fu Nanhua asked, "What's the matter? Didn't go well? Finding opportunities often comes with setbacks. Don't lose heart."

Cai Jin Jian, naturally alluring and refined after her cultivation, still looked disheartened, a sign of her foul mood. She had likely been simmering with anger while waiting in the alley. "A high-ranking person beat me to it, a local powerhouse from Shu Jian Lake, the River Severing True Lord Liu Zhi Mo. He didn't give me a chance to negotiate, immediately bringing up my sect's patriarch to suppress me. After a few words, I was thrown out of Gu Can's courtyard."

Fu Nanhua, contemplative, suggested, "Let's talk outside Mud Bottle Alley."

Cai Jin Jian questioned, "Isn't magic prohibited here?"

Fu Nanhua explained, "Those who come here seeking opportunities all have some hidden skills. For people like us, the rules might be more forgiving, but for those with higher cultivation, the restrictions are much stricter. Have you considered that if a truly powerful person decides to use their abilities at the cost of their cultivation, they might not be as helpless as we think?"

Cai Jin Jian countered, "Would the True Lord dare to openly attack me with a Saint here?"

Fu Nanhua advised, "We're here to make good connections, not enemies. Even if there's no threat to our lives, it's unwise to offend seniors."

Cai Jin Jian, not one to hold grudges, nodded, "You're right, Brother Fu. It's wise advice."

She looked disheartened, "But I can't accept this outcome. I've already given you ten Yun Root Stones. If I return empty-handed, how will I explain to my ancestors?"

Leaving Mud Bottle Alley, both Fu Nanhua and Cai Jin Jian felt a sudden lift in their spirits. This wasn't just the brightness of the light outside; it was as if a weight had been lifted from their minds. They exchanged a glance and quickly looked away.

Fu Nanhua, once excited, calmed down, pondering the recent events. His alliance with Cai Jin Jian and the deal with Song Jixin were all within the rules. The Saint overseeing the town would have no reason to intervene. So, where did the pressure come from? Was it really the unknown River Severing True Lord? Cai Jin Jian's thoughts were simpler. She feared the True Lord had used some spell to monitor her. She felt a sense of relief that she had only voiced complaints, avoiding any harsh words.

Walking further from Mud Bottle Alley, both felt lighter. Fu Nanhua attributed it to the weight of fate, while Cai Jin Jian felt it was the burden of her family.

Looking at a distant archway, Fu Nanhua asked, "Who is this River Severing True Lord? I've never heard of him. Even if our Old Dragon City is far south, a True Lord's reputation should precede him."

Cai Jin Jian lowered her voice, sneering, "What True Lord? He's a mere master in the sidelines, undeserving of the title. The shrewd Emperor Yuanwu would never bestow such a title lightly. The True Lord titles are too precious, and the Emperor's ancestors have already squandered many. He's left with only two to bestow and won't waste one on a fraudulent practitioner."

Fu Nanhua nodded, "I see."

A True Lord title greatly enhances a dynasty's fortune, much like a national pillar in the military or a grand scholar in Confucianism.

Cai Jin Jian asked casually, "What do you think of Song Jixin?"

Fu Nanhua responded, "Ambitious and intelligent, with a strong backing, but his scope..."

Cai Jin Jian laughed, "Not broad?"

Fu Nanhua chuckled, "Not broad enough."

Reaching the archway, Fu Nanhua, filled with determination, murmured, "When the time comes, the world will assist me."

Cai Jin Jian looked at the inscription "Do Not Seek Outside" and felt a sense of loss, as if the enlightenment she gained in Mud Bottle Alley had been returned to the town, leaving her unusually irritable.


Song Jixin's house, one of the largest in Mud Bottle Alley, had a main hall and side rooms. The main hall bore the inscription "Hall of Remembrance," unsigned, which Song Jixin thought was not the work of a true master.

Master and servant were in Song Jixin's main room. The young master rummaged through boxes while the maid stood at the door. She gently asked, "Master, did the deal fall through?"

Song Jixin put down a string of bells, sat back in the room's only chair, hands behind his head, legs crossed. "That Old Dragon City Fu Nanhua is no fool. From the start, he didn't treat me like an ignorant dupe. He's not very smart either, trying to get close to me. It's amusing. Later, when I tested him, he showed his true colors, thinking some thunderous methods would impress and intimidate me. Compared to the enigmatic Teacher Qi, he's leagues apart."

The maid, Zhi Gui, said, "Leagues apart, Master? Isn't that an exaggeration?"

Song Jixin made a face, "Fine, ten streets apart."

He tossed a bag to the maid, "Look, this is the copper money mentioned in the secret letter. The kid next door got a bag too. I figured such fortune wouldn't come without trouble. Sure enough, it attracted those outsiders' ire. That kid's got more suffering ahead. Oh, by the way, the guy who came to our house claimed to be the young lord of Old Dragon City. From his tone and demeanor, he wasn't bluffing. And this jade pendant, called 'Old Dragon's Rain,' must be valuable!"

Song Jixin patted the verdant jade pendant, which now hung at his waist. He felt he was one step closer to being like Teacher Qi.

Zhi Gui opened the exquisite bag and asked softly, "Master, can you get more 'copper money'?"

Song Jixin smiled, "Do you like it?"

Zhi Gui held up a gold coin, shaking it, smiling happily, "It's so shiny and festive."

Song Jixin laughed, "If that makes you happy, I'll get more bags. These coins, outside, are used in various ways. The common folk have their customs, and the immortals have theirs."

She squinted her eyes, like crescent moons, and asked, "What about Chen Ping'an's bag?"

Song Jixin frowned, "Him?"

The maid noticed his odd mood, carefully putting away the coins, tying the bag tightly. She asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Song Jixin shrugged, "Nothing, just some old junk. That kid next door can wait. No need to invite trouble. As for the bookworm Zhao Yao, he's easier to fool. I'll get you a bag from him."

Seeing the maid's puzzled look, Song Jixin didn't explain further. The maid didn't press for answers.

Zhi Gui walked out into the courtyard and saw the pesky four-legged snake, basking in the sun, occasionally rolling over in enjoyment.

Annoyed, the maid stomped over, stepping on the snake's head, grinding her foot.

The poor creature cried out pitifully.

She lifted her foot, and the snake darted away, crashing into walls around the yard.

Their yellow four-legged snake.

The golden carp that got caught in a fish trap.

The black loach Gu Can kept in a jar.

Gold, wood, and water—three out of five gone.

Looking at the horned snake, the maid sneered, "Stupid thing!"


In Gu Can's courtyard, the old man and the woman still sat facing each other. The old man looked at the lines in his palm, feeling uneasy.

He put his hand down and asked, "Gu Shi, are there many women like you who married outsiders in this town?"

The woman shook her head, "Not many. In Mud Bottle Alley and Apricot Flower Alley, I'm the only one."

The old man hesitated but decided to share some insight, "For girls, ages six and twelve, and for boys, ages nine and eighteen, these are critical points. The first must be crossed on their own, the second can be helped. Then there's one more thing that can greatly improve the odds. The wealthier the family, the better their chances. Opening the door, stepping into the hall, and entering the room—these three steps depend largely on fortune and destiny, especially the first step."

The woman's eyes sparkled, "Since you chose my son, he must be capable of taking that first step, right?"

The old man, smiling mysteriously, said, "Children who grow up in this town generally don't have outstanding aptitude. Your son, Gu Can, is no exception."

The woman's face fell instantly.

The old man stomped on the ground, smiling, "Don't worry. Apt

itude is important but not everything. If the heavens favor you, even a roadside dog or a wild grass can slowly cultivate the Dao and ascend to the clouds. This town's decline over thousands of years has led to a final prosperous year. Just as a person has a burst of energy before death, your son is benefiting from this, far beyond imagination, surpassing even the most talented children of the past."

The woman's lips trembled, struggling to contain her joy, her eyes moist with emotion.

The old man glanced at her, amused, "Of course, don't get greedy. Your son isn't the only one with such fortune. In the vast Eastern Bottle Continent, those who can monopolize this luck haven't even been born yet."

The woman clasped her hands to her chest, whispering, "It's enough, more than enough."

The old man thought of the young woman from Yunxia Mountain and sneered, "Busy and exhausted, only seeking external things, picking up sesame seeds while losing watermelons—how foolish."

He laughed, "Well, Yunxia Mountain's old fogies have always had narrow vision. Otherwise, they wouldn't have let me seize this opportunity. With a treasure mountain that should bring endless wealth, they've fallen so low as to need a young disciple to uphold their prestige."

Inside, the boy Gu Can had been punching and kicking the door for a while. He now stood on a stool, peeking out the window, pleading, "Mom, let me out. I promise to be good!"

The woman looked at the old man, who nodded.

She opened the door and led her son outside, sternly saying, "Gu Can, don't cause trouble, understand? If you misbehave, I will really punish you."

The boy sulked, "Okay."

Gu Can dragged a stool, sitting by himself, forming a triangle with his mother and the old man. Propping his chin, he asked, "Mom, what were you talking about with the storyteller? I couldn't hear you. Can you repeat it?"

The old man raised an eyebrow, considering. He shook his wrist, and a large white bowl appeared in his palm. He stared at the water surface, his eyes darkening. Ripples spread, and a black line darted around, occasionally hitting the bowl's edge. The old man muttered, "Fine, let it be."

To accept this disciple, the old man had expended great effort, risking decades of cultivation to manipulate three times.

Once, making the woman step in dog feces.

The last, using a secret technique to convince her she had attained enlightenment. Outside the town, this would be impossible. Even a true Daoist wouldn't dare, but here, Cai Jin Jian was like a mortal. The old man's sacrifice created an opportunity.

The second instance was the most subtle, making the woman think the boy's kind warning was a clever revenge. The old man slowed the boy's words just enough for the woman to notice.

It was meticulous.

In cultivation, fellow practitioners, kindness or enmity, are often a fine line.

Now, the woman Gu Shi's heart was in her throat, fearing bad news from the old man.

The old man saw the boy sneaking to the gate, ready to run.

The woman screamed.

The old man, holding the bowl, stood slowly, "Disciple, let me show you the vastness of the world, lest you underestimate the importance of our grand cause."

The woman fainted.

The old man waved his sleeve.

The next moment, as the boy reached the gate latch, he stumbled. Looking around, bewildered, he asked, "Where is this?"

The old man, hands behind his back, said calmly, "In the bowl."

The boy, more confused, stood at the old man's shout, "Stand up!"

Gu Can found himself at a cliff's edge, clouds swirling below.

Then, he saw a massive body moving through the clouds.

It was too big to see fully.

Scared, Gu Can wanted to step back, but the old man held his head, "Retreat now, and you'll never advance in cultivation! Stand firm!"

Terrified, tears streamed down his face, but he didn't dare make a sound.

Shaking, he watched as the clouds parted, revealing more of the black form.

A giant head emerged from the clouds.

Gu Can, eyes shining, waved, "Come here! You're so big now! No wonder the fish and crabs I put in the tank disappear."

The old man behind him, feeling a mix of jealousy and pride, thought, "Though I lack such fortune, having this disciple is a great blessing."

Watching the head approach, he murmured, "A marvel of the world."


Chen Ping'an told the black-clad girl he needed to go inside and came out with something hidden in his hand.

He said he was going to buy a pot for decocting medicine.

After he left, the girl noticed an old pot in the corner.

Her keen ears had heard the sound of a sharp ceramic shard being hidden.