

Chapter 6...

Detective Smith has been severely injured. Despite his condition, he manages to steady himself and goes outside to search for Sofia. On the other hand, some children from Oakwood School are heading out with fresh meat again. These are the same children the detective saw earlier that morning. They arrive at an abandoned house where they find a girl held captive. She was far from normal; in some ways, she resembled a demon. One boy tries to feed her meat but fails. Another cuts his hand and successfully feeds her his blood. All the children had been keeping the demonic girl captive for many days, subjecting her to severe beatings and torture. Afterward, we learn about the girl's past..

In a quaint village nestled deep within mist-covered mountains, two sisters, Elara and Seraphine, lived a simple life. Elara, the elder, possessed a gentle demeanor and an affinity for healing herbs, while Seraphine, the younger, was known for her quick wit and adventurous spirit.

One fateful evening, a mysterious traveler arrived at their doorstep. He spoke of ancient rituals and forbidden knowledge hidden in the nearby forest. Intrigued, Seraphine convinced Elara to accompany her into the woods under the guise of gathering rare herbs for their potions.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon an ancient altar bathed in moonlight. Unbeknownst to them, the altar was a gateway to the realm of demons. Seduced by promises of power and immortality, Seraphine, driven by ambition, urged Elara to partake in the ritual inscribed upon the altar.

Reluctantly, Elara agreed, their bond as sisters outweighing her doubts. They chanted the forbidden incantations, unleashing a surge of dark energy that enveloped them both. In a blinding flash, their forms twisted and contorted, infused with demonic essence.

Emerging from the ritual, they found themselves changed. Seraphine, now with eyes gleaming with infernal fire, wielded dark sorcery with ease. Elara, though frightened by their transformation, discovered she could commune with spirits of the forest, drawing on their ancient wisdom.

Their newfound powers drew the attention of villagers who feared them as harbingers of doom. The sisters, once inseparable, found themselves at odds. Seraphine hungered for more power, while Elara sought to undo their dark pact.

As tensions escalated, a band of villagers led by a charismatic hunter confronted the sisters. Seraphine, consumed by her thirst for power, unleashed a torrent of darkness upon the villagers, forcing Elara to intervene. In a heart-wrenching battle, Elara used her newfound abilities to shield the villagers from Seraphine's wrath.

Realizing the destruction they had wrought, Seraphine's heart softened. With tears in her eyes, she turned to

Elara, begging for forgiveness. Together, they vowed to use their powers to protect the village from the shadows they had unleashed.

And so, the sisters, now bound by both blood and darkness, became the guardians of the village they once called home. Through their journey, they learned that true strength lay not in power alone, but in the bond of sisterhood that endured even amidst the darkest of trials.