Besties & Booze

Mia stepped out into the cool evening air, a sense of triumph bubbling within her. She had stood her ground and rejected Andrew's attempt to invade her plans. It felt good, liberating even. She headed to her apartment with a spring in her step, eager to see Mikee and fill her in on everything that had happened over the past few days.

As she unlocked her door, the smell of Mikee's favorite lavender-scented candles hit her. Mikee, her 5 foot best friend from university who had the biggest personality and had attached herself to Mia their first week in uni, had already made herself at home, sprawled out on the couch with Misty curled up beside her.

"Mia!" Mikee greeted, leaping up to give her a tight hug. "You look amazing, as always."

"And you, my dear, look like a breath of fresh air," Mia replied, hugging her back just as tightly. "I've missed you so much."

They settled onto the couch, Mia's heart swelling with happiness at having her best friend there. Mikee, with her infectious energy and endless support, was exactly what she needed.

"So, spill," Mikee said, crossing her legs and leaning forward. "What's been going on? You sounded pretty stressed on the phone."

Mia took a deep breath and began to recount the recent events—running into Andrew at The Alley, having her pitch be rejected, the awkward coffee shop encounters, the intense brainstorm session, and his baffling shift in demeanor. She told Mikee about John's unexpected absence and how it had thrown her off, and Sarah's article getting the green light.

"Wow," Mikee said, eyes wide with interest. "That's a lot. How are you holding up?"

"It's been overwhelming," Mia admitted. "But you know what? I'm proud of myself for setting boundaries with Andrew today. It felt empowering."

Mikee beamed at her. "That's my girl! You've always been stronger than you think. And as for John and Sarah, you'll figure it out. You always do."

Mia smiled, feeling a rush of gratitude for her friend. Mikee had always been her rock, and their bond was unshakeable.

"I just don't know what to make of Andrew," Mia continued. "He's so different now. More intense, like he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders."

Mikee nodded thoughtfully. "People change, Mia. Sometimes in ways we don't understand. But that doesn't mean you have to figure it all out right now. Just take things one step at a time."

"You're right," Mia said, feeling lighter. "And I'm really happy for Sarah. She deserves this. I just need to focus on my own work and stop comparing myself to others. But Mikes, I don't know… What if this world of journalism just isn't for me?"

"That's new. Have you been feeling like having a shift in your career for a while now?" Mikee asked, a little concerned. 

"I dunno. I guess I've always just had one foot in the door of journalism and one foot out of it. Come to think of it, I never really enjoyed it, I just knew I had to do it cause… you know…" Mia drifted off, unable to say her next words.

"I know." Mikee said, covering Mia's hand with hers. "No need to go into detail, for now, let's get ready and have a fabulous night out. You deserve to blow off some steam."

An hour later, they were dressed to the nines and ready to hit the town. As they laughed and shared stories over dinner and drinks, Mia felt the stress of the past few days melt away. Mikee's presence was like a balm to her soul, and she was reminded of the importance of friendship and self-care.

"So, tell me more about Andrew," Mikee said, sipping her cocktail. "What's his deal this time?"

Mia rolled her eyes. "He's just...complicated. Remember how we used to be kind of close in college? And how he was Mr. Congeniality? Now he's so distant and serious. And then he suddenly tried to tag along with us tonight? It's like he's two different people."

Mikee shook her head. "Men. Always complicating things. Remember how he used to be so fun and carefree? What happened?"

"I don't know," Mia admitted. "Maybe it's the pressure of work. Or something personal. But it's confusing, and I don't have the energy to figure him out."

"You shouldn't have to," Mikee said firmly. "You've got enough on your plate. Focus on you and what makes you happy."

"You're right," Mia said, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "I just need to keep doing my best and not let him get to me."

They danced the night away, letting the music and the joy of the moment carry them. Mia couldn't remember the last time she had felt so free, so unburdened by her worries. Mikee's laughter was contagious, and they moved as if they were the only two people in the room.

When they finally returned to Mia's apartment in the early hours of the morning, both exhausted but happy, Mia knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she could face them. With Mikee by her side and a renewed sense of confidence, she was ready to tackle anything.

As they collapsed onto the couch, Mikee turned to her, her expression serious for a moment. "Mia, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You've been through so much, and you're still standing strong. Your parents would be so proud too."

Mia felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She squeezed Mikee's hand, her voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, Mikee. That means the world to me."

"It's true," Mikee continued, her voice softening. "You're doing amazing things, and you're handling everything with such grace. Don't ever forget that."

Mia nodded, unable to speak for a moment. She felt a deep sense of gratitude for Mikee's unwavering support and love. Their friendship was a constant source of strength and joy in her life.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," Mia finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You'll never have to find out," Mikee replied, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm always here for you."

As she drifted off to sleep that night, Mia felt a sense of peace. She had made it through a tough week, and she knew there would be more to come. But with her best friend's unwavering support and her own inner strength, she was ready for whatever the future held. She knew that no matter what happened, she had the resilience and the love to face it head-on.