Vegetables & Vodka

The next morning, Mia woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. The sun was shining through her window, casting a warm glow over her room. She stretched and smiled, feeling ready to take on the day. She had a lot of work to do, but she felt confident and motivated.

She met Mikee in the kitchen, where the smell of fresh coffee filled the air.

"Ah, feels just like we're back in our uni days," Mia said as she walked towards her cabinets to get a mug and fill it with coffee. She bent down to give Misty her morning rubs and hugged her tightly. Honestly, what's an anxiety trauma-ridden girl without her dog for comfort?

"I know, right? I miss being roomies with you," Mikee replied. "I almost forgot how useless you are in the kitchen. Seriously, Mia? There's not a single item I can make breakfast with in here!"

Mia laughed at this. "Nobody's perfect, and you love me anyway."

"Well, you're right about that. What do you say we hit the market today to buy you some nourishment so I know that my best friend's going to live at least till the end of the year?" Mikee said as she poured herself what Mia assumed was not her first cup of coffee.

"I'm not sure… Are you going to make me buy things I need to cook?" Mia joked.

"Yes, but I'll make sure they're things like mac & cheese. And I'll even make you some food and freeze it so they last you at least a week," Mikee said.

"Fine, fine." Mia waved her off, just happy to have Mikee around comfortably nagging her again.

They both got dressed, ready to head out with Misty. It was a Saturday, and Mia was glad that it was finally the weekend. On top of it all, she had her best girls with her, Mikee and Misty.

Mia brought Mikee to the nearby grocery where she let Mikee do all of the shopping, and all she did was nod along or shake her head when Mikee raised anything green and leafy.

"Come on, Mia," Mikee groaned while they were in the vegetable aisle, "You have got to have some type of vegetables in your apartment!"

"I get veggies in my Pad Thai! That's good enough!" Mia whined. She eventually caved to three tomatoes, lettuce, and some broccoli. Mikee was very good at forcing Mia to do things, especially when it came to her wellbeing.

Mikee had a separate cart, which she filled with ingredients Mia couldn't fathom what would end up as, while Mia filled her own cart with her necessities, including instant mac & cheese, instant ramen, four bags of chips, a bottle of vodka, and ingredients for her mom's spaghetti recipe.

They headed to the checkout aisle, and once everything was bagged and loaded into Mia's tiny hatchback, they headed back home to Mia's apartment, Misty wagging her tail, happy to have gotten treats from the grocery's butcher.

Once they unloaded everything into Mia's kitchen, Mia turned to Mikee. "Okay, we did your thing. Now, can we please get a decent cup of coffee and lunch?"

Mikee smiled. "Obviously, my only answer is yes."

The three of them, Misty included, walked down to The Alley. Mia was excited to introduce Mikee to her favorite coffee shop.

Stepping into The Alley, Mia was relieved to see John back behind the counter. His warm smile greeted them as they entered.

"Hey, Mia! Long time no see," John said, glancing curiously at Mikee. "And who's this?"

"This is Mikee, my best friend," Mia introduced. "Mikee, this is John, the best barista in town."

"Nice to meet you, John," Mikee said, shaking his hand. "Mia's told me all about this place."

"Nice to meet you too, Mikee," John replied, his eyes twinkling. "What can I get for you ladies?"

They ordered their drinks and found a cozy spot by the window. Misty settled down at their feet, content with a treat John had given her.

"So, this is The Alley," Mikee said, looking around appreciatively. "I can see why you love it here."

"Yeah, it's my little sanctuary," Mia admitted. "And the coffee is amazing."

As they sipped their drinks, Mia recounted her last encounter with Andrew at The Alley. Mikee listened intently, her expression thoughtful.

"Andrew Shmandrewwww," Mikee cajoled. "This guy again. Honestly Mia, he has always sounded like trouble, and you know it."

"I do know it, Mikee, but how can I avoid him? He's literally everywhere." Mia groaned.

"Well you don't, all you do is ignore him." Mikee said, in her usual confident self.

"Ignore him how? We're working together!" Mia exclaimed.

"Well, you don't have to be enthusiastic about it, just be nonchalant, and don't talk to him outside of work. Easy." Mikee said, taking another sip of her coffee.

"I guess you're right," Mia said, slowly waking up from her Andrew fog.

"Of course I'm right!" Mikee said, nudging Mia with her elbow affectionately.

"You know what, I don't know why I'm getting so worked up over him. He doesn't matter! I hate him!" Mia said with even more confidence.

"Amen sister!!!!" Mikee said loudly, causing a few heads to turn their way.

Mia smiled at the other tables in apology.

"Look, I know this Andrew thing is really throwing you off balance," Mikee observed. "But you handled it well. You set boundaries and stuck to them."

"Thanks," Mia said, feeling a surge of confidence. "Technically I only set boundaries once, but I'm trying my best."

"All we can ever do is try, Mia." Mikee said reassuringly, her words enveloping Mia like a warm hug. "Anyway I'm here now, you don't need to deal with any kind of stress alone anymore!" she added, her big personality and overwhelmingly happy spirit shining through again.

They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the city, visiting their favorite spots, and reminiscing about old times. Mia felt a sense of freedom and joy she hadn't felt in a long time. With Mikee by her side, everything seemed possible.

As the day turned to evening, they found themselves back at Mia's apartment, preparing a simple dinner with the groceries they had bought. Mikee took charge in the kitchen, whipping up a delicious meal while Mia set the table.

"You know, you should come over more often and cook for me," Mia teased.

Mikee laughed. "I'd love to, but you have to promise to keep your kitchen stocked with more than just instant noodles and vodka."

"Deal," Mia said, smiling.

Over dinner, they talked about their dreams and plans for the future.

"Honestly, Mikes, I don't know anymore." Mia admitted.

"What do you mean you don't know anymore?" Mikee asked, some concern growing.

"There are days where it honestly feels like I'm just dragging my feet. Like I'm not doing what I should be doing, you know?" Mia said.

"Mia, is this something you always feel or is it a rare thing?" Mikee asked, and a realization dawned on Mia, something she didn't want to admit. Mikee always knew Mia better than she knew herself.

"I feel it often. But what am I going to do right? I'm on this path, and I can't get out of it." Mia found herself admitting, something she didn't even fully realize until that moment. A tear fell down her cheek.

"Hey, it's okay," Mikee said as she comforted Mia with a hug, "You'll figure it out, Mia. You can always get out of things, Mia. Always."

As Mikee said those words, Mia began to cry even harder. 

"Mikee, you know I can't. I can't quit, not this, especially not this." Mia said as she began to sob.

"Mia, stop it. You're not quitting, nor are you leaving journalism. Not right away at least. You're just changing directions. And hey, you can still try out journalism, but if it doesn't fit you can;t force it to." Mikee said as she wiped Mia's tears.

"Thanks, Mikee." Mia said.

"Mia, if anyone can do this, you can, and the thing is, you don't have to do it alone, okay?" Mikee said, "You'll always have a friend to hold your hand."

The whole scenario gave Mia a flashback, a rainy morning at a funeral. Mikee holding her hand, as she tried her best to hold back waves of tears coursing through her body. Once again, Mia shook her head, as if physically shaking the memory out.