
Once again, Mia found herself bumping straight into Andrew. Her face turned beet red when she realized who it was, and she couldn't help but feel awkward when he instinctively put his arms around her shoulders.

"Mia? Hey, are you okay? Sorry about that, didn't see you coming," Andrew said, concern etching into his brows. Mia wanted to brush off his touch and dismiss his apology with a wave.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just watch where you're going next time. Could've been a stranger you knocked over," Mia replied, her annoyance palpable.

Andrew's eyebrows shot up, his gaze locking onto hers with an intensity that caught her off guard. "Might as well have been a stranger," he muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible.

"What was that?" Mia snapped, her frustration growing louder.

"Hey Andrew!" Mikee's cheerful voice cut in, saving Mia from both Andrew's intense gaze and the feeling in the pit of her stomach that it was causing.

Andrew's focus shifted to Mikee, his features softening instantly. "Mikee! It's been ages!" Andrew exclaimed, stepping forward to give her a quick hug. "How have you been?"

"Busy, but good," Andrew replied, glancing back at Mia with a hint of mischief. "Your friend here and I have been running into each other a lot lately. Literally, as you just saw."

Mia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it's becoming a habit. Perhaps a bad one."

Only then did Mia notice Andrew's appearance—a sweaty, slightly disheveled look in a sleeveless running shirt that accentuated his toned physique. She caught herself staring at his abs and quickly averted her gaze.

"So, it's 8 in the morning. Heading to The Alley for your coffee fix before work?" Andrew smoothly redirected the conversation, slipping back into his charming self.

"Yup, coffee's a must," Mikee affirmed, linking her arm through Mia's. "And we're celebrating because I just moved back to the city."

"That's fantastic news!" Andrew exclaimed before checking his watch. "Oh, sorry, you guys, gotta clean up before work. I'll see you around, Mikee. And Mia, I'll see you later," he said with a wave as he walked away.

"Yeah, whatever," Mia muttered under her breath, making sure Andrew was out of earshot.

Mikee chuckled and led Mia towards The Alley. "You two haven't changed. Still at each other's throats, and he's clearly still obsessed with you," she teased.

"Obsessed with me?! Please, Mikee. Let's just get coffee," Mia deflected, though she couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling Andrew's presence stirred in her.

At The Alley, they settled at Mia's usual table, enjoying the comforting atmosphere and their morning pick-me-up. The café buzzed with activity, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee adding to their conversation.

Mia was beaming, despite the literal bump in the road, here she was, getting coffee before work with her best friend. Something they both only wandered and dreamed about in their university days. Although Mia loved her usual quiet mornings, this was a welcome change.

After a while, Andrew walked in, now freshly showered and dressed in a casual polo that emphasized his piercing eyes. He waved at them and chose a table on the far end of the café, keeping a respectful distance.

"That was odd," Mikee remarked, watching Andrew settle in. "You two were practically lovey-dovey a minute ago, and now he's acting like he doesn't know you."

"Lovey-dovey?????" Mia scoffed, her annoyance rising again. "You totally misread that, Mikee. Besides, he does this every day—sits there quietly, acts like he barely knows me, then we walk to the office together," she shrugged.

"I don't know if that's cute or just plain weird," Mikee teased with a playful grin.

They continued chatting over their coffee, discussing plans for the day and Mikee's upcoming move. When Mia noticed the time approaching 9 o'clock, she stood up to grab a muffin to go, signaling their departure.

"I can't wait to start furniture shopping," Mikee said, her excitement palpable. "It's going to be so much fun turning that place into a home."

"You'll have to send me pictures," Mia said as they stepped out of The Alley. "I'll be stuck in meetings all day, but I'll live vicariously through you."

"Oh, I will," Mikee promised, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "And tonight, we'll celebrate properly."

As they started walking away from the Alley towards the intersection, the chime of The Alley's door caught Mia's attention. She turned and saw Andrew was the one who had exited, of course, walking behind them to get to work. To work with her.

"Well, this is where we part ways. Heading out to the furniture store now. See you after work for dinner, Mia!" Mikee said once they got to the corner of the sidewalk, hugging Mia goodbye.

"It was great seeing you, Andrew. Don't be a stranger!" Mikee called out to Andrew who had caught up with them at that point. "And behave," she added with a faux death stare.

They parted ways, leaving Mia with a strange mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Walking in silence with Andrew for a few moments, Mia was caught off guard when he spoke up.

"Dinner sounds fun. Mind if I join?" Andrew's question hung in the air, mingling with the city sounds around them.

Mia's steps faltered as she processed his request. She could feel the tension building again, her mind racing through the implications. Could she reject him twice? Before she could overthink it, she found herself saying, "Fiiiine."

Andrew's grin widened. "Great. It'll be like old times."

Mia wasn't so sure about that, but she didn't argue. They reached the entrance of their office building, and she paused, unsure of how to proceed. The day had taken unexpected turns, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there were more surprises in store.

In the elevator, Mia was in her own bubble, going through all her tasks on her calendar that she had to check off for the day. A lot of which involved Andrew, given that they were writing a story together. 

The elevator pinged, indicating they had reached their floor.

As they were about to part ways outside the elevator, Andrew said, "I'll see you later, Mia. I have a few details lined up I want to get your thoughts on. 11am sound good?"

"11am for what, Andrew?" Mia snapped, confused. 

"You know, to meet." He said plainly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why can't you just email me your documents and I can comment on it virtually?" Mia pointed out.

"I'd rather see your expressions in person," He said earnestly, "I know you like to hide behind a screen, Mia, but I know your emotions are what make you a great writer. See you later!"

Andrew walked away after that. Leaving Mia know choice but to meet him at 11.

She sighed and texted Mikee that Andrew was joining them for dinner. So much for setting boundaries.