A lead

The sun had long set as Mia and Andrew drove through the streets of the city's outskirts. 

The area was so different from the bustling city that they were used to, with graffiti-covered walls and flickering street lights casting creepy shadows on the cracked pavement. 

Mia's heart pounded in her chest, the heaviness of their situation weighing on her. The drive to the location was quiet, Andrew had barely said anything in the car, and Mia didn't mind because she had so many thoughts running through her head that she wasn't even sure if she could hold a conversation at that moment.

Andrew's contact had told him to meet in a dingy bar at the edge of the city, a place where whispers of the things that usually don't see the light of day thrived. 

The establishment was generic, with a faded sign barely visible through the grime on the windows. 

As they approached, Andrew gave Mia a reassuring nod, his presence steadying her through her rising anxiety.