Merging Of Two Souls

Few hours had passed since the discovery of white mysterious ball and Li Tian was trying to achieve more information about the past life of Li Tian and merging his memories with that. He also wanted to know more about what went downhill in his last life but to his disappointment he couldnt gain any useful information in this regard.

But still the harvest was good as he got to know that on the outside many were righteous and good but he got to know about their inner sides where they dealt with everybody with evil. Like a cultivator named Chu Xin suddenly rose in fame in the last timeline and he was seen with many big figures like Li Tian and many more he had excellent martial skills and he was one of the leader of human army in the battlefield between human and demon realm.

He was said to be the leader of righteous sect and was believed to lead humans to victory in the war but suddenly he vanished and no trace was left of him even after many years no news regarding him came and he was presumed to be dead.

But now he could tell that this man was anything but righteous in some regards he could even be said to be worse than demons themselves as he used to practice the Heaven Devouring Arts which are considered a taboo for human as in this the person absorbs the vitality of other beings and completely absorbing their lifespan and blood.

But how did he disappear now he knows the reason as he later targeted Li Tian for his physique and vitality but later the positions reversed and soon he was utterly defeated by Li Tian and then knowing the difference in their strength he wanted to leverage with him and preserve his life for which he was even willing to give the technique to him on the condition of letting him live.

The proposal was accepted by him and he gave him the technique which Li Tian found interesting and soon started using because he was brute who thought that strength was everything and even if he had to leave his humanity for that he would so. Then he committed genocide on a very different scale than Chu Xin at first he went to a lower world and killed all the people present in the world no matter whether they were children or adults they were killed and then their blood and vitality absorbed by him the effects were immense and soon Li Tian became dissatisfied with this as he had already massacred a lot of lower realms but then his speed became slow. Then soon he started targeting high level cultivators in the world and also one day targeted Chu Xin that was also the reason why his corpse was never found.

Even his older sister fell to his schemes and in the end killed by him for strength even during her ending moments he could see that she was happy and a little regretful. Happy because even in her dying moments she could see her dear brother who she regarded as the most important individual in the world even if the killer would happen to be him she would still feel happy.

Regretful because as an older sister she couldnt guide her younger brother towards a better way and she failed in providing a better path for him so instead of blaming anyone else she blamed herself for not completing her duty as an older sister in order to guide her younger brother.

So this was the main part of the past life story where Li Tian later fell in the hands of protagonist.

In the end he just became like a demon with no mind and only wanted strength no matter its cost that must be the reason why he had that fall in his mentality earlier.

Li Tian came back out of his memories and found himself drenched in sweat and started recovering his expended qi. Soon he was back at his full powers.

"Ahhhhhhhh..aaaaaaahhh" He couldnt think anything at all because he suddenly felt like an attack was directly made towards his mind He started concentrating his qi towards his brain to stop the onslaught.

After 15 minutes he was now tired but still managed to subdue the pain but couldnt guess what had happened with him. He suddenly started feeling that his strength was low no actually very low. He never felt like this in the entire 19 years but now he was feeling this this change was something he never expected.

But soon a shiver went through his body as he imagined the worst case scenario which he never considered that was what if after learning about the past life actions this body's soul of Li Tian started awakening and if in case he would be overpowered by the other Li Tian then he will lose himself and also the same story would repeat.

He didnt want this to happen at all and still wanted to enjoy his life but no matter what he thought he couldnt get an answer. The only option was to defeat the other Li Tian in a soul power battle which would be very difficult as the Li Tian's soul had gained information about the heaven devouring arts which would indirectly turn all attacks into his nourishment for gaining more powers.

Defeating the other half would be a very difficult task so the only option remaining was something he thought was impossible as this idea consisted of combining both the soul his past life Kai's and Li Tian's. By doing such he would retain his will but instead would gain habits of previous Li Tian but still this option was much safer than the other one as he didnt want the previous Li Tian to roam free as he was dangerous to the whole world.

But this option was almost impossible as this meant storing both good and evil in a single bottle or like keeping two things that repel each other close.

But still he tried using his mental powers towards strengthening his soul but now instead of attacking towards the other one he just defended this time and tried to get damaged but also reduce the effects.

This continued for quite some time and now both the souls were exhausted and this was the perfect timing for Li Tian to try to bring the other soul with him so he suddenly remembered a thing and started inhaling the soul powers. The other soul was also horrified seeing this as he knew what this was, this was the 1st step of heaven devouring art but soon gave up his resistance and was ready to be sucked.

But then instead of absorbing the other power he healed him and opened his sea of conscious for it to enter. The other half was amused by this but still unlike before acted according to his wish and soon combined with his soul.

"The tricky part is done and now since I have adopted the original Li Tian's personality I would also be performing many evil things but not to an inhumane level as I am still me so I should just do what I normally do but now I dont have to hold back anymore as now I am completely a villain with a villain's mentality not some random mortal kid who just got into the body of a cultivator" said Li Tian and now he had also accepted his villain side and merged with it so now his growth rate would increase as now he wont be held back due to his mortal rules and mindset instead he would now pursue the ever long goal of all cultivator that is to reach the top.