Leaving The Cave And First Follower

Now Li Tian had a new understanding about his position and effects of his actions. Now he had gained the previous fierceness of original Li Tian so he could tell that up until now he has been too soft on his enemies and never thought about their retaliation.

Till now he had thought that his enemy wont be coming after him after seeing his strength and family background but he was utterly wrong in this and was too simple minded. But now after gaining the momentum of a true villain he could tell that his enemy wont see his background or anything and if a powerhouse came in group to deal with him then he would die.

"I've spent so long denying this part of myself, trying to adhere to the righteous path of cultivation. Perhaps it's time I acknowledge the strength that lies in embracing all aspects of who I am." said Li Tian but he also swore that he wont become revel in cruelty or mindless destruction But he will also no longer deny the power within him, the resolve to protect what's his and to eliminate those who would stand in my his without hesitation.

He accepted all of his darkness lurking in the depth of soul not as a descent of darkness but instead as an ascent towards greater light. The things that will make him different from his previous life would be the intent, purpose and resolve.

I still have people who I have to protect and care for. Even if they see this side of me they wont mind as They will understand. Those who truly know me will see that I haven't strayed from my principles. I will be their shield, their sword, and their hope. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but I'm ready. No longer will I hesitate to do what must be done.

"Yes from this moment onwards I will forge a new legend. One who embraced both light and darkness within him" said Li Tian and truly this was the birth of a monster who created the golden age for cultivator and who forged his own story with his own hands and he who created his own fate.

He now had spend about 2 days inside this cave and decided to leave this place. He was quite satisfied with this journey as now he gained a lot of things here which couldnt be measured in terms of wealth as they were immeasurable.

Soon he came out of the cave and now was standing in a forest but now he saw that in these 2 days not only did his personality and thinking ability advanced but also his soul became much stronger than before as now he could expand his divine sense throughout the forest and was able to perceive the actions of all beings below his cultivation realm in the forest.

He expanded his divine sense and tried to find something useful or valuable but soon was disappointed as their was nothing which piqued his interest so he just decided to leave.

Just when he was travelling and trying to find a new opportunity to grow he heard a voice from behind "Young Master we completed the task you gave us. That Ice Adult beast is in Nascent Soul Realm 1st Stage but it is rarely seen by human cultivators due to its intelligence. We also found a piece of information that you may find useful that in this current week the saintess of Ice Palace will again go into the forest to hunt these beasts cub" said the leader of the group of informants.

"Oh well done its good to know that she is going into the forest right now this will make things easier for me." said Li Tian. 

"But still I am amazed at your ability to find me this early although i had guessed that you will find me soon but not this soon" complimented Li Tian.

"Young master Thank you for your kind words but as one of the best assassins group in the world we have enough ability to back it up also. Until the person escapes deep into main demon realm till then we can easily find them without much problem" said The Informant well he was not technically wrong by saying this and this is not overconfidence as they do have enough strength to back their claims.

Li Tian threw a pouch towards him which he had just taken out of his ring. "Keep the things in the ring they are your rewards and distribute them accordingly in your group I think there are enough items for your whole group" said Li Tian.

Upon seeing the pouch and hearing the words of Li Tian the informant was overjoyed and thanked him. "Well I will be needing you for a task soon so be near me for a few days and we will soon head towards the forest where Xu Ye goes to hunt" said Li Tian

The informant was now happy as he could tell that with his work he had somewhat gained a little trust of Li Tian and was overjoyed with this more than receiving the pouch as if he continues to work for him then the rewards will be there and he could also gain a lot of things and dont forget that he was the next leader of Li Family so who wouldnt want to be the personal assassin group of Li Family leader.

If he manages to secure his position then his standing in the world would also increase and his influence too. 

"Let me check a few things with my divine sense in the area and then we will leave for the next forest near The Ice Palace" said Li Tian

"Ok Young Master" said the informant and then while Li Tian was using his divine sense, he was curious as to what he had given him in the pouch so started inspecting the items inside the pouch with his divine sense.

He was surprised to find 7000 spirit stones, 100 breakthrough pills of high quality, 100 healing pills of medium quality 20 body tempering pills of high quality 20 qi condensing pill of high quality. These items were one of the best there was and they were very hard to collect and much less in such huge amounts. The informant had total 20 people in his group of assassins so each person could get atleast one of each pills. With the help of these pills he was sure about increasing his strength and getting more stronger in a short amount of time.

After seeing all this he was even more resolved about following Li Tian as he could tell he was a person destined to achieve greatness in the future and he should follow him so that he will also be remembered with him. In a sense one could say he was the first follower of Li Tian now who would kill anyone if the order is given by Li Tian. He was ready to become a supporting character for his protagonist(Li Tian).

Then the informant also left the place to tell his team about following the young master to a new forest and also giving them the pills which he has given them as a reward for further increasing their strength so that they could be of more use to him.