Cavalier and Chipmunk - Episode 2

In the morning, as usual, Yin went to the coffee shop. "Good morning, everyone," Yin said to the workers and smiled. The workers greeted her back with a smile on their faces.

Everything was going smoothly, but then the glass door opened and Jungkook came into the coffee shop.

He scanned the entire shop, just to find Yin. He took off his sunglasses as he saw Yin talking with the customers while smiling.

He was just looking at her roaming figure while standing there when suddenly a waiter bumped into him and the tray he was holding fell to the ground.

"I am sorry, sir. I am really sorry. I didn't notice you," the waiter immediately bowed at Jungkook while apologizing.

Everyone's gazes fell on the scene, including Yin's. Jungkook was about to say it's okay, but before he could say anything, Yin came over.

"Are you okay?" Yin asked. "Yeah, I am fine," Jungkook replied. But in the next moment, he wanted to punch her face. "I wasn't asking you, Mister," Yin said, looking at Jungkook, and he looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"You go," Yin said to the waiter, and he bowed at Yin and Jungkook before leaving. Yin was also about to go, but something came to Jungkook's mind.

"All the workers here are the same, irresponsible," Jungkook said, and Yin turned to him. "What can we do? When you are here, we all automatically become irresponsible," Yin said mockingly.

Jungkook clenched his jaw while Yin passed him a teasing smirk. "You! Call your boss now!" Jungkook ordered Yin, and she didn't move an inch.

"Didn't you hear?! Call your boss!" he said in a slightly higher pitch. Then, a waiter came to him and whispered in his ear.

"Sir, she is the boss," the waiter said, and Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes. "What did you say?" Jungkook whispered back to the waiter while Yin just looked at him, crossing her arms.

"She is the owner and the boss," the waiter said, and Jungkook closed his mouth, which had been wide open, signaling for the waiter to go.

Jungkook looked at Yin, who was smiling at him mockingly. He looked at Yin from head to toe and thought, "From which angle does she look like the boss?"

"So, I am the boss. This shop is mine. What do you want?" Yin asked, still wearing the same smirk on her face.

"I remember someone said that girls like me try cheap tricks to get the attention of rich guys like you," Yin said, mocking Jungkook. Jungkook clears his throat.

"So what? It doesn't matter if you own a famous coffee shop, maybe... you are doing the same," Jungkook said, making an excuse to cover his words.

"And whatever, nothing changed between us. I hate you," Jungkook said, pointing at Yin. She clenched her jaw. "I hate you too," Yin said, glaring at him. Jungkook left.

The day went on like that. In the evening, a lady worker received a call from her mom. Something happened during the call that caused her to panic.

Yin noticed and asked her what happened. "'am, my is in the hospital. Can I go, please?" she asked in a cracking voice.

"Why are you even waiting? Go, go. Wait, let me take you to the hospital," Yin said. The worker bowed at Yin, and they went to the hospital.

After learning that everything was now fine, Yin was leaving the hospital when she saw an old man in patient's dress. He was walking somewhere with great difficulty, as his leg was bandaged.

Yin went to him and gently held his arm. "Let me help you, grandpa," Yin said politely. The old man looked at the young lady.

"Don't worry, child. I can manage," he said and smiled. But Yin could clearly see that he was alone. "Grandpa, you can't go alone. Let me help you," Yin said again. The old man smiled, and Yin took him to the ward where he wanted to go.

"Grandpa, isn't there anyone here to look after you?" Yin asked hesitantly. The old man smiled and said, "He went to bring me food, and I was bored, so I thought to go out. But my leg was hurting, so I was coming back," he said.

"Hm, don't go anywhere alone until you recover, okay?" Yin said and smiled, as did the old man. He patted her head and said, "Such a good child you are. What is your name?" "Yin, Geum Yin," Yin said.

"Grandpa, I have to go now. I will come back some other day, okay?" Yin said, and the old man nodded. Yin smiled and left.

After a few minutes, a person entered the ward room. "Sorry, sir. There were so many people in the food court," the person said. But he became confused as he saw that the old man was thinking about something.

"Sir, what are you thinking?" he asked again. This time, the old man looked at him and said, "Chan, get all the information about Geum Yin." The old man said, and Chan nodded, even wondering who this Geum Yin is.

The next day, Yin didn't go to the coffee shop. She wanted to go for a walk and spend some time by herself. She went to the seaside park and walked along the track, enjoying the calmness of the waving sea. There weren't many people around, so she was really enjoying her own company.

However, her peace didn't last long. Without noticing, she bumped into someone. Yin immediately turned to apologize, but her words stopped as soon as she saw the person.

It was Jungkook. "Hey, can't you see?" Jungkook said, turning to Yin. But he also stopped talking when he saw her. This gave them a new reason to argue.

"Why can't you let me live peacefully?" Jungkook asked, narrowing his eyebrows. "Oh really? Do you even know what peace is?" Yin replied with another question. "Excuse me, first say sorry. You bumped into me," he said, pointing at himself.

Yin put her hand on her waist and said, "Excuse me, you also bumped into me." "You were the one who walked with your eyes inside your mouth, so say sorry," Jungkook said mockingly.

"Hello, Mr. You also walked with your eyes inside your mouth, so you say sorry," Yin stated, crossing her arms. "Why can't you just say sorry, girl?" Jungkook asked, getting closer to Yin.

"I would have if there was someone else in your place," Yin said, looking straight into his eyes. "What's wrong with me? Am I not a human?" Jungkook asked, raising his eyebrow.

"No, you are a big fat jerk," Yin said, glaring at him. Jungkook's jaw dropped. "Who did you call a big fat jerk, you chipmunk?!" Jungkook asked, glaring at Yin.

Yin clenched her jaw and asked, "Who are you calling a chipmunk, you jerk?!" "Of course, you chipmunk," Jungkook said in a mocking tone. "I want to choke you to death!" Yin said. "Should I bend down for you, chipmunk?" Jungkook asked angrily, stepping closer to her.

And that's when Mingyu and Eunwoo saw them. They ran to Jungkook and pulled both him and Yin apart. "Mingyu, let go of me! I'm going to teach her a lesson!" Jungkook said, trying to free himself from Mingyu's grip.

"Yeah, yeah I am here to learn from this cavalier!" Yin said while struggling to be free from 's grip, "You!" Jungkook kicked the air as he wasn't close enough to kick her

"Mingyu take him away!" Eunwoo said and Mingyu pulled Jungkook away from Yin and Eunwoo let out a big sigh and leave Yin and went to Jungkook

"Mingyu, let go of me! I won't spare her!" Jungkook said as he tried to go back to Yin to continue the fight, but Mingyu didn't allow him to go.

"Relax, Jungkook. She's already gone," Mingyu said, releasing Jungkook's hand. Eunwoo also arrived at the scene.

"Dude, what the heck were you guys doing? Why were you fighting like Tom and Jerry?" Eunwoo asked.

Jungkook then explained what had happened and what had caused them to fight like that. "Cavalier... hahahaha." "Chipmunk... hahahaha," Eunwoo and Mingyu repeated, bursting into laughter.

Jungkook looked at them in disbelief. "Yaah! Do you want to die?" Jungkook asked, and both Eunwoo and Mingyu covered their mouths, trying hard not to laugh.

But they couldn't help it; they were still laughing, covering their mouths. Jungkook sighed and playfully punched their stomachs, causing the two of them to burst into laughter again.

Meanwhile, Yin was walking, more like smashing the ground with her foot. "Chipmunk? That cavalier! How dare he?" Yin mumbled in anger.

"Out of all the people in this world, why him? Such an annoying cavalier! He ruined my mood again!" Yin continued cursing Jungkook.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, "Sir, here is the information you wanted," Chan said, extending the file towards the old man.

The old man read everything in the file and smiled. "Guem Yin, I think I found the perfect girl for our Jungkook and the future mother of the Jeon family heir."

The old man said and smiled. "But what if the young master doesn't agree?" Chan asked, and the old man looked at him and smirked. "He won't have any other option," the old man said.

It was night, Yin and her parents were at the dining table, having dinner. "Yin, don't go anywhere tomorrow. We have some guests coming," Mrs. Guem said casually.

"Who are the guests?" Yin asked, just out of curiosity. "The Jeon family is coming," Mrs. Guem said. "Jeon family, who?" Yin asked again. "We are business friends," Mr. Guem said.

"Oh, okay," Yin said, continuing to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Guem looked at each other and then at Yin. "They are coming here for a marriage proposal," Mrs. Guem said. "Okay," Yin said, chewing her food, not realizing what her mom had said.

But soon she choked on her food when she realized what her mom said. Yin immediately drank some water and looked at her mom with wide eyes.

"What are you saying, mom? M..marriage proposal? Why??" Yin asked. "What, why? Of course you have to marry," Mrs. Guem said.

"But mom, I told you I don't want to marry now. Give me some time," Yin said. "We gave you enough time, and I told you if you didn't get a boyfriend, I will arrange your marriage," Mrs. Guem said, and Yin pouted.

She looked at her dad. "Dad~" she said, whining like a kid. "Yin, they are good people, and plus Mr. Jeon's father liked you for his grandson, so meet them once," Mr. Guem said while patting Yin's head.

Yin just pouted, knowing this time she can't escape from this marriage thing.

Meanwhile, in the Jeon mansion, "Dad, I told you, I don't want to get married," Jungkook said. "Why don't you want to marry?" Mr. Jeon asked.

"I will marry the girl whom I love. I don't like this arranged marriage type," he said, crossing his arms like a kid.

"Do you have a girl who you love, young man?" Mr. Jeon asked mockingly, and Jungkook cleared his throat. "I..I will get one," Jungkook said.

"When you get one, then I might already be dead," someone said, and Jungkook looked behind him, just to see the old man who is his grandpa.

"Grandpa, you too?" Jungkook asked, standing on his knees in front of his grandpa who is in a wheelchair.

"Jungkook, that girl is perfect for you. I chose her for you. Can't you just meet her? Even not for me?" Grandpa Jeon asked with puppy eyes which Jungkook couldn't resist.

"Aish, Grandpa, you know my weak point. Ok, ok, I will come with you guys tomorrow, happy?" Jungkook asked, and both Jeon families smiled.