Arranged by Family - Episode 3

The next day, the Guem family was getting ready to welcome the Jeon family, and Yin was in her room getting ready.

She sat in front of the mirror and looked at herself, "Why did the Jeon family have to choose me? I don't understand, Aha~" Yin mumbled and fake cried.

Soon, the doorbell rang and Mrs. Guem went to open the door. The Jeon family was standing in front of the door with smiles on their faces.

Mrs. Guem welcomed them and led them to the living room. The Jeon family sat on the sofa. "Hello, Mr. Guem, nice to meet you. This is my wife, and this is my father, and this is my son, Jungkook," Mr. Jeon introduced his family.

Jungkook smiled at them and then looked down, focusing on his phone. "Let me bring our daughter here," Mrs. Guem said and excused herself.

"Yin, come downstairs. The Jeon family is already here, waiting for you," Mrs. Guem said while entering the room.

"Oh, my daughter is so beautiful," Mrs. Guem said dramatically and wiped her fake tears. Yin sighed. "Mom, stop. It's not my wedding here," Yin said, and Mrs. Guem playfully nudged her shoulder.

Then they went downstairs. Everyone except Jungkook smiled upon seeing Yin, while she looked down. Jungkook was still focusing on his phone and wasn't interested in seeing the girl who had just arrived.

Yin then looked at the guests one by one, and she saw Grandpa Jeon. She recognized him, and Grandpa Jeon smiled at her and asked, "Do you remember me, child?"

Yin smiled and nodded. The Guem family was confused, and then Grandpa Jeon told them how he had seen Yin. Jungkook still hadn't looked at Yin.

And Yin also couldn't see Jungkook, as her mom was standing beside her, covering Jungkook's face.

"Jungkook, stop playing with your phone," Mrs. Jeon whispered to Jungkook and grabbed his phone.

Jungkook couldn't do anything, and he sighed.

"Okay, let's give them a chance to talk. Yin, take him to your room," Mrs. Guem said, and everyone nodded.

Mrs. Guem stepped aside, unblocking both Jungkook and Yin's view of each other.

Jungkook raised his head and looked at Yin at the same time Yin turned to him. Both of their mouths were wide open in shock.

"You!" Jungkook and Yin said in high pitches at the same time, grabbing everyone's attention.

Both of them were looking at each other because of the unexpected meeting, while the family members looked at Yin and Jungkook from time to time.

"Do you two know each other??" Mrs. Jeon asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Mom, I can't marry this chipmunk!" Jungkook said and immediately got up from his seat.

"W...why?" Mrs. Jeon asked, but her question got ignored when Yin spoke with the same rage.

"Yeah, I also don't want to marry this cavalier at all," Yin said, and her parents looked at her with wide eyes.

"C...Cavalier?" Mrs. Guem muttered and looked at Mr. Guem, who was standing beside her, as they remembered the cavalier that Yin had told them about.

"I am telling you, don't call me cavalier!" Jungkook warned, pointing his index finger towards Yin.

"I am also telling you not to call me chipmunk!" Yin said, pointing her index finger at Jungkook as well.

"Grandpa, didn't you find any other girl?" Jungkook went to his grandpa and said.

"I won't marry her even if she is the only girl in this world!" Jungkook stated. "So do I, I won't marry you even if you are the only guy in this world," Yin stated back.

They both were fighting in front of their families like kids, while both families were just looking at them, trying to talk, but they didn't let.

Meanwhile, Grandpa Jeon was smiling, looking at these two young kids. "Only she has the guts to talk back to him, except his family," Grandpa Jeon thought.

"Ok, that's enough now," Grandpa Jeon said, and both Yin and Jungkook stopped fighting and looked at him.

"Come here, both of you," he called Yin and Jungkook. They went to him and kneeled down beside him, at his level.

"I guess both of your first meeting wasn't that good, but I can say that you two will be a perfect couple," Grandpa Jeon said. Yin and Jungkook glared at each other.

"And I chose you for him because I saw your personality, and I don't think he can find a better girl than you. Please agree to this marriage," he requested Yin.

"And you, don't you love your grandpa anymore? I am old now, and I want to see your wedding. Is it a sin to get married? Can't you do this for me?" Grandpa said to Jungkook.

He blackmailed both of them again with his innocent talk. Yin and Jungkook looked down for some time and thought.

After thinking, they both looked at each other and then looked at grandpa, who was waiting for their answer.

"Okay, grandpa, we will get married, but only for you," Jungkook and Yin said, and everyone smiled happily. "That's what everyone says at first," grandpa thought.

Now the marriage is fixed, and both families are happy, while Yin and Jungkook didn't change a bit.

"What are you both doing with these old people? Go somewhere and get along," Mrs. Guem said.

Jungkook and Yin didn't have any option, and they went for a walk. They were walking like they were walking with a stranger.

Neither of them said a single word. Jungkook was walking, looking the other way, while his hand was in his pocket.

While Yin was walking, looking down, watching her every step while playing with her fingers.

"Oh god, what did I do to deserve to be here with this girl?" Jungkook mumbled in annoyance, enough for Yin to hear as she looked at him.

"What do you mean by that?" Yin asked, raising her eyebrow. "What I mean? I mean, look at you. Not hot, not sexy, nothing. And look at me, I am hot, handsome, and sexy. Isn't it embarrassing to be with you?" Jungkook said.

Yin stopped in her tracks and looked at Jungkook, who also stopped. "Really? Then go and find a girl who is hot, sexy, and has everything," Yin said in anger and walked away towards Yin's mansion.

Jungkook kept walking behind her. "Hey, by the way, what is your name?" Jungkook asked after matching her speed.

"Yin," she said, more like she shot the word at him. "But chipmunk is better than that," he said, unbothered.

Yin glared at him. "What is your name, by the way?" Yin asked casually. "Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook replied confidently.

Yin laughed and said, "Cavalier is better than that." Yin said, and Jungkook stopped in his tracks.

She played his trick on him. Jungkook cleared his throat and followed her again. He pulled her hair, then chuckled as Yin groaned in pain.

"Yaah!" She also pulled his hair, and Jungkook groaned in pain. Yin chuckled and ran towards her house before Jungkook could catch her. "This chipmunk," Jungkook muttered and ran behind her while shouting in anger.

Yin ran inside the house and stopped right behind her mom. Jungkook also ran behind her, but he also stopped after seeing where Yin had hidden.

"Guem Yin, what are you doing? Why are you running?" Mrs. Guem asked while others were chuckling.

"Aunty, look, she is making fun of me," Jungkook said, pointing at Yin and pouting, while Yin couldn't help but chuckle at his behavior.

Mrs. Guem slapped Yin's cheek gently. "Don't tease him, Yin," she said, and Yin looked at her with a shocked face.

"Are you taking his side already??" Yin asked and looked at Jungkook, just to see him mocking her.

"Of course, he is my soon-to-be son-in-law," Mrs. Guem said and patted Jungkook's head while he smiled at her.

"Jungkook, don't tease my daughter," Mrs. Jeon said, with her hand around Yin's shoulder. Jungkook's jaw dropped, seeing his mom supporting Yin and Yin mocking him.

Seems like the parents have changed sides. "Ok, ok, now fighting is aside. We have a wedding, and we need to do many things," Mr. Jeon and Mr. Guem said.

A few days passed, everyone was busy arranging Yin and Jungkook's wedding, while both of them didn't miss a chance to fight with each other.

One day, Yin was coming back from the coffee shop. It was late at night and she couldn't find a taxi.

Yin decided to walk home, even though it would take her around 45 minutes. She loved walking late at night.

There was no one around, and the road was empty as it was almost midnight. Yin was walking peacefully, but she suddenly stopped in the middle of the street upon hearing a loud thunder.

She looked up at the night sky and it started raining in an instant. Yin didn't have anything to cover herself and protect herself from getting soaked.

She still had 30 minutes left until she reached home, and now she couldn't go in this rain.

Yin looked around and saw a bus stop where she could take shelter without getting more wet. She ran there and waited for the rain to stop, but it only became heavier.

Yin was shivering from the cold and prayed for a way to get home.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was heading back to his house after a long day with his friends. "Wait, is that Yin?" Jungkook asked himself as he noticed the figure standing a little far from his car.

He recognized her and stopped his car in front of Yin. He got out of the car and approached her while Yin looked at him.

"What are you doing here at this time?" Jungkook asked. "I was going home, but this rain..." Yin couldn't speak properly because she was shivering badly.

Jungkook took off his jacket and put it around Yin's shoulders. Yin looked at him with a surprised expression. "Let's go, I'll give you a ride," Jungkook said and gently pushed her into the car.

As soon as they sat inside the car, Yin shivered. "You've already caught a cold. Tell your mom to give you something hot when you get back," Jungkook said and was about to drive.

"There's no one at home today," Yin said, covering herself more with Jungkook's warm jacket. Jungkook looked at her and thought for a moment.

Then he started to drive. After some time, he stopped the car in front of the mansion. Yin looked outside and became confused. "This isn't my house," Yin asked, looking at Jungkook.

"This is my house. Now let's go before your condition gets worse," Jungkook said and went inside his house with Yin.