Marriage - Episode 4

He went to his room and brought his hoodie and sweatpants. "Here, change into this. Your clothes are soaked. Meanwhile, I will make something for you," Jungkook said and handed the clothes to Yin.

Yin changed her clothes in his bathroom. She felt warmth, and his clothes were too big for her, but it wasn't a problem as long as they kept her warm.

Yin went to the kitchen, looking around the house. She saw Jungkook cooking in the kitchen, wearing an apron. His sleeves were folded up to his elbows, making him even more handsome.

Unknowingly, she was admiring him, but she realized what she was doing when she squeezed again, grabbing Jungkook's attention as well.

Jungkook looked at Yin, who was wearing his clothes. He scanned her from head to toe while Yin avoided eye contact.

"I didn't know my clothes would make this chipmunk more beautiful," Jungkook thought while staring at Yin.

Yin cleared her throat, dragging Jungkook back to earth. "Um, thank you for the clothes," Yin said, and Jungkook just nodded.

He then gave the hot soup to Yin, and she drank it. "Wow, you can cook too," Yin said. "I can do many things, chipmunk," Jungkook said and smiled from the corner of his lips.

Yin squeezed again and looked at Jungkook with her heavy eyes, but her eyes widened when Jungkook suddenly touched her forehead.

"You have a fever," Jungkook said and went to get some medicine. He came back with medicine and a glass of water in each hand.

He handed it to Yin, but she was just looking at him with a surprised look. "Have this. You will be fine," Jungkook said, and Yin took the medicine, gulping it down and making a bitter face.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at her behavior. "Come on, let's go to sleep," Jungkook said, causing Yin to widen her eyes.

Jungkook looked at her and understood what she was thinking. "Yaah! I don't want to sleep with you in that way! I just said sleep, what are you even thinking, chipmunk?" Jungkook flicked Yin's forehead.

"Just sleep in my room, in case your health gets worse," Jungkook said and dragged Yin to his room. "You sleep on that side, and I will sleep on this side," Jungkook said and laid on the bed.

Yin hesitantly stood there, watching Jungkook make himself comfortable in bed. Jungkook noticed and asked, "What are you thinking? Are you afraid that you won't be able to control yourself?" Jungkook asked teasingly.

Yin glared at him, laid on the bed, and said, "Why would I be afraid? You're not that handsome." She was about to close her eyes, but Jungkook hovered over her, causing her breath to hitch.

He kept looking into her eyes, which widened due to his sudden action, without saying anything.

"W...What are you doing?" Yin whispered, but it was loud enough for Jungkook to hear. "I am leaving you this time, just because you have a fever," Jungkook said and laid on his side again.

Yin let out the breath she was holding. "What did he mean by leaving me this time?" Yin thought in confusion and looked at Jungkook, who was already closing his eyes.

Yin shrugged off her thoughts and closed her eyes. Jungkook looked at her and turned off the lights.

In the middle of the rainy night, Yin was shivering. She hugged herself to warm up, but it wasn't enough.

Jungkook, who was half asleep, woke up feeling Yin's nonstop movements beside him.

"Can you stop moving like a maenad?" Jungkook said, irritated. But he didn't get any response from Yin. Instead, he heard her heavy breathing.

Jungkook sat on the bed and looked at Yin. He turned her to his side and saw her lips trembling.

Jungkook got worried and touched her forehead. "Damn it, she has a fever," he mumbled.

Jungkook immediately covered her body with the duvet and went to get a bowl of water and a piece of cloth.

Jungkook sat beside Yin and put the wet cloth on her forehead. After a few seconds, he soaked it again and put it back on her forehead.

Jungkook kept doing the same until her fever went down. After some time, he touched her forehead and sighed in relief.

"Your fever is gone now," Jungkook muttered and put the bowl and the cloth on the nightstand.

But he again got worried as he saw Yin still shivering, her lips dried and trembling.

Jungkook went and got another blanket from the closet and covered Yin with it.

He thought it would be helpful, but no, he was wrong. Yin's condition was still the same.

Jungkook held her hand, which was freezing. He rubbed both of her palms with his.

Jungkook knew it would not be enough. Her whole body was cold and pale, causing Jungkook to worry even more.

He then thought for some time. Jungkook looked at Yin, who was freezing, as he got an idea.

But he was afraid to proceed, but seeing Yin's condition gave him the courage to do what he thought.

Jungkook took off his t-shirt and threw it to the edge of the bed, then went to his side of the bed and lay on it.

"I am sorry Yin, I have to do this," he muttered, looking at Yin's face and crept inside the duvet that was covering Yin.

He turned her to face him, putting his arm under her neck and wrapping his other hand around her waist.

He hugged her tightly as Yin buried herself even more into his embrace because of the heat of his body, giving shivers to Jungkook.

Jungkook crept his hand under her t-shirt and rubbed her bare back, giving her his hand's warmth.

After some time, Yin stopped shivering, but Jungkook didn't back off, he kept doing what he was doing.

And soon he also fell asleep, still hugging Yin with his hand on her bare back.

The sun rose in the morning, and Jungkook was still hugging her the same way he was last night.

Yin slowly opened her eyes, but she could only move her head as Jungkook was holding her tightly, except for her head.

Yin looked around and found herself in Jungkook's embrace, causing her eyes to widen.

Her eyes widened even more when she saw Jungkook was shirtless. She looked at his face, which was only a few inches away from her.

She couldn't resist but admire his handsome face. "How innocent you look when you sleep," Yin thought.

But then she felt tickling when Jungkook moved his fingers a little, and that's when realization hit her.

Jungkook's hand was still inside her t-shirt, holding her bare waist. Yin's eyes widened, and she almost screamed.

But then Jungkook woke up and found Yin already awake. "Are you alright now?" he asked in his sleepy voice.

Yin looked at him and asked, "What are you doing?" Jungkook opened his eyes fully as he realized he was rubbing her bare waist.

He immediately sat on the bed and said to Yin, "Look, it's not what it looks like. I just saved you from the cold. You were freezing last night, and I didn't have any other option except giving you my body heat."

Jungkook explained everything in one breath while Yin just looked at him.

Yin could remember some things from last night as she was half awake because of the unbearable cold.

And she could hear Jungkook saying sorry to her before hugging her and taking care of her all night.

Jungkook looked at Yin as he saw she was thinking something while lowering her head.

"Are you listening?" he asked nervously. Yin looked at him nervously and cleared her throat.

"Thank you for taking care of me... I will go and get freshened up," Yin said and ran to the bathroom before Jungkook could say anything.

Jungkook let out a big sigh and facepalmed himself because of the awkward situation.

But then Jungkook's phone rang, getting his attention, and he answered the call.

"Jungkook, is Yin with you? She isn't answering my calls," Mrs. Guem, who called Jungkook, asked.

"Yes, aunty, she is with me," Jungkook answered. "Oh, that's a relief. Okay, then you guys come, so we can go shopping for the wedding," Mrs. Guem said. "Okay, we will," Jungkook said and hung up the phone.

Yin came back wearing her clothes and was about to leave, but Jungkook stopped her and told her what her mom had told him.

And both of them went to the shopping mall where their parents already were.

The days passed, and now it's the day of the wedding. Jungkook was getting ready for his marriage while on the other side, Yin was getting ready as well.

Both of them looked so gorgeous and handsome equally. "Dude, you are getting married to the girl whom you hate the most," Eunwoo said and laughed with Mingyu.

Jungkook just gave them a done look because he knows they won't let him have some peace because of the fact he is getting married to the girl he hates the most.

Jungkook was already standing in the middle of the wedding hall, waiting for the bride to come.

"Why is my heart beating so fast? Relax, Jungkook, it's just a wedding," Jungkook thought as his heart was beating fast.

That's when the door of the hall opened, revealing the gorgeous bride.

Everyone's eyes fell on her, including Jungkook's. Yin was still looking down while holding her dad's arm.

Jungkook's jaw dropped. She was looking so beautiful, just like an angel.

His heart was beating faster than a bullet train with every step Yin took towards him.

Jungkook was lost in her that he didn't even know she was already standing in front of him, looking down.

"Take care of her, son," Mr. Guem said, grabbing Jungkook back to earth.

He smiled at Mr. Guem and extended his hand towards Yin. She looked at Jungkook and held his hand, making his heart skip a beat.

Jungkook gulped to control his heart that was going insane even for the little action of Yin.

The wedding started, and soon every vow was finished. The priest announced the bride and groom to kiss to fulfill the wedding.

Both Jungkook and Yin got nervous while the others were waiting for the romantic moment.

Jungkook looked at Yin, who was holding her palm tightly with the other while looking down.

He forgot everything for a moment as he stepped closer to Yin and held her waist with one hand and her cheek with the other hand.

Jungkook leaned towards her face, placing his thumb on her lips and kissed her.

Yin closed her eyes, as did Jungkook, but their lips never touched because of Jungkook's thumb.

Everyone cheered for them while the couple was having the most difficult moment, trying to control their racing hearts.

Soon, the wedding came to an end and Jungkook and Yin were getting ready to leave as it was getting dark.

They were talking with their families, saying their goodbyes. "Jungkook, you know what to do tonight, right?" Grandpa Jeon said, placing a teasing smile on everyone's face.

Jungkook and Yin widened their eyes, understanding what he actually meant, but they acted foolishly, not answering.

"Yes, we want good news when we meet again," both families started talking about the same thing.

Jungkook and Yin immediately sat in the car just to escape from them. "Hey guys, don't kill each other." "Yes, there is no one to stop you guys either," Eunwoo and Mingyu teased the couple and laughed.

Jungkook playfully hit their heads, yet they were still laughing. Soon, Jungkook and Yin left for Jungkook's house.