Falling for You - Episode 5

Both of them were in their shared room after getting freshened up. Yin's heart was still beating like crazy.

Jungkook was already in bed, playing with his phone. Yin also went to the other side of the bed and laid down.

Jungkook looked at Yin and saw that she was already closing her eyes. He then leaned towards her to reach for the switch beside her.

That's when Yin opened her eyes. She kept staring at Jungkook's eyes, and he stared back. Soon, Yin snapped back to reality and pushed Jungkook. "What are you doing?!" she shouted.

"Stay away from me!" she said, while covering her chest with her hands. Jungkook seemed to understand what she meant.

"Yaah, chipmunk! I was just turning off the light. What are you thinking? Do you think I have any interest in a girl like you?" Jungkook questioned with attitude.

Yin got angry. "What do you mean by a girl like me?! Huh?!" she asked in anger. "I already told you that day," Jungkook answered.

Yin clenched her jaw and said, "Even I don't have any interest in a cavalier like you." Jungkook looked at her with anger.

In the next moment, he pinned her to the bed and hovered over her. "Do you want me to show you what this cavalier can do to you?" Jungkook asked in his husky voice.

Yin blinked several times as she didn't expect something like this. "After all, it's our wedding night," Jungkook said and smirked.

Yin pushed him with all her strength. "Don't even think about it, cavalier!" Yin warned and turned to the other side while Jungkook just smirked.

But does he really mean that he is not interested in a girl like Yin? Well, only he knows it.

Jungkook also lay on the bed and both of them fell asleep, and that's how they spent their first night.

In the morning, Yin was in the kitchen making breakfast for both of them when Jungkook came there.

"Wow, my wifey is making breakfast," Jungkook said while checking the food and smiling.

Yin felt a tickling in her heart when Jungkook called her 'wifey'. She looked at Jungkook, who was busy looking at the food.

After a few minutes, they sat at the dining table to have their breakfast. Jungkook took the first bite and he was amazed.

"Mmmm~ this is so delicious," Jungkook said while chewing the food. Yin smiled, looking at Jungkook who was enjoying the food she made.

"I didn't know that chipmunk can cook," Jungkook said just to tease Yin, and she got annoyed.

"What do you know about me, cavalier?" she asked mockingly, making Jungkook glare at her.

It was already afternoon, and Yin was in the garden, looking at the beautiful flowers.

Jungkook, who was walking around the garden, saw Yin standing a little far from him.

Then a mischievous idea popped up in his mind as he chuckled mischievously.

Yin, who was peacefully watching the flowers, suddenly got attacked by water.

She groaned and looked in the direction where the water was coming from, only to see Jungkook holding a garden hose and laughing.

Yin, who was peacefully watching the flowers, suddenly got attacked by water.

She groaned and looked in the direction where the water was coming from, only to see Jungkook holding a garden hose and laughing.

"It's so hot here, isn't it, chipmunk?!" Jungkook shouted while showering her with water and laughing.

"Yaah! You rascal! Stop!" Yin shouted, while blocking the water hitting her face with her tiny hands.

"Why would I?!" Jungkook shouted back, still laughing at his mischievous action.

Suddenly, Yin grabbed another hose which was on the floor beside her and started to shoot water at Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't expect the water attack back at him as he started to shout while moving and turning here and there, just to save his face from the water attack.

"Yaah! Stop it, chipmunk!" Jungkook shouted as he let go of the hose from his hand.

But Yin didn't stop, instead she laughed at Jungkook while attacking him with water.

"Why would I?! Isn't it so hot here?!" Yin shouted back while laughing. "Wait, you little chipmunk," Jungkook muttered and ran towards her, ignoring the water showering on him.

As soon as Yin saw Jungkook running towards her, she threw the hose and ran to save her life from Jungkook.

She ran around the garden while chuckling, while Jungkook chased her and shouted, "Yaah, chipmunk! Stop right there!"

Yin just ran, ignoring his words, but she couldn't run for a long time. Soon, Jungkook caught Yin's wrist and pulled her towards him.

"Where do you think you are running? Huh?" Jungkook asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and not letting her go.

Suddenly, Jungkook started to tickle Yin, making her laugh and wriggle. She was trying hard to run away from him, but she couldn't.

"S...stop, hahahaha," Yin said between her laughter while wiggling, but Jungkook was tickling her while chuckling.

"Isn't it fun now?" Jungkook asked, still tickling her. "No, no, stop!" Yin shouted while laughing.

Jungkook stopped tickling Yin and wrapped his arms around her waist. Yin looked at him while still chuckling, as well as Jungkook.

But soon, their smiles vanished as they noticed how close they were standing.

Both of them were soaked, water was dripping from their faces. They just stared at each other's eyes as if they were lost in them.

Both of their hearts were bouncing in their chests like a basketball. Jungkook touched her forehead with his index finger and put a stray hair behind her ear.

While Yin closed her eyes, feeling the strange feeling that she was having because of his touch, her hands were on his chest.

But both of them came back to their senses when they heard a car honk.

Yin and Jungkook separated from each other and avoided eye contact because of the extreme awkwardness between them.

Yin immediately went from there. As soon as she entered the house, she halted in her spot, followed by Jungkook.

They both were looking at the familiar faces in front of them. "Mom, dad," Yin and Jungkook said at the same time, grabbing the attention of the four guests who were sitting in the living room.

As soon as they heard the voices, they turned to Yin and Jungkook with smiles on their faces.

But the smile dropped when they saw Yin and Jungkook standing there, all soaked.

"What happened to both of you? How did you get soaked?" Mrs. Jeon asked, coming towards them followed by Mrs. Guem.

Jungkook and Yin looked at each other, not knowing how to explain that they were fighting with water.

"Um, mom... actually... we..." Yin and Jungkook tried to find an excuse, but they couldn't.

Seeing how nervous they were, both families understood what might have happened in the garden.

They smiled teasingly at each other. "Okay, whatever happened, it's between husband and wife. We don't want to know," Mr. Jeon said.

"First, go and change," Mr. Guem said, and both Yin and Jungkook went to their room as soon as possible, while the parents chuckled.

"It's so embarrassing," Yin said with an embarrassed tone as she grabbed clothes to change.

"We are husband and wife, it's nothing to be embarrassed about," Jungkook said with an invisible smirk on his lips as he leaned towards Yin's face.

They kept staring at each other for a few seconds, but then Yin squeezed past Jungkook's face, closing his eyes and interrupting the moment between them.

"Get changed, otherwise I'll have to stay up all night taking care of you," Jungkook said, gently pushing Yin towards the bathroom.

"So what's wrong with that?! Didn't you say we are husband and wife?!" Yin shouted from the bathroom and laughed.

Hearing her words, Jungkook chuckled and tilted his head. It seemed like their hearts were starting to get along with each other.

After changing, they went downstairs where their parents were and talked for a while.

"So when are you both going to give us good news?" Suddenly, Mrs. Guem asked on behalf of all the family members.

Yin was taking a sip of her coffee when she heard her mom. She choked on the coffee, making everyone look at her.

Jungkook and Yin looked at each other. "Mom, we just got married," Yin said, more like whispered.

"So? I got pregnant right after the first week of the marriage," Mrs. Guem said, causing Jungkook and Yin to widen their eyes in surprise.

To their astonishment, Mrs. Jeon also agreed with Mrs. Guem, and they continued talking about the same topic.

While both Yin and Jungkook were looking around, as if they weren't even present.

After spending a little time with the couple, the Jeon and Guem families left.

A few days passed like that. Yin and Jungkook were indeed in the same house, in the same room 24/7, but they didn't become intimate.

They sometimes fought and laughed just like kids. Somehow, they were used to each other's company without even realizing it.

Jungkook and Yin started going to work like before. Even though they were responsible and mature people at work,

they eventually became childish and immature around each other. People say that if a person shows their immature side to someone, it means they are really comfortable with that person.

Yin and Jungkook were also in the same state, but they were too blind to notice the change in their behavior towards each other.

However, going back to their respective work didn't affect their personal space at all. They still fought over small things and teased each other in every possible way.

One normal Sunday, Jungkook and Yin were at home. Yin was in the living area, watching TV, while Jungkook came downstairs after a peaceful sleep.

Jungkook saw Yin focusing on the cartoon and tiptoed near her without making any noise, a mischievous smile on his lips.

He stood right behind the sofa where Yin was sitting and shouted, "BOOH!" in her ear, smashing the sofa and making Yin flinch badly.

She looked behind, holding her chest, only to see Jungkook laughing and holding his stomach.

Yin clenched her jaw and stood up, ready to kill Jungkook on the spot.

Jungkook seemed to be aware of the red alert as he ran from there, laughing, as soon as Yin started to run towards him.

"Yaah! Jeon Jungkook! Stop right there!" Yin shouted while chasing Jungkook, who was running for his life while laughing.

"Catch me if you can, chipmunk!" Jungkook shouted back, still laughing. But soon, Jungkook tripped and fell on the sofa, bringing Yin down with him as she fell on top of him.

They both were lost in each other for a few seconds. Jungkook's gaze was soft and loving, while Yin's gaze was filled with nervousness.

Even though Yin pretended to be annoyed by Jungkook, deep down she had some unknown feelings towards him.

His touch and his every word affected her. It was like she was losing control and surrendering to him.

Right now, she was feeling the same way. Her heart was racing, she felt weak in his embrace, her whole body becoming numb.

Both of them snapped back to reality when they heard the doorbell ringing.

Yin got up from Jungkook, as did he. Yin immediately went to see who had come as she opened the door.

Yin looked in front and saw a girl standing there, smiling. She was wearing a mini skirt with a tight t-shirt.