3. First Task

People ran for their lives.

Two girls, aged five and seven, were crying and screaming for their parents, and the soldiers quickly evacuated them.

This night was not like the previous nights, which were quiet; only the sound of crickets and frogs could be heard.

The flames grew larger, and black smoke blended with the night sky.

The soldiers and maids worked fast to extinguish the fire.

Important guests, including noble families, kings, and princes from other kingdoms, were relocated to the western palace, which was relatively far away from this palace.

Tristan walked towards the garden, which was used as a gathering place for his guests of honor.

Now the beautiful garden, which had many trees, bushes, various types of flowers, and a fountain with a cupid statue, will be damaged by fire.

Tristan regretted that he hadn't tried sitting on a park bench with his gaze fixed on the Cupid statue fountain. He only saw the garden from the window on the top floor.

The prime minister shouted for his king. The 50-year-old man even chased Tristan until he tripped twice. He realized that the last time he ran was when he was 25 years old.

"Your Majesty," the prime minister panted as he slowly approached his king. "You should not have come to this place. What happens if you are hurt? The fire might cause scalds on your skin."

The prime minister's booming voice made the soldiers and maids who were busy putting out the fire look back and stop their activities.

They were very surprised; if the prime minister didn't have a shrill voice, they wouldn't know their king was watching their hard work.

"Why stop?" Tristan's words immediately alerted them to get back to work, putting out the fire.

Tristan turned to the prime minister, who begged him to return to his throne room and leave the fire problem to the generals and soldiers.

"It's hot here, Your Majesty."

Tristan didn't know whether the Prime Minister was complaining or just telling him.

"You are very noisy." Tristan hissed. He seemed to know why Tristan Madigan vowed to keep his distance from the prime minister; the man was annoying.

"I am worried about you, My King." The prime minister stared at the fire and his king, with fear evident in his eyes. He scratched his head, confused about what he should do to drag his king from this garden.

"That thick smoke is not good for your lungs, My King. What if you get short of breath?" It wasn't long before the prime minister coughed violently and his chest tightened. Naturally, he was old.

"You just go, prime minister," said Tristan, glancing at the old man, who was shocked by his words. "I'll be here until the fire is out."

"I cannot abandon you, My King." The prime minister acted stubbornly, even though deep down in his heart he wanted to go for a soak in the cold water in his bathroom.

Tristan didn't care about the prime minister. He placed his hands behind his back and interlocked all ten of his fingers. He tried to count the burned trees. "Four trees."

Tristan's gaze moved to the shrubs and various varieties of flowers. They were destroyed after being stomped by scores of soldiers and maids attempting to put out the fire. The fountain had run dry, and the Cupid statue looked sad.

Two generals came to the garden, and they immediately prostrated themselves to ask their king for forgiveness. They admit their mistakes. The park wouldn't have caught fire if they hadn't been careless and quickly noticed when someone was acting suspiciously.

"I will forgive you if you can find the perpetrator who caused the fire." Tristan glared at the two generals. "Tomorrow morning, bring the perpetrator before me alive."

"We will try our best, Your Majesty." The two generals said it in unison.

"We will bring the perpetrator before you tomorrow morning." They said it excitedly, and a second later they looked at each other. They didn't have much time!

The two generals ran, and they ordered the soldiers who had not participated in extinguishing the fire to arrest the perpetrator of the fire.

Tristan stood there until the fire and smoke cleared. The beautiful garden turned ugly within two hours.

Tristan ordered the palace to quickly repair the garden.

The soldiers and maids were panting, and some of them were experiencing shortness of breath. They didn't leave the garden even though they were very thirsty and wanted to rest before Tristan returned to his throne room with the prime minister.


Tristan wanted to cry and ate greedily every time he sat down at the food table.

In his previous life, during the 10 years he spent in prison, Tristan ate the food provided. The food wasn't delicious at all, but he had to eat it if he didn't want to get punished.

He wondered why he had never had the desire to die before?

Now Tristan was in the body of a young man who was only crowned king yesterday. He didn't have to worry about food, and he wouldn't get cold in the winter.

"Your Majesty."

Tristan stopped walking when a girl and a boy ran towards him. They are Tristan Madigan's younger half-brothers. They have different mothers.

"Your Majesty." Laureen and Leonardo stood in front of Tristan, bowing their bodies.

"We couldn't get close to you yesterday; you know why," said Laureen as she raised her head. She and her twin brother weren't afraid of Tristan Madigan even though their older brother didn't respond much to them.

"We congratulate you on your coronation as king. We will always be by your side, Your Majesty." The twins spoke in unison and enthusiasm.

"It sounds good." Tristan nodded. "I will have you all beheaded if you betray me." Tristan wasn't kidding. Tristan was serious about what he said.

The twins showed frightened faces. Then they promised not to betray Tristan and that they would become great knights that their king could rely on.

They were still small. Tristan was sure that Tristan Madigan had shared thoughts with him; there was no need to take their words seriously.


Tristan sat restlessly in his throne chair. He had just apologized profusely to all the guests of honor, especially the kings and princes from other kingdoms.

Tristan didn't think much about the words of the prime minister, who was worried that news of the fire would spread widely and their kingdom's reputation would become bad.

Tristan impatiently waited for the two generals to bring the fire perpetrator. He must be able to complete his first task. He didn't want to be punished; he had suffered a lot in his previous life.

Tristan sat upright as the two generals dragged a battered man. He was relieved that the perpetrator was still alive.

"Were you the one who burned the tree in the garden?" Tristan placed the tip of his sword against the neck of the man who was looking at him and nodded weakly.

"I'm not interested in hearing your reasons because I have no desire to forgive you." With a single blow of his sword, Tristan beheaded the fire perpetrator.

Everyone in the room, including Tristan, was shocked. Tristan didn't think he had killed someone.

[You have completed the first task perfectly.]

[You get a reward for your success.]