4. Great Idea

The throne room fell silent. All eyes were on the perpetrator of the garden fire last night. The perpetrator's head rolled and stopped in front of Leonardo's gold shoes.

The 11-year-old boy was shocked for only two seconds. Leonardo glanced at the perpetrator's head coldly before nonchalantly kicking it towards the prime minister.

Laureen, who was standing next to her twin, screamed hysterically. She took several steps back until her back hit the wall. She would probably have nightmares for the rest of her life.

The prime minister's body shook violently, and suddenly his legs went weak, as if he had no bones. He almost fell to the floor if a soldier had not rushed to catch him.

The two generals who brought the perpetrator of the fire before their king were still in deep shock. They didn't expect that their king would immediately kill the perpetrator.

Shouldn't the perpetrator be imprisoned and tortured until he dies?

Tristan wonders what reward he got from the system, but apparently he has to explain why he beheaded the fire perpetrator.

It was clear from his knitted eyebrows that Tristan was thinking hard. He killed the perpetrator of the garden fire because it was his first task. Then what should he say so that they don't question his decision?

Tristan scanned his surroundings for ideas. He even looked fixedly at the head and body of the fire perpetrator, separated by his sword.

Tristan noticed an oddity. He felt innocent about killing the perpetrator of the fire. Even though this was the first time he killed someone.

In his previous life, during the 10 years he was in prison, Tristan couldn't kill the mosquitoes that sucked his blood every night.

Tristan shook his head. There was nothing strange about him. He committed this heinous act because he was saving himself from the punishment of the system.

"Does anyone mind I behead the perpetrator of the garden fire?" Tristan pointed at the man whose head was separated from his body with his sword, which had not been cleaned. The man's blood was still flowing freely onto the clean white ceramic.

The prime minister, the two generals, the hand of the king, Leonardo, Laureen, and the three soldiers stared at each other as if they were looking for answers. They were waiting for someone who dared to express his opinion honestly.

"No one minds, right?" Tristan didn't ask; he was just making sure everyone agreed with him.

They nodded. Tristan smiled with satisfaction.

"The perpetrator has ruined my coronation!" Tristan showed an angry face.

"He has tarnished our kingdom's reputation! We were fortunate yesterday since no one was harmed or killed. What if the fire kills someone or many people?" Tristan spoke severely and vigorously, as if his emotions were overwhelming him.

He was really good at acting, wasn't he?

Everyone nodded, agreeing with their king. Then they looked at the fire perpetrator sharply.

Their king's decision was so correct. They felt guilty because they had questioned why their king immediately beheaded the perpetrator of the garden fire.

The two generals looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. They and the soldiers who served at the coronation yesterday managed to escape the punishment of their king.

"Put his head in the town square; let everyone see it." Tristan said it firmly, his gaze fixed on the two generals. "Tell everyone about the crime he has committed."

Tristan was honestly shocked by the words that came out of his mouth. He didn't know why he suddenly had the idea to show off the head of the fire perpetrator.

He was worried that the system would be angry at him acting without orders from them.


Tristan sat alone in the vast library, which had thousands of books.

He didn't like reading. He opens a book only when he is at school and doing homework.

For some reason his feet suddenly took him to the library. Maybe because Tristan Madigan likes to spend his time reading books.

Tristan was annoyed at his body, which was moving by itself. It was like he had no control over his own body. "Is it because my soul is still in the stage of adjusting to Tristan Madigan's body?"

That assumption may be correct. Tristan has only been in Tristan Madigan's body for a day. The strangeness he felt should have appeared after a month of being here.

"But it's okay. This means people won't be suspicious of me." Tristan nodded.

His eyes fell on two books that caught his attention, and he felt he had to read them. "I have to understand this world, even though I have Tristan Madigan's memories."

Tristan opened a red book. It was a map of the world. The book also explains in detail about each country and kingdom.

"Ah, I have forgotten a very important thing." Tristan remembered the reward from the system. He was so stupid, he shouldn't forget his curiosity.

Tristan frowned. He didn't know how to talk to the system.

He was worried that the system had withdrawn the reward because he didn't check it immediately.

For five minutes, he pondered, with his gaze towards the ceiling and the two books on the table. "I just want to know the reward!"

Tristan was shocked when a transparent blue screen floated in front of him. He gaped, and it turned out the method was so easy.

[The reward you get after completing the first task is that you are allowed to ask us one thing.]

"What?" Tristan was disappointed. He regretted being so curious.

"The rewards aren't that bad." He changed his mind very quickly.

"The System knows very well that there are many questions I want to ask her, but she only gave me permission to ask them once." Tristan scratched his head, not caring about his guards, who would get angry seeing his messy hair.

Tristan had to ask something that caught his curiosity, but he assumed that all the questions he wanted to ask the system were extremely significant and required answers.

"Just one question." Tristan didn't realize that the blue sky had turned orange. He spent over an hour thinking about the questions he would ask the system.

"Okay. I've decided." Tristan felt his heart pounding hard.

"What is my purpose in being in this kingdom?" Tristan swore he wouldn't regret choosing to ask the system that question.

[Good question!]

[The answer is that you must follow all our orders.]