11. Misunderstanding

Tristan blinked. He couldn't believe what he heard. He read the writing on the transparent blue screen floating in front of his view twice.

The System asked him to ignore those farmers! That's a special task, not a fourth task. Because this task is special, he would get a special reward.

Tristan was nervous. He wanted to know what kind of reward he would get. There was no way the system would give him gold coins or gold bars because, as king, he had it all.

There was also no way the system would give him the same reward as they had given him after he completed the first task.

However, it cannot be denied that Tristan wanted to get the reward because more and more questions were popping up in his head. If he could communicate with the system, his head wouldn't be dizzy.

"Your Majesty." Knight Aiden approached his king, who was suddenly lost in thought, with a smile on his lips. "What will you do with them, Your Majesty?"

Tristan turned to the knight Aiden with a questioning look. Two seconds later, his eyes widened as he glanced at the 20 farmers who were waiting for justice from him.

He had forgotten them! He wouldn't have gotten the special task if he hadn't approached the farmers to ask what happened to them.

Tristan couldn't help them. The system didn't give him a penalty, but the system promised that he would get a special reward if he carried out their orders.


"Your Majesty, please help us. Uphold justice for us. Please know that we pay taxes on time. We also never oppose royal policy." A farmer wearing a dark brown t-shirt spoke loudly on behalf of his friends.

Tristan is king of the Madigan Kingdom and five other kingdoms!

Tristan, as a king, should have cared for his people when he saw them suffer and beg for rescue in front of him, right?

That is what the people wanted.

A king who upholds justice no matter what his people's status. Just as Carlos Madigan did when he was King.

Therefore, Carlos Madigan is very loved by his people, and many wish him a speedy recovery.

Tristan experienced an extraordinary dilemma and confusion, and his head throbbed even more in pain when the system's words appeared in his mind.

He became king in accordance with the system's wishes.

When the system gives him a task, Tristan must do it very well and provide satisfactory results as expected by the system.

Even though the system appeared to force Tristan to obey their directions and Tristan felt like a puppet being manipulated by the system, Tristan ultimately opted to complete all the tasks successfully in order to avoid penalties.

Only a person who has no fear would find penalties challenging.

However, for Tristan, who had experienced the cold and stuffiness of a prison cell and the poor quality of food, taking punishment lightly would be foolish.

Tristan cleared his throat. He had been lost in his daydreams for too long. Those farmers and everyone else were waiting for what he would say in response to the pleas of the twenty farmers.

"Okay, I will try to look into the case you are facing," said Tristan firmly.

The twenty farmers smiled brightly. They prostrated themselves and expressed their gratitude to their king.

Not only were the twenty farmers joyful, but so were the people who stood around them, despite the fact that they had no idea what was going on.

Tristan rubbed his light brown horse's head and continued their trek. Then the two knights and scores of palace soldiers trailing them rode their horses carefully.

Secretly, without anyone knowing, Tristan smiled faintly with his gaze fixed forward.

When he was almost at his destination, his people no longer sprinkled him with petals from various flowers. The number of people standing along the road to view him has also significantly decreased.

What makes Tristan appear happy?

Tristan honestly wanted to laugh at the twenty farmers.

Tristan only said that he would look into the case against them. If the farmers digested his words well, they wouldn't immediately be happy, and the farmers would definitely not be satisfied with the answer.

"They should be happy and grateful to me if I say that I will try to handle the case they are experiencing." Tristan smiled crookedly.

He and his entourage had arrived in front of the headquarters, where prospective soldiers were training.

Of course, Tristan preferred to carry out special tasks from the system, even though if he failed, he would not get a penalty.

He couldn't wait to find out what special reward would come to him.


Tristan and his two knights sat in a tent. Tristan sipped his drink until it was finished.

General Hudgon, who was in charge of overseeing the training of prospective soldiers, understood very well that his king needed a short rest after sitting for hours on a horse and being exposed to the sun's rays, which burned his skin.

The potential soldiers' voices were loud, clashing with the sound of swords rubbing against one another. Some were warming up before training, while others were putting their sword skills to the test.

Tristan rested his elbows on the arms of the chair and then rested his chin on his palms. He had been waiting for more than 30 minutes, but the system had not informed him about the reward he had gotten for completing the special task.

Worry gripped Tristan's heart tightly. Had he done something wrong?

Tristan was sure he wasn't wrong. He had ignored the twenty farmers according to the system's task.

"Your Majesty." Knight Aiden said it softly, almost in a whisper. His efforts were in vain, and the king remained shocked.

"What is it?" Tristan looked at the knight Aiden, who seemed hesitant to speak to him. Then he was shocked when knight Aiden and knight Ajax prostrated themselves in front of him. "What have you two done?"

"We apologize, Your Majesty. We have been guilty. We didn't tell you that the roll of paper from the farmers disappeared when we were about to give it to you," said the knight Aiden with his body shaking.

"We swear we weren't throwing away rolls of paper from those farmers because their complaints are very important for you to know." The voice of the knight Ajax shook like his body.