12. Fall into a trap?

"Know, Your Majesty." Knight Aiden ventured to stare at the king. "We insist on searching for rolls of paper from those farmers to this day."

Tristan blinked. Then, two seconds later, he smiled faintly because the two knights didn't know that Tristan wouldn't actually do anything to help the farmers.

Knight Aiden and Knight Ajax told the truth to their king and admitted their mistake in being negligent in keeping the roll of paper from the people, before Tristan asked them why he didn't find the roll of paper from the group of farmers on his table.

Tristan made a shocked face. As a king who cared about his people, he should have been surprised to hear the statements of his two knights.

"Are you suspecting anyone? You two aren't the only ones sorting the roll of papers that are so important for me to read, right?" Tristan asked, pretending to want to know who took the roll of paper.

"We have asked those who are also in charge of sorting the rolls of paper from the people for you, Your Majesty," said knight Aiden. "They swore they didn't take the roll of paper that was already in the tray that was to be handed over to you, Your Majesty."

"We don't suspect anyone because no one enters the room where we store the rolls of paper from the people apart from us and those who are also in charge of sorting the rolls of paper before they are read by you, Your Majesty," said knight Ajax.

Tristan nodded his head twice and stroked his chin. Curiosity approached him, but he tried hard not to prolong the problem because he would not use his power to help farmers who were experiencing problems.

"How did you know the roll of paper from the farmers was missing?" Tristan asked.

"We will reread all the scrolls before we hand them over to you, Your Majesty," said the knight Aiden.

Tristan rounded his lips. Then he asked the two knights to stop kowtowing to him. Nervously, Aiden and Ajax sat cross-legged in front of him.

"Do you remember what the farmers wanted to tell me?" Tristan asked.

The two knights stared at each other as if they could communicate through their eyes. They doubted their memories because every day they read dozens of scrolls from the people of the Madigan Kingdom and the people of the five kingdoms who declared themselves part of the Madigan Kingdom.

"If we remember correctly, the farmers asked for your assistance in resolving the conflict they have been experiencing this year. They are fighting a rich man in their neighborhood who wishes to purchase their plantation land," explained knight Aiden.

"Farmers don't want to sell their plantation land because it is their livelihood. They don't know what they will do after they sell their plantation land to this rich man," said knight Ajax, complementing the words of the knight Aiden.

Tristan nodded his head. Now he understood why the twenty peasants seemed so distraught that they asked him to uphold justice.

If the system had not given Tristan a special task to ignore the farmers, what kind of justice would Tristan enforce for the farmers?

The rich man did not take their plantation land by force; he was able to purchase it all. Farmers must use the proceeds from the sale of their plantation land to start a new business.

It turned out that the problems faced by farmers were not too complicated. They just need to change their mindset and get out of their comfort zone.

Tristan stroked his chin, and his gaze fell back on his two knights. He wanted to know their opinion. "Why do you think that I should know about that case faced by these farmers?"

Knight Aiden and Knight Ajax looked at each other, they were confused and tense. Their king seemed to be testing them.

"I pity them, Your Majesty. I can feel how desperate they are facing that rich man who keeps forcing them to sell their plantation land, and I'm sure you can solve the problem they are facing," said knight Ajax.

"I also have the same opinion as knight Ajax," said knight Aiden.

Tristan frowned. He was thinking hard. He forgot that a few hours ago the system gave him a special task, he should have ignored those farmers if he wanted to get the special reward.

"I think they would be better off selling their plantation land and then making a business with the money they get. I know they have been farmers for decades, but maybe it's time for them to change their jobs," said Tristan casually, as if building a business were easy to do.

"Is that your decision?" asked Knight Aiden. He was honestly shocked because he thought that his king would help the farmers to defend their plantations and make the rich man forget his ambition to control the farmers' plantations.

"Yes." Tristan nodded. He sipped his drink. "If the rich man pays the right price for their plantations, why don't they sell them?"

"We will convey your decision to the farmers, Your Majesty," said Knight Ajax. He would inform the palace soldiers who were tasked with conveying King Tristan's answer to the people who sent complaints to the king.

Tristan nodded. A few seconds later, his eyes widened, accompanied by his hand hitting his forehead after he realized how stupid he was. "I should ignore them!"

Tristan was regretful. He couldn't take back what he said.

He won't get a penalty, but he has lost a special reward.

He won't know when a special reward will be waiting for him.

Would one day he get a special task again?

"I'm so stupid." Tristan hit his forehead twice.

Knight Aiden and Knight Ajax were confused as to why their king was acting strangely like that.

Because he didn't get a penalty, Tristan didn't think the special task was that important. At least, he shouldn't forget his curiosity about what special reward he would get!

[You have failed to complete the special task.]

[You will have bad luck for two days.]

"What?" Tristan was shocked. "You said I wouldn't get a penalty!"