chapter 6

I never realized the enormity of the mess I was tangled in.

The missing Ruiz heiress was the front of every headline the next day.

Rivers seemed to have disappeared without any trace.

The runway finance of the internationally famed Blackwell's heir.

The media seemed to have gotten hold of the story my mom was accusing me with.

On why Rivers chose our hotel and her leaving through the underground staff entrance with a stolen vehicle. It's scary how easily the media could get hold of stories and twist them.

Because somehow, o was the mastermind. Me. The unearthed the very close relationship between Rivers and i.

And the fact that my school grades were nothing if not stellar and Rivers were but average.

They'd concocted these stories where Rivers could not have thought of escaping on her own.

How I wish she couldn't have thought of it.

In embarrassment, my parents had locked me up inside my room. They took my phone, my cards and I wasn't allowed outside at all.

The media camped outside our mansion and whenever a vehicle came in or went out, they would try to block it, knocking on the windows.

It was a nightmare.

But nothing could compare to the rage in my parents eyes.

And last night my mom had stopped my dad from slapping me mid swing, not because she didn't want to hurt me.

"Our family has had enough scandal for one night, let's get home before the media gets wind of this scandal. The walls have ears Richard"

The cold way she dismissed me spoke volumes.

And here inside the prison of my room, i haven't been allowed out and it was evening again.

I still couldn't believe last night was real.

Even after everything that has happened i couldbt bring myself to be angry with Rivers.

She may have left… but I doubt she ever thought of putting me in the spot and her distress had been evident in the last week.

When the door opened I immediately got up from my bed.

It was my mother.


The glare she gave me was cutting.

" Fix yourself, your grandmother just arrived and she brought guests. You will not shame us in your inability to dress properly too"

I froze, she's back.

I brought her back from her vacation then these must really be serious.

" Why are you still standing there?"

I hurried to my wardrobe to bring out a suitable dress and I was quick to find one. It was a maroon knee length dress and paired with a Fendi sandal because I wasn't confident enough to wear heels in the state I am in.

My mom had already left my room, sending a maid to bring me down.

I approached my mom and she looked at me with distaste and turned the other way

I was quick to see the guest.

There beneath the grand staircase was my grandma, debecked in an expensive black dress and two long strands of Oriental pearl necklace around her neck.

But for some reason at the sight of me she smiled widely.

"Irene dear" the jubilant tone confused me.

She was acting like I wasn't facing the biggest scandal of the year.

Didn't she get wind of what happened last night? That would be impossible.

Until I let my eyes travel to the other three people behind her.

I was shocked and scared when I saw Mr & Mrs Blackwell and Rivers finance with his mocking brown eyes looking at me.

And it made me more scared and confused.

Why were they here?

I turned to my grandma in question, her hawk eyes were observing me as she raised her hands in my direction. I took it kissing her on the cheek in greeting.


She turned to the three guests smiling widely " since my granddaughter is here can we all proceed to the dining table?"

What is going on?

The dinner was nothing but awkward.

At the head of the table was my grandmother, chattering a bit too brightly.

On the right were the blackwells and on the left was me and my parents facing them.

What the hell was going on?

I forced myself to eat for the sake of the show.

But I felt someone looking at me so I looked up directly in front of me was Danike and he was smirking. Something in that look was mocking me silently and at the same time threatening.

He picked up his wine glass and drowned it in a go all the while staring at me.

"It seems you are no longer interested in what's in front of you, should I send in the desserts!?"

But Mr Blackwell waved off the maid that wanted to serve him.

" We have more pressing matters at hand, don't you think?" Causing me to stiffen in my seat.

My grandmother chuckled " always so serious, I see"

I wasn't understanding what was happening, but when I turned to look at his son, he tilted his head to the side as if you analyze me

My grandmother leaned forward raising one penciled brow "have you seen the pictures I sent you"

What pictures??

She snapped her fingers and a maid handed her an envelope.

She took out the content and threw it in front of us. But it was too far for me to see.

"You are all aware of the scandal that happened in the azura hotel last night, am I correct?" my grandmother glanced at me and I froze.

I knew this was coming but the presence of the Blackwell and the pictures in these discussions did not make sense.

"Your whole family was there, after all it was supposed to be your son's engagement party and sadly you've heard of my granddaughter's direct disappearance with your son's fiance. Sadly it has put our family and the hotel in a very light so we need a distraction from the issue at hand."

"So what you are saying is if we don't agree to your demands, you are giving out those pictures to the press ?" Mrs Blackwell asked with anger already coloring her words, "I didn't know the porters could go this low"

My eyes widened. I may not have understood her words but the emotions underlining her tone was obvious.

But the woman was livid and meant to strike with her barbed insults

My dad stood up quickly exploding.

"Mrs Blackwell i suggest you be careful of accusing my family of—"

"Richard, sit down," my grandmother snapped at my dad.

It took a few seconds before my dad obeyed the command but he did.

Grandma was still the head of the family even dad couldn't go against her direct order, not because of respect but of fear of what she can do and has done.

My grandma smiled as if it was a casual gathering, as if there was no thick tension forming around the dining table.

" Have you seen the pictures, Irene?"

For a second my eyes searched her face.

And although confused, I stood up to take a look.

It was as I saw the first pictures the world seemed to tilt on its axis and my mind blanked out.

"W-what are these?"

I stammered, my eyes fleeting first to my grandma's calculating grin before I turned to the Blackwell family and the grim expression on their faces except for Danike that were filled with anger.

What the hell was this?