chapter 10

"She's just dehydrated, Danike. When she finishes that saline bag, you are free to take her" there was humor laced in that person's tone. "Besides, why are you so worried? I have never seen you like these with other….girls"

"She's my fiance" that was danike reply

A choking sounds followed like he was caught off guard while drinking something

"hell? I thought she ran away"

"She did, this is a different one" he said, sounding annoyed.

"What the hell man, you need to explain more"

"The engagement will be officially announced on the eighth and the wedding will be on the twelfth" the reply came breezily.

A moment of Silence, "Damn, you are kidding right? Since when? Who is she?When did you plan on telling us?"

"Irene snow Porter, Montego hôtels"

My eyes fluttered at the mention of my name.

The white ceiling that greeted me was unfamiliar and I bolted up right on the bed.

Two hands quickly held onto my shoulders to sit me up,a fresh burst of citrus and mint assaulted my nostrils before a blue stare met my disoriented gaze and I hated every moment of it.

"Why—" my word failed me as I took in the closed distance between us.

Another man in a white lab coat stood behind him, curiosity clouded my face as I stared at the both of them, forgetting my discomfort with the hands on my shoulders.

It was reflex when I pushed those hands away, now avoiding his gaze as I glanced around the room.

Why was he this close?

And where were we?

"What happened? Why am I here?" I finally asked not meeting his gaze

He looked at me in a bored manner and just replied in an uninterested manner "you fainted"

My head snapped back in his direction in disbelief.

The bored look still on his face he said "you don't remember?"

And just like that, everything came back to me. The wedding gown was too heavy,the dizziness I was feeling.

My eyes looked down at my body, no gown?.

I was in hospital clothes that I don't remember changing into.

"When changed my clothes?" Panicked eyes lifted to the guy in front of me.

He tilted his head to the side,watching my reaction.


It felt like my heart dropped to my stomach, "why?"

That Danike of all people had seen me naked didn't sit well with me and it made me feel vulnérable.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before"

My hands grasped the sheets and pulled them close to my chest " i was asking about you conquests, Blackwell"

The sound of laughter provoked me further but I realized it was not from him, I almost forgot there was another person in the room.

And as if to assert his presence, he stepped beside Danike and held out his hands for me.

" Nicholas Watterson, congratulations on the upcoming nuptials" to be polite,I took his hands.

He was tall about Danike's height, he had blonde curly hair, powder white skin and big green eyes.

" Doctor?" I eyed his lab coat. That seemed far fetched considering how young he looked.

He gave me a cheeky smile, "last time I checkered yes and also taking my internship in this hospital. I just came y because of Danike, he is my friend"

I glanced down at my hands that were still in his grasp, it didn't seem like he wanted to let go anytime soon. Of course, he'd be friends with Danike Blackwell.

My hands were causally snatched from his hold as Danike turned to his doctor friend "don't you have rounds to do? Just because your grandfather owns these hospital doesn't mean you should slack"

My eyes widened at his words as the other person laughed.

His family owned this hospital ?

" I can take a hint bro. But dammit you have a lot of explaining to do. We better talk soon. Goodbye, Irene snow Porter"

Danike didn't let go of my hands even after his friend was gone. He seemed to always stare at people.

I don't know if he just likes to make me feel uncomfortable and then amuses himself with my discomfort.

But those blue eyes were intimidating, especially this close up.

It gave me a weird feeling to see our hands together so I pulled mine away.

He glanced at me, brows drawn together. I looked down at the sheets on my lap.

I could already feel my cheeks warming up, "stop staring"

He snickered, still not taking his eyes off me. "Did you hate the ring so much that you had to act so dramatic and faint, Porter?

Hé was mocking me, but at the mention of the ring, I looked down at my hand to see it securely in place on my ring finger.

"I didn't say I hate it"

"You said it was simple"

"They're not the same thing" it was the only thing I liked today, but hell would freeze over before I admitted it to him.

"Your wedding gown wasn't simple. I just assumed…"

"My mother chose that, I would never have chosen something like that"

Then I remembered the two women that were with me before Danike came into the boutique.. I reluctantly looked up at the guy who hadn't removed his gaze from me in a while.

"Where are they? My mom and yours. Do they know ?"

Danike easily nodded "they were with me when I brought you here".

I glanced around and he noticed

"Gone, my mother got a call from my father, your mother left as soon as you got here saying she had to see to the engagement party préparations."

Why am I not surprised that just like that she left, I didn't want to feel anything but the feeling of disappointment wasn't something I could suppress.

What could she be thinking to leave me in the card of this stranger?

What was i saying she already married me off to him

Danike just kept looking at me waiting for a reaction so I tucked them in deep.

But why was he still here?

My heart beat sped up at my own thoughts.

I needed to get away from this place. From him.

"Can I borrow your phone? I should call up my own driver" I murmured

"You need to finish that saline bag" he pointed to the IV attached to the back of my hand, I didn't notice it till now.

"The doctor said you were dehydrated. Didn't you eat or you just wanted to make me a widower before I get you on my bed"

I didn't know what to reply.

Instead,I picked up the tube attached to my hand, i didn't feel anything as the liquid flowed into my veins.

Danike let out an irritated breath before standing up.

My eyes followed his movement scared as he moved to pick something from behind him.

He turned back and unceremoniously dumped a paper bag on my laps.

I took it without a word and looked inside to see a sandwich.

"Chicken sandwich"

I nodded, lifting it up to my parched lips.

The guy could actually act like a proper gentleman.

Maybe this was how he got his women?

And why was I thinking about it anyway?

I slowly ate the sandwich and from time to time took the drink he bought too.

It was like my hunger had a sudden kick start and I was feeling more and more ravenous.

"I looked into your bag"

"Why" I asked guardedly

" Don't you have a phone, wallet? What stupid person even brings an empty bag out"

They were confiscated' and I immediately regretted saying it.

A bronze eyebrow rose mr, that gaze sharp and threatening "why?" As if seeing that I wasn't going to answer, he snapped, "why Irene?"

"You don't have to know," I simply replied. If I decided to answer it was going to be a long story that he would believe anyway so why bother.

So I shifted my attention to the tube attached to my hand "how long will it take now?"

His expression became unreadable "probably 30 mins more"

"Why don't you rest you look like you need it"

I don't think I'd be comfortable lying down with him in the same room and my mind was running in every direction.

" You didn't tell your friends you were getting married?" I asked instead

"It's in the news" he said plainly

"Do you plan on inviting them?"

"They're on the guest list"

"Oh" that was surprisingly saddening.

"Where are you getting with these conversation"

He looked irritated as he looked at me.

And of course, he noticed. I bit my lower lips before looking up at him, "could you help me find my friend"

"Who?" He quickly asked

I hesitated going to him for help, but I did have many options.

"Rivers" I admitted "your ex fiance"

I waited with a rigid breath.

And he was quick to react, a muscle jumped in his cheek as a smirk made its way to his lips.

"So do you know where she is?" There was a challenge in his tone.

I was confused by the anger in his eyes.

"What?" My mind took time to let his question sink in.

"Irene, where is Rivers Ruiz hiding?"

Jace just merely watched me as I stared back at him.

He reached out and tightly grasped my arm

"W-what are you doing?" The last person to do this was my mother and I hated every second of when it happened.

I quickly tried to pull at his finger, but it only made it worse.

" Tell me something, Irene. Do you not know anything about your friend's disappearance?"

I opened my mouth, but quickly shut it.

My parents didn't believe me when I repeatedly pleaded my innocence so why will a stranger believe me.

"Let go" my nails dug into the skin of his hands but he didn't bulge.

"Did you really have no part in what happened? His voice was hard.

I glared daggers at him, "believe it or not, I knew nothing about it, now let go" tears sprung into my eyes and it was only then that he retracted his hand.

I rubbed the arm he held too harshly and looked away ignoring him, white my pale witch skin the bruises were inevitable.

Danike let out a string of profanities.

I lifted my watery eyes to look at his face if I could see at least a flash of remorse for what he did to me but there was nothing.

"Doesn't your family have connections to the armed forces? Maybe you can ask for help" still trying to push my luck.

His head snapped in my direction "why would I want to do that, Irene? Why would I do you a favor?"

Then a smirk appeared on his lips that I would have loved to slap off.

How could he be so heartless knowing that his fiance's life might be in danger at the moment?

"You owe me this"

He looked at me as if I had gone mad and then laughed "how the hell do I suddenly owe you?"

"You accused me of manipulating the situation to get you to marry me"

Tears fell from my eye and I harshly wiped it off.

I was starting to feel desperate and helpless so I just couldn't help my emotions.

Although what Rivers did was selfish, she was still my friend.

She was at the forefront of my thoughts and every morbid scene was playing in my head simultaneously .

He had no reaction, like my word went into one ear and out the other.

"It never even crossed my mind that Rivers would leave her engagement! I didn't even remember leaving my staff pass with her until said that a service van left the hotel, i didn't even know you until Rivers told me who you were"

His face remained stoic.

Was it really so hard to believe me? Watching his emotions, all strength left me.

" I don't know what else to say to convince you anymore! But I swear on my life, Danike I didn't trap you in these marriage"

Deafening silence followed in the wake of my desperate words.

He didn't move and didn't give any indication of hearing anything I said.

I heard a sob only for me to réalisé it was my own.

"That will be the first and the last time you will ever say my name," he said in a cold tone.

And he left the room, just like that