chapter 11

Chapter 11

Freely falling from my eyes, I continued to stare at the door where he went through.

One thing I have learnt from my few years on earth was that emotions are cruel.

The shaking I felt inside of me was fear, fear of the realization that no one will come to my aid.

I didn't realize when the door opened or when the Female nurse approached until she spoke.

" l will remove the drip now miss" she said

I merely nodded, lifting my hands for her.

My eyes watched her in faraway fascination as she pulled out the needle before quickly pressing a cotton wool over it.

"Sir the patient is ready to leave"

I didn't bother turning around knowing what my eyes would find, but was startled when I felt something being thrown on my laps.

It was a paper bag that had a well known clothing brand name on it.

" Change your clothes,you look horrible. I don't want the press getting a whip of this"

I nodded without looking at him, snatching the bag I got down to avoid him altogether and rushed to the ensuite bathroom and quickly locked the door to bar his existence .

But I made the biggest mistake when I looked in the mirror.

But from what I have been taught on mirrors.

The image you see in the mirror is reversed compared to the image that others see face-to-face with you.

That's what I was taught, which made me believe that I might look worse than the mirror showed me.

I was as white as a ghost. My cheeks looked tear Stained and pale and there were no words to describe the expression on my face.

I looked into the bag and saw a dress that looked tailor made for me but for some reason it didn't fit.

And I breathed out a sigh.

How could I let myself fall to this much despair?

I didn't linger much on the sight and immediately went out the door and jumped in fright.

Danike stood directly in front of the door with a dark expression on his face.

"You locked the door" he said with anger and accusations lacing his tone.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before" I threw his words back at him with a shrug.

I stepped to the side to avoid him but he blocked my way and pulled on my hair hard.

Blood rushed to my head "what more could you possibly want?!" I was feeling raw inside but I was the only punching bag for him.

My only consolation was that I will rest well in the afterlife.

But my outburst didn't seem to affect him, he just pulled me to the side by hair and tossed a bag àt me and he stepped aside and I immediately stormed away but then had to stop at a single realization.

I didn't know where to go.

Danike came out of the room and scoffed when he saw me standing there.

"This way" he turned his back at me and stormed down the hallway and I immediately followed.

We took an elevator that went to the underground parking lot of the hospital.

The whole way to the car he did not once look back to see if I was following or not.

It was when we stopped in front of his car that he gave an indication that he was aware of my existence.

He opened the passenger side and I reluctantly went in, he slammed my door closed making me jump before rounding to the driving seat.

He started the car without even a word which I was grateful for, but he wouldn't have died if he turned on the radio to kill the stifling silence we were in.

It was dark out now but what surprised me was that there were few cars on the road with us.

I always thought New York will be busiest by this time and causing the neverending traffic.

So exactly how late was it now?

I glanced down at the digital clock of the car and it was Eleven thirty pm.

Just the knowledge of the time made me slump tiredly in my seat.

I could help but think about everything, this guy, Rivers and how I can't do anything about what's happening in my life.

My nails dug into my skin in silent protest.

Maybe it was the pressure of everything, but it felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my tiny shoulder.

It felt like someone was pressing over my lungs, there was an unfamiliar burning sensation in my throat and I didn't want to admit it even as my eyes grew hot.

Now was not the time to show weakness.

I didn't cry when my mom slapped me in front of the whole hotel staff. No, I steeled myself when the shock was immediately replaced with stoic reserve.

But twice, I cried In front of this man.

Maybe it was because of his presence or the situation. But the button line was that my brain has accepted that there is no one coming to my aid.

I could follow in my best friend's footsteps and run away, but then what?

What happens to Montego's empire?

My family's name?

An insult of the highest level and the inability to follow on our words with action and my mother to hunt me down just to kill me.

What should I do? Which position do I take up?.

As hard as the situation was I still tried to rack my brain for a solution, deep inside I knew there wasn't much option.

So I had to swallow everything no matter how hard.

I willed myself not to cry, I pushed those wretched tears back and I tried not to show weakness.

But as I tried to breathe in deeping the first sob escaped.

My own body betrayed me, I accepted that I couldn't control anyone's action, I accepted that I couldn't control the situation I was in, but the fact that my own body would not listen to my own mind was the final blow.

Why ? Why couldn't I do anything to ease the situation for myself?

Stupid girl, that's what makes you so pitiful.

Funny how you mind could make you feel so worthless.

When the first sob escaped the second was already at its heel .

My throat constricted with effort to hold

It back, I lifted my hands to clamp my mouth shut but it was two late.

The second, the third it was a flash flood of weakness. After that, my body had no shame, it could not be reasoned with, all bodily functions without forethought to the consequences.

I sounded like a wounded animal, a dying soul until it wracked my whole body.

Danike cursed out loudly into the air "stop the useless crying, before I give you something to cry about!" He snapped at me.

With the back of my hands I tried to wipe the tears off but it just made my situation worse.

Loud strings of profanities followed from the person driving.

I buried my face in my hands, I really couldn't stop the tears even if I wanted to, pain knew no master.

I felt the car jerking to the side, the tires squealing for protest before the engine was cut off.

The click of a seat belt being removed and a thump on the steering wheels jump started my heart.

"Dammit stop crying" I jerked at the harshness if his voice

I tensed when I felt his hands over mine dragging my hands from my face, I don't want to see him.

But he was far stronger than me and I was easily overpowered then he slaed me and that's when I woke up to reality, he grabbed my chin forcing me to face him.

I just closed my eyes instead and the tears spilling from my eyes.

"Look at me Irene" he said sternly

I shook my head trying to pull away from him but the grip was firm and tight.

"Look at me,Irene" he said, his voice suddenly becoming softer, surprising me or have I finally gone mad.

His tone was a contrast to his earlier manner making my eyes open to look at him.

Then he did something I never expected from him.

He wiped my tears with the back of his hands

" Look what you made me do to you, Irene. You don't listen otherwise we would just make a U-turn to the hospital we just got discharged from. Do you want that?"

I Shaked my head in fear and the realization of what he meant

"Use your words Irene" he said sharply

"Yes sir" I said, stifling my tears.

"Now let's get you home". Danike started the car again and we continued on the road, it was scarily quiet, I just wanted to get home.

When we got to the mansion, Danike parked the car in front of the double doors, and I quickly opened the door to get out .

"you should tell your friend to come back and fix the mess she dumped you in"

With that he zoomed off, not really caring if I made it in, not really sure why I was still standing there staring out of the long gate, long after he was gone.