
Chapter 12

Is this what my life has turned to?

Looking at the bruises on my cheek given to me by my soon to be husband drew me into a silent despair as I tried to cover it up with makeup.

He is a mad man. I have read books on men like these but I thought it was all fiction.

But here I am living in an author's imagination.

I don't want to leave like this.

Maybe if I speak to my mom she will listen.

I am her only child after all, but she knew he was a manwhore and still wanted to wed me off.

Still in my thoughts I heard a knock on the door

"Miss, you father wants to see you for breakfast"

My head whipped at the mention of my father.

My father was the opposite of my mother in every way, he never speaks to me unless necessary.

"Alright I will be down in 5 minutes"

I quickly looked into the mirror to see if my bruises were well covered.

And I changed into a nice dress Incase he wanted to do like mom yesterday.

Reaching the bottom stairs I saw a spot already reserved for me which was directly facing my mother. I sighed and took my seat.

"Irene" my father called

I went alert in a moment blanking my expression " yes sir?"

He waved a hand to the maid behind me.

The maid was quick to obey and at once some of my personal things were In front of me.

Which consisted of my iphone, Gucci wallet and mac.

"Danike said he needed a way to contact you" for some reason my dad was grinning from ear to ear in a satisfied manner.

My mom immediately set down her silverware with a hard clatter.

That behavior from her was unheard of but still not yet impossible from her, so my father and I turned to her.

She whipped her head back angrily before facing me " Did you tell Danike to invite the Ruiz's, After what has happened?"

I stiffened, not knowing how to reply.

"Irene" my dad turned to me again.

"Whatever it is you are doing continue doing it, Danike seemed to have taken a liking to you am proud"

I remained silent.

No no no no

My mother raised a brow at me " is that so?, well as it should be. Do something right once in a while Instead of dragging these family name into scandals"

At her sharp words my hands involuntarily clenched and I took a deep breath.

My mother was never one to mince words and I knew if I answered back I was just going to make this whole ordeal worse do I kept quiet instead.

"Stop that" my dad said in a threatening tone that made me flinch. "Why don't you invite him lunch today am sure he will appreciate it"

My brain went into panic mode.

I didn't want to see him today, not after what had happened yesterday.

And before I couldn't think of a response my mother dearest was already snapping at me "that's not a request,Irene"

Danike Blackwell's eyes held promise of hell for me.

He believed I helped his fiance run away and then trapped him into this marriage.

Even though I was just another victim just like him.

Yet somehow I found myself obeying my parents as usual.

M I was in the kitchen after thirty minutes thinking of what to bring him.

My mother wanted me to bring him a home cooked meal.

I couldn't make an effort to do anything for him, my mind was in shambles.

"Miss Irène, is it true your fiance has already taken a liking to you?" a maid whispered from across the island.

There were three kitchen staff here with me and aside from them was the head of the house staff Mrs Anderson who was quick to reprimande the younger staff for such a question.

Mrs Anderson was like a mother to me even though she was old enough to be my grandma she had energy that I couldn't even contend with.

I grew up under her care, seeing as my parents were always out on business.

She ran the mansion with an efficiency that would have rendered this place a slump if she ever left us.

And it was from her I learnt to cook, even though we had a chef she made sure I learnt to cook and do little things.

Mrs Anderson raising her gray eyebrow at me "well? does the boy like you or does he not"

I looked up only to realize everyone had stopped what they were doing to listen to my answer.

For some reason they've always been interested in my life and with the marriage coming up they seem to be more imposing than usual.

It's probably because I have never shown any interest in guys, it was always either school or staying here in the kitchen to border them or go out with Rivers.

I didn't have a response for them because there was none, but my mind kept nagging me with the answer so instead I decided to divert everyone's attention.

I lifted the tomato I had been holding for quite some time "are we putting fresh tomatoes in the lasagna"

The responded back with groans of disappointment from them as I rolled my eyes

"Please, Miss Irene? Is it true ?"

"But he punched a wall" my bread snapped to the person that said it and so did everyone else.

I didn't think there was anyone there, what else did she see?

Mrs Anderson frowned at that "what? Well that boy better not hurt you".

That statement made me freeze.

He has already started and am sure he is not planning on stopping either.

"I doubt that" I finally said with a small painful Smile.

After some time I excused myself from the kitchen and took a shower and got into a designer dress my mom kept for with a pair of ankle boots with two inch heels.

I fixed my hair into a bun and did a little makeup to cover up the bruises.

When I was done I went down to where my driver was waiting for me to take me to…. Where was it again? Danike office

As we went into the urban district of the city, I watched highrise after highrise wondering what his hotel headquarters would look like.

When the car came to a stop my head snapped so fast to the forty story glass structure.

The moment I got out of the car and shut the door my driver sped down the street without another word.

I blinked twice at that behavior, he didn't even tell me what floor I was supposed to head to!.

I sighed as I went inside the revolving doors that led to the lobby .

I went straight to the girl at the front desk and she looked up with a straight face.

"Yes ma'am, welcome to the Imani tower. How may I help you?"

"Which floor is …" I don't even know his position here "Mr Danike Blackwell"

"May I know the purpose ma'am?"

That's what I have been asking myself too!

"Tell him it is Irene porter" I said, nervously holding the paper bag in my food containing his food.

I'd give the receptionist points for keeping a straight face.

"A moment ma'am"

After barely ten seconds she turned to one with distaste on her face.

"You can proceed to the 32 floor miss porter" she said pointing me to the direction of the elevator.

Come to think of it, I don't know how to act in front of him after what happened yesterday.

Do I act like nothing happened or do I act like I remember everything that happened.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw two more ladies approaching the elevator I was entering and I became self conscious because of how I looked compared to them. They looked like runway models.

But what caught my attention was the mention of Danike's name.

"I heard he is getting married again"

One of them said trying to place her boobs well.

"I thought she ran away"

"No that was a different one, from what I have heard apparently the family of the one that ran away wanted to force him to wed their daughter because of his money and the one he wants to marry is that girl he loved"

I scoffed internally at this

"But we know it's all bullshit, i heard his parents wants him marry, but he is a beast inside"

That piqued my interest.

" last night he was rough on me,but I still enjoy it, although he looked a little angry but even second of was heaven"

The other girl squealed in response

"I wonder who is going for this night, I pray it's me it's being a while"

"I wonder how the Media never got wind if this"

"Duh, because only stupid people cross him, didn't you hear of Emily"



" Any ways,even when he is married an sure he us still never gonna get rid of us we always satisfy him"

The other one hums in response

"Who is the new wife by the way?"

"From what I heard she is the heiress of the Montego's empire and she was called the snow white of the industry"

"Well am going to protect my investment no matter what"

You can keep your investment, I screamed Internally.

But I still had to give him his food

Which reminded me I haven't yet pressed my floor.

Stepping around them I reached for the panel and pressed floor 32.

Both of them turned to Me as if just realizing my presence.

" thirty-two? That's Danikes office" said the second girl as she looked at me with wide eyes.

I was suddenly nervous, did they know I was listening?.

"I told you this whole wedding was bullshit, he is even bringing new hoes to his office".

The other girl was trying to take me in fully and she blinked a few times. I didn't know what to do other than stare back at her.

The elevator dinged and the door opened.

With a smirk on her face and a nicking look in her eyes " Danike changes his woman on a weekly bases and he is getting married, I thought you should know considering you seem like a decent little thing"

I gagged in my mouth at the thought of doing anything sexual with a man like him.

Then she stepped out of the elevator and the other one kept a lingering look even as she stepped out.

I need to find away out of this hell am about to enter.

But one thing was for sure.

I wasn't likely to forget them soon.