chapter 16

Chapter 16

And now his words were stuck in my head, taking root in my brain and the worst part was I couldn't shake it off.

He laughed and said some that got my attention

"I've noticed something about you Irene"

I didn't want to hear anymore "leave me alone"

He walked towards me with two wide strides and grabbed my arms tightly, painfully securing me to him.

Tears were quickly sliding down my checks, or was it my imagination?

But what scared me the most was his expression, how still he suddenly was, his eyebrows twitched in the slightest, a muscle jumped on his jaw and my heart joined it to skip a beat.

And I knew that the wheels had turned in that mind.

I frantically tried to escape him, pushing against the solid wall of his chest, only to see how out matched u was he didn't even budge.

He next word slowly carved into a sentence "I know your weakness Irene"

My eyes widened at that, I forcibly dragged my hands from his grip and he let me go laughing.

He took it as a game, he is a mad man.

But I scrambled into survival mode, I took the position of a prey under the threatening gaze of its predator and my mind went into the two basic instincts of survival.

Flight or fight. I had nowhere to run to for protection and I was in no position to fight.

I was suddenly furious at myself for being weak, I was furious at my parents for getting me into this situation and I was furious at the monster in front of me.

I hated all of them, including myself.

He notices the anger I was harboring and responds with a raised brow as if daring me.

"Why can't you leave me one?" I screamed

A grin appeared on his face " why?, just like what everyone does?"

Was it just rotten luck on my part that he knew exactly where to wedge the knife.


My palm stung and his face snapped to my side.

I have never raised a finger at anyone, but I found satisfaction seeing blood at the corner of his lips and It scared me that I thought of a few other people that also deserved it as well. The feeling was slightly euphoric.

Until I heard daughter from the man I slapped that when really started to set back in and I gulped.

"So this little dog can bit"

I raised my hands to hit him again, but this time he saw it coming and snatched my wrist, pinning it to the floor just above my head.

His green eyes darkened, he was angry.

"I would prefer it if you don't try the same trick twice. You're the female to try this and am going to make you regret it" he said with his breath fanning my face.

I monitored his body language, and every second his eyes seemed to darken, and that made me worry even more because I left a handprint on his cheek.

We could always resume fighting at a later date ?

I don't even believe that.

"Calm down,am sorry"

"You are sorry?" He said tightening the grip on my wrist and it made me yelp.

Tears started to pool in my eyes but I blinked them back, I refused to be weak in front of him.

A calm smirk appeared on his face " you are lucky, do you know why? There are cameras outside and I don't want them to see you with a scar on your face and start snooping. Plus…."

He looped his hands around waist and pulled me hard to his body then buried his face in my neck. That's when all the tears started pouring out I felt violated.

"Our engagement will be coming up soon, I want you to look pretty for me," he said, sniffing my scent hard.

My form went rigid at that.

Then he pulled back and looked at me with a smile on his face and blood on his lips that I incurred on him.

" Let's have lunch" he turned to the coffee table.

"Am not hungry, I just came to drop off lunch for you, as per my parents wishes"

I added that last part to let him know that I wasn't here on my own will.

"Alright, you know your way out. Fix yourself up, you look like a maid" he said with a smile that i wanted to smack off so badly but the fear of what he might do to me held me back.

I just nodded and left, calling my driver as I entered the elevator.

If I said that at this moment what he said didn't have an effect on me, I'd be lying.

But I am a Porter.

I was an heiress with billions of dollars to my name and an empire with over ten thousand people underneath me.

My chest constricted,pushing out the thought of what should be underneath me.

But he gave me enough ideas to realize I was going to be left vulnerable in this setup no matter the angle you looked at it.

That should scare me.

I was book smart, but I lacked experience and I wasn't street smart to survive on my own.

I was taught to always play things down.

Always play it down, smile pleasantly, act humbly.

I was too sheltered from everything; it was ridiculous to think of the enormity of my flaws.

But his last sentence " I am starting to wonder if this marriage is really a cover up for your best friend's mess. That looks to be the least of your family problems" he said, expecting a reaction from me.

Still played in my head over and over.

The holes he pointed out seemed to be bigger at closer inspection, I was at a big disadvantage and that was quite alarming to me

I exited the building but I felt someone eyes on me I thought it was just imagination but I felt goosebumps do I decided look around to see if I will notice anyone and something caught my attention and before I could analysis it my driver has arrived when I turned back to face the person again there was no one there so I decided to brush it off and go home.

I wasn't cut out for this, I was too weak and that was a glaring Truth.