chapter 18

Chapter 18:

I need to leave this place.

If Rivers can escape this life then so can I, but could I survive outside the word I have known.

All my needs have been catered for since the day I was born, I didn't have to lift a finger to get what I want.

I was never a spoiled child, discipline was involved in my childhood, I was a public figure, so I was never allowed to misbehave or anything that would drag my family into a scandal.

Today was my birthday, but more importantly to the world and my family it was my wedding announcement.

Today is the official announcement of my engagement to the world.

This was every girl's dream to get married but mine feels like a nightmare.

I sat while the stylist worked on my hair, the nail tech on my nails while I looked into the mirror and saw how lifeless I looked, my eyes dead and my cheek bones shallow but am sure on one would notice they never do.

I can't escape as Rivers did, security was tight and I don't know the blueprint of these wasn't like my hotel and am sure my family will not let that happen and my mother and my loving fiance made sure of it.

The announcement was held in Danike's hotel so that he could have better control over everything.

A hired orchestra was hired to play today.

Yes,i was expected to dance with that animals hands on my waist it made my skin crawl thinking about it, that was why when I was told I had to rehearse with him I immediately felt sick and fortunately for me it was confirmed by the doctor and I was left alone to rest until the engagement day.

But early this morning I was told I had to rehearse with Danike because he said he was rusty with his waltz skills and I didn't have an escape.

But he didn't come alone, he came with a friend of his and I didn't like it.

Danike kept trying to put his hand on my ass as we danced while his pervert friend kept looking intently at me and it made me very uncomfortable.

Some of the event organizer's were in the room but they acted like they saw nothing.

For most part, I always thought dimples made a face look cuter but looking at him may not be.

Yes unfortunately Danike'sfriend was attractive with his crooked smile but it felt to me like he was deliberately putting up an act.

And I didn't like that.

We were still dancing till Danike's phone rang and he just left me there with his creepy friend and the i can't see or here event organizers.

" Irene snow porter and you do live up to rumors and your name don't you think snow white?"

I raised a brow at him in response, while he gave me a whole body appraisal.

"Heiress to the Montego's dynasty, that economy class hotel that is surprisingly gaining popularity in the hospitality world"

He said with a dismissive tone

"Economy class?" I love the tone in which I repeated his words. He should know I am but a puppy, "at least it has some class to

it, don't you agree?".

I had more to say but I held my tongue remembering that this was Danike's friend.

I decided to take a good look at him, his eyes would have been attractive if it didn't remind me of a snake, he wasn't stupid, my unimpressed intellect noted.

"And here I was wondering what all the commotion was about,I have known Danike for a very long time and he wasn't one to shackle himself to one woman, and I am sure you already know of his sexual pursuit up until now,don't you?"

I was already tired of this conversation.

"Now I know why he was quick to forget about his runaway fiance, I have seen the numbers and she was a liability but you were the main catch"

The mention of Rivers' name made my patience start to dissolve.

His smile was unkind as he spoke "skin as white as snow lips as red as blood, hair as black as ebony, now I see why you were dubbed the snow white of the business world. Your family did a great job keeping you under the radar…. Only to surface to be a soon to be bride, billions to your name and a rumored intellect of a natural business guru"

I was never one to accept compliments.

I stared blankly at him "are you trying to flatter me Mr…?" I didn't even know his name looking at his face he seemed shocked my it and it unconsciously brought a smile to my face

I am a porter. I should know better than to easily be jarred by things I hear and it was best to have this over quickly and get on with our life.

He looked at me like I was a clown with this set up.

"You will find out soon enough, but I suggest you switch side honey, am more capable of a man that my pervert friend will ever be"

You have got to be kidding me.

I guess the saying was true: birds of the same feathers stay together.

He was Danike's friend.

What was I expecting?.

Before I could put this animal in his place Danike entered back in the room eying me and his friend.

He snaked his hands around my waist and my eyes immediately shot up to his waiting eyes "Donald, what were you discussing with my wife that couldnt wait till I was here"

"I was just complimenting her, she has a sight for sore eyes, don't you agree?" He says with a smirk on his face and Danike's hands tightened around my waist.

With a look on his face he responded "that's why I am marrying her" he then kissed by the side of the head and it made me shift which didn't go unnoticed by the two men.

Before I could overthink his statment, I reminded myself that we were formally going to be engaged today and it was slowly dawning on me.

I still haven't grasped the full one-eighty this was going to do to my life.

I wasn't sure about making people think this was a love match.

Children loved playing house but it was better if adults didn't.

"Donald would you excuse us?"

He says already dragging me out by my hand, i complied with him so not to cause a septicule.

We existed the grand hall and enter a secluded section buly the hallway.

"What the hell were you guys talking about?"

"You saw your friend their why didn't you ask him cause I owe you no explanation".

He grabbed by jaw hard and dragged it closer to him where is cold breath fanned my face.

"I will not ask twice, what were the both of you talking about in that room?"

Me feeling cocky decided to answer him back with a question "the same way I could ask what you and your secretary were taking about that in the office, that she had to straddle you with you sucking out her face?"

His êyes darkened and it made immediately regret my choice of words.

"If you wanted to get fucked you should have come to me instead" he said with a grin on his face.

"Don't think every one is Like you asshole"

He laughed at that. Have I turned to a clown these days.

"If we are fine with this conversation, i would like to finish this rehearsal and get home to get ready, and please I don't want that fool of a friend if yours in there when I enter"

I dragged my arm out of his grip and entered to nearest door I saw and kept repeating a mantra: this is not the final part of my life I will escape.