
Chapter 19

It was four hours to my engagement party.

There was a security team at every corner of the corridor.

With my mom screaming to them to make sure I was safe but it was strange how for some reason, the number of guards around were not only meant for keeping me safe …but making sure I didn't escape.

K9 teams were also to be deployed to every front entrance .

I felt someone's eyes on me so I turned around to see a buff old man with a graying military haircut with a stern expression on his face.

His dark eyes were trained on me and I knew he had put a mark on my back so no running away from these.

This was an engagement with over two hundred people in attendance, a twelve course meal and a sad excuse of a fiance.

I glanced down at my Richard Mille wrist watch, yes I will always be in fashion no matter what, I was never to be caught lacking.

The event was to start at seven.

I felt suffocated.

My movement was restricted in the room.

I heard a knock at the door.

"come in"

One of the security man came in

"Ma'am you have a package"

And that got my attention

"From where?"

"It was delivered an hour ago, the delivery guy said it was a gift"

" An hour ago? Then why was I getting it now"

" The package has to go through security check first ma'am"

I raised my brow at that but didn't utter a word.

I was already tired and the day wasn't half done.

He kept the small box on the table and left.

It was a medium sized black box with a twist lock.

I took the box and opened to see a hair comb.

In pure silver and big crystals, with a vintage flower and Vine design that would go down my ear.

But I was curious as to who gave me this gift.

The box fell off the vanity table as I placed my arm to support my already throbbing head.

It didn't want to pick it up.

But the box was too pretty to leave there and it looked expensive.

But while picking up the pillow in the box where the hair comb was out of place but that was when I saw a little piece of paper in it, I completely removed the pillow in it and dragged out the paper that was neatly folded.

Happy birthday.

That was the first thing I saw as I unfolded the first half of the paper and that made me stop.

Yes, today was supposed to be my birthday celebration, but my grandmother voted out the birthday portion of the event.

The organizers had voiced out their concerns but they forgot that the were just there to work and get paid.

Even if I wanted to voice out my pain in all of this it would fall on deaf ears so I kept quiet and just listened as they spoke.

Danike said it was more important to focus on the part where his family hotels and mine were to be united by marriage.

Power had just realigned in our circle.

And to everyone in the room, my birthday was a tophc that will jeopardize the whole point of this event, so it was thrown into the fire.

"We are trying to avoid bad publicity child, your party will come later" that was what u was told like it was meant to make the whole conversation better.

I opened the paper and I quickly recognized the messy handwriting of Rivers.

I wanted to cry but I quickly blinked them back with force because I couldn't ruin this make, my mother would have my head.

I decided to read through the part that was understandable, at least she was safe, and was doing fine if she could afford to get me that kind of hair comb.

I looked at the comb again, it had intricate gills and patterns on it and the crystal intricately formed flowers on the design and when I looked closely I saw my name on it and it brought a smile to my face.

But it would have been better if she was here instead of a letter.

At least she sounded happy, and that also made me happy despite my situation.

But it made me wonder, did she know the kind of man Danike Blackwell, was that why she ran away?

Did she know that u was going to marry the man she left behind, did she know what she made me go through, did she not trust me enough to tell me what she was going through.

No no no no.

I was not going to let overthinking kill my joy.

I appreciate the gift cause everyone else acted like they didn't know, I didn't even get a birthday wish, so I decided to forget about my birthday all together so that I won't end up hurting myself.

Anyways birthdays are just sad reminders of how much time we have left on earth, and it was sad how people celebrated their birthday not knowing it was their death day as well.

And this thoughts made me wonder, what If today was my last day?

Would anyone cry over me?

Would my family miss me?

Or would my family thinks of it as another scandal and finds a way to make the world forget I ever walked on it.

Or would my family take my death as a means of exploitation to make more money, if they do I won't be shocked because these ideas weren't beyond them.

Our mind is the most dangerous place to be left alone in.

Thank God this uncomfortable dress brought me back to reality.

My mother picked this dress, it was beautiful but uncomfortable, very revealing and heavy.

But guess what I didn't have a say in it.

With the next knock on the door I knew it was almost time.

The organizer peeked into the room and her eyes quickly settled on me.

" Fifteen minutes before the party starts miss porter please proceed to the front entrance"

I was led out of the room and the organizers held a hand out for me as we took the elevator.

My legs were slightly wobbling just as we reached the corner, one more turn to the left then I will be seeing the entrance.

And Danike.

And that thought made me lose my mind.

I tried to remind myself that this party will be over before I knew it and I could go home and cry myself to sleep.

My family and Danike's family were already inside socializing with guest and I could already hear low murmurs from the hallway.

I had to remind myself, two hundred guests, how tiring.

The first thing I noticed as I approached the double door which was our entrance way into the party that was being manned by four hotel staff was Danike shamelessly flirting with the hotel staff.

I won't be surprised if he has fucked all the female staff around, it didn't look above him.

I quickly cleared my throat to grab their attention and to avoid any more embarrassment from my immoral spouse.

The staff, noticing my presence, scurried out of the room,and that left me with the excuse of a man.

He turned around and looked at me with his blue eyes turning darker not in anger but in lust.

I know how I looked in this dress, my curves were on full display and the dress left little to imagination.

" I should congratulate myself," he said, looking at me with hungry eyes.

My head creased at that "congratulate yourself ?, why?"

"am no longer engaged to a minor"

But before I could respond back the double doors opened and my hands were clamped in Danike's hands.

I could remove my hands as gos grip waw tight and firm plus I was under the brightest spotlight that made the hall look dark.

I could hear the claps, my foot took the second step forward,following Danike's lead.

Big smile,Irène, big smile.

I had to remind myself.

I couldn't decipher faces at the moment and honestly I didn't want to.

I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the place and decorations .

An extravagant engagement party should exude luxury and elegance, and that was exactly what my mom did.

We were walking on a red carpet with flower arches, and dramatic lighting.

With a live string quartet playing as we walked.

With a giant crystal chandelier in the middle of the room was lit up in soft red

With large lush floral arrangements with a mix of exotic flowers and greenery. On each table settings with fine china, crystal glassware, and polished silverware alongside personalized name cards, and intricate centerpieces

A well-stocked bar with signature cocktails, champagne towers, and a selection of fine wines will add to the extravagance by the side.

The theme of this party was glamorous elegance and both families spared to expense to make it happen.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a head on my bare back, I saw him lean in to whisper something to me as I maintained my practiced smile.

"It's time for this engagement to serve it purpose" .