chapter 24

"childhood sweethearts?" I spat out the words like poison in my mouth."we are 9 years apart, how in the world did a fifteen year old and twenty-three year be doing together as childhood sweetheart,doesn't that make him a pedophile?"

I made sure the Disgust was clear on my face.

I remember Danike's words from the night our marriage was agreed upon.

"I've been bested by a child"

This is the story the wanted me to stick to?

This is the story Danike was ti stick to?

I threw the folder on the coffee table.

It took everything in me not to growl out in frustration.

This creative writers are getting too creative for us to take them serious.

Standing up i turned around but jumped when I saw my mom watching me.

I closed my eyes.

"I saw you guys that night" mom spoke

My eyes snapped open at that.

"What are you talking?" I asked.

"I saw you in the hall" she spoke calmly.

"I saw you too that night, which makes sense considering we have been planning this event" I said in a sassy tone.

"Lose the attitude, fast" she warn in an oddly calm tone. "I saw everything that happened that night, I was when you entered the hall looking around frantically, I saw when Mr Blackwell spoke too you, I saw when your dad entered the sound room, and came out with you as his dance partner, which was not part of the event and i saw when Danike pulled you out of the hell after the dance"

My mother wasn't stupid and she was being like this meaning that grandma was already onto something already.

But do the know that Danike has an illegitimate child ?

I won't be shocked if they knew this information already bu i still needed to pick my words carefully.

"But the father-daughter dance was a nice addition to the program. Don't you agree?"

My mother gave me a long stare "I agree. However for the next two weeks you are ordered not to leave the house until we were to go to the island for your wedding and for your interview which was In a week time, I was to accompany you at all times,you will be monitored 24/7 and I was asked to take your phone and laptop"


He did what? My hand itched to throw a punch but I remembered he was meant to be my father.

But why was she telling me this?

My mother was watching me critically waiting for a reaction of some sort "which prompts my question..... Why would he do such a thing? And he even made sure I grandma wouldn't find out about his unethical plans"

My father wanted me to keep mouth shut from everyone and get does this, and it makes me wonder what actually goes on in his head because I am convinced that he did think.

But come to think of it, what exactly does he think I know that would make him, take this extreme measures to keep my mouth shut.

What I only told him was Danike was with a woman nothing else.

So he knows something.

For a split second, i was tempted to tell her what went on that night, but what next?

But if she reacts worst than my father did?

My family were happy with this engagement.

It was for a business purpose there was not personal about marriage.

I only had to remind myself about Rivers engagement party and all that happened after that.

My mother was the person who locked me up in my room the last time.

What if she does worst than what dad is doing now if I tell her what I know, it wouldn't be surprising if she does.

I just wanted to rest.

I didn't want a conversation that could go downhill before I could inhale.

"It was nothing " I said in flat tone.

At my reply there was a change in mother's expression.

There was something inexplicable about the way she continued to stare at me that sent shivers down my spine.

"Irene" but the rone she used told me I was right at some point.

She could go soft on me, not my mother and not with how far we have dug our grave with this marriage.

Or she could be playing me to see how weak I am.

I can be certain with this woman.

My feet took a step back, I was going to deal with this now especially not with her.

She was strong in mental war fare and if I stand against her I will lose.

I have learnt to choose my battles wisely a d this battle was not mine to fight.

My mother was a perfect socialite like a diamond, beautiful, expensive but at the same time hard and cold.

"Don't look at me like that"i snapped at her.

I know I was pushing my luck with the tone i spoke with.

But oddly enough she didn't scold me for that tone , instead she sat down "something is obviously going on and I would love to know."

"Why don't you ask your husband about it instead mom?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

She was suddenly looking fustrated "he wouldn't tell me that's why am asking you. "

"If dad said nothing is wrong them who am I to say otherwise?" I said with a laugh that sounded crazy.

My mother's frustration was escalating "am asking you for a reason, you know what am capable of doing dont taste me"

"Capable of what mother?" I said out of frustration, "you are capable of speaking to dad ? Or are you capable of letting me out of the house, since father has forbidden it? Ah, no.... Are you capable of stopping this whole wedding plans?"

Silence was what followed my outburst.

My mom gave me a long stare.

"So it's about the wedding plans, you father specifically asked me not to speak to him"

I smiled on impulse"why is that?"

So she doesn't know what happened that night.

Even if she doesn't but doesn't mean she doesn't know about Penelope.

The look on my mother's face shifted "do you think acting like this will get you anywhere?"

"What you could do for me now is to change that script in to something believable "

St the change of topic mom raised a brow but responded to it"the script stays. Danike already received a copy and he said nothing about the script."

My frown was instant "am sure he hasn't even read the script ."

"You don't still get it,do you? Or must i spell it out for you, nobody has a problem with the story expect for you. Do you know why?"My lips pressed together at the passiveness of that reply.

"That's because am the only person thinking strai—."

"Because as ridiculous as you think that story is. It's not the responsibility of the script to make this whole thing believable. It's yours, it's your and Danike's responsibility to bring the script to life. You should understand that."

I felt a headache starting.

"That's impossible " i shook my head "I was just thinking of how good of a liar I had to be fir this whole thing to work. Am already getting married to that Dog, so what's the heed for all this?"

"You are already grown up Irene act like it !, why must I tell you everything? Stop with this naivety! How the hell do you plan to survive with this attitude" mom shouted.

And her outburst shook me.

But I stood my ground nonetheless"I didn't ask to get married, mother"

"Wether you want it or not, we all have to pay for the lifestyle we have. Don't ne a hypocrite crying that you didn't ask to be born into this family. That's beneath you Irene, you are just at the top of the sacrifice i had to make."

"So you what me to be grateful to you guys for taking away my youth?" I blinked back my tears.

"Exactly " mom's wry manner was expected. "Don't think of pulling that stunt you best friend did because I promise it won't end well "

Let me help you escape.

My mind quickly drifted to the note and the old burner phone.

"Abd since you don't want to air your side of the story " she continued "let's go with your father's order, hand over your phone and laptop, it will be returned back on the day of your wedding."

My heart stopped.