chapter 23

What happened after the conversation with my father was a blur.

I was just spaced put and my head was stuffed with cotton.

How I got out if that place, how I got home and how I slept in my own bed was a merger if different memories, that u couldn't narrate in a proper sentence.

My household has gotten even more busy after the engagement with the media frenzy and the upcoming wedding.

Maybe that was the reason they didn't realize that I have been locked up in my room till today or maybe the realized and just didn't care.

Useless though, it wasn't like I was getting rest not with the war going on in me.

With the back of my hands I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

I remembered the note and the old flip burner phone.

I remember what the note said:

"I can help you escape"

My lips curved into a painful smile at the note. Escape, huh?

A knock snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly hid the small note and the old phone.

Trying to avoid suspicion i laided on my bed and canned my neck in her direction.

And I ended up overdoing it, i mentally face palm myself.

"Good morning miss"

I nodded "what is it?"

"Your presence is need in the family study"

"Is my presence really needed there"

"Yes ma'am, your grandmother specifically requested for you"

"Grandma?" I asked doubtfully"who else is there?"

"Your parents "

So everyone.

I glanced down at my night clothes, it was a matching night dress and had some delicate design on it.

This would do.

"Give me five minutes "

The girl nodded and immediately left my room on the other hand, i pushed my comforter off and quickly took the bore and the old phone to hide properly before entering my ensuite to wash my face and brush my teeth before I packed my waist length hair in a bun.

Without bothering to change my clothes I went down to the family study to meet them.

They would mind my not changing outfit as far as I was alert and responsive during the conversation.

Outside the study I could already hear the animated conversation between my father and my grandmother.

"I knew Danike was a reliable man, all the news outlets are singing his praise" i could hear the grin in my father's voice as he spoke.

I stopped just outside the door already seeing were my grandma was seated but she hasn't noticed me yet.

My grandma rested against the chair seeing you eye my father in irritation.

"I hope Irene would be more wise than to sing the praises of that boy "like the eyes of a hawk grandma cold eyes flickered to me,as if she knew I was there all along.

"Oh, you are here darling" it sounded like mockery.

I made sure to make no reaction as I came in an greeted them.

I hurried to buy designated seat, which was at the left hand of my mother.

They were all staring at me, as if waiting for something but in response I ignored them and kept my face stoic.

"Irene have you seen the news so far?"

"No ma'am "

My father was the quickest to react with a disappointed sigh.

I turned to him.

"I always thought you were a smart child, but guess I was wrong. The first thing you were meant to do was to check the news immediately after the party. That's the whole purpose of the event."

My eye brow rose in response to my father chastising tone.

The audacity of this man. A smile curved on my lips as my stare lingered on my father as a warning.

And that little display of mine didn't go into by my grandma.

But it was completely missed by my mother.

"What he was trying to say is that the event successfully served it's purpose, it was covered by all the major news groups, with no bad article." My mom said sounding pleased.

If only she new what actually went on that night , will she still sound so pleased.

"Everyone is convinced of Danike's devotion to you" my father said with a raised brow facing me"it will be the wedding of the century."

My face must have been indescribable at that point, what was he trying to do?.

We haven't spoken after the party but he is pushing is luck.

My grandma suddenly spoke after her Kong Silence and staring "you don't seem particular about this news, darling "

I masked all my emotions and copied my grandma stoic expression, "saying that everyone is convinced sounds exaggerated" I said with a very dull tone.

My father's face coloured "what —"

"I agree with you" she sounded pleased with my response.

I flicked a look at my excuse if a father and he had already settled back in his seat.

He won't dare rebut grandma and it brought a smile to my face that quickly disappeared before anyone noticed.

" Now that you mentioned that there is some Additional plans we were looking into in other to convince them and that was the main reason I called for you" my grandma said eyeing me.

My bravado was swiftly drained.

What does she want now?

"Forbes put in a request for an exclusive interview "

I tensed.

That magazine was dedicated to the lifestyle of the top ten percent of the globe.

But even being part of the 10 percent was not the only criteria of the brand.

The only accepted the real blue bloods.

I looked at her "what type interview are you taking about?"

Grandma eyes went sharp"the would like to know how you guys met, they are convinced that the budding romance between you and your soon to be husband would be a big story and the want all the juice "

I was about to reject the idea before they were done with the plans "but it won't work this is a marriage of con—"

"We will hire writers for that all you have to do is memorize the script"my father cut in.

I scoffed

We were full blown actors now.