"Wake up child "

'What is this sound is someone calling me? wait... am I alive, why is he calling me child? what's this light?

"Ugh.... who..."

"The time has come to fulfill your duty as destiny has a plan for you"

"D..Destiny?.... plans for me ?.. and who are you?"

" Find the immortals, you will get all your answers "

" Immortals ?... are there something like that. and where do I find them? and who are you? "

"When the time comes the answers to all your questions will come to you "

"Now go and do what your heart desires... my blessings are with you."

" Hey wait... at least tell me where is chalotteeeeeeeeeee."

What was that just now I have definitely died back there but how now I am standing well on my feet. this feels so real.

" Wait what is this place "

"This is 'proxima centauri' planet located in the same galaxy where your planet is."

Woow, who are you?

"Let me introduce myself i am "SU" the part of a divine weapon of my lord. and your partner from now on."

Part of a weapon ?..... How a weapon can talk.

"hey, Don't call me just a weapon. I may be a small part of a divine weapon but still, I am a divine weapon who has countless no. of battle experience. and my lord's favorite weapon."

So you are a weapon... I mean a divine weapon who has his consciousness and can talk. what the fuck is going on right now I am dreaming or something. aargh.... whatever so su, can you tell me about my situation?

"Well if you ask me that politely I guess I don't have a choice. alright, I tell you. first of all, you have died once."

What... I have died once? what are saying can't you see I am alive right now? woo.. see I can even feel pain, so how the fuck i have died.

"I am telling you the truth if don't believe me you can see it with the the eye of " ???????"."

"Eye of what ?"

"Guess you can't hear it because of guidelines! just think of some screen popping up in front of you."

So I have to think of a screen in front of me huh.... woo what the heck!!!!


< AGE - 0 Years >

< Occupation - None >

< Trait - Growth ??? >

< Skill (1) - Eye of ?????? >

< Skill (2) - Divine weapon summon >

Strength - 1 Stamina - 1 Durability - 1 

 Agility - 1 Mana - 0 Luck - ??? 

 Available Stats - 0 

"What all this ?" what's with my age?

"Can't you see those are your pathetic stats? accept for your skills and traits you have nothing to consider."

Are my stats that pathetic?

"Of course, as you can see your stats are at one and you don't have a single mana stat."

my stats are that pathetic!

"Well, usually when you get transported to another world you get a minimum of ten stats in everything. but not just you transported to this world but also get a resurrection of your physical body. I guess that's why you have stats of a newborn baby."

What do you mean by resurrection? I am alive and I got transported to this world. what am I supposed to do now?

"Look how pathetic stat you're in.. well you have the eye of ??????. so you just have to think of something like what you have to do. It will tell you what exactly you have to do."

The eye of ?????? can also do that. Then let me think...


< Kill the living creature of this planet and get every stat up to ten>

< By killing the living creature of this planet you can get 10% of their stats>

"I see…. so this is the effect of your growth trait you will get 10% of their stats every time you kill a creature of this planet. That's some cheat trait you have."

Is it good?

"It's not just good it is a cheat skill."

"what do you think will happen when you kill a strong creature you will get so much of a stats that you can reach the realm of demigod after killing twenty or thirty creatures with high stats. Well, you can use this trait of yours, if you can survive in this world."

Where do I find living creatures there is nothing but stone mountains. And we don't even have any food or water source.

'we started to move to find food and a shelter because I don't think the night will be warm here.'

Half a day later at night…..

Just as I thought the night is not warm here. I have to find something to burn.

"That's why mana stat is important. If you even have one mana stat you could have asked the eye ?????? how to use fire spells. What a shame."

I guess I have to kill some creature first. So I can get at least one mana stat. Well, I forgot to ask you can tell me about the person I met on my consciousness.

"Well if he didn't tell you then I don't have the qualification to tell you."

I see…. at least tell me about the people of my planet.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"They are here on this planet. But not all the people from Earth are here only about 23% of the total. And the remaining people may be on a different planet."

So that means Charlotte may be somewhere in this place right?

"Who knows, she may be here or maybe not. Do you know what kind of monster took her?"

I think it's a cow-head-type monster.

"So it's a Minotaur. I think I know where your girlfriend is."

Is she on this planet? 

"No, she is on the planet named 'Gliese' nine-light-year-far from here."

It's too far from me. how can get there as soon as possible?

"Wait wait. Where are you going in a hurry she is too far from here. you need at least 70 mana stat to teleport that far. even if you go there you will become their sacrifice in your current state."

So I just have to become stronger right? I will get to the 70 mana as soon as possible.... wait for me a little Charlotte, I will come to save you and we will get out of this place.