Hey su.. when will I see a living being? It's been three days now. Only rocks are visible as far as the eye can see. I can't even walk now because of hunger.

"For the last three days, we have only seen rocks. Hmm… I think we will soon reach the orc kingdom. We have to change our roots.

Why is that?

"The orc is a warrior race they often do wars with human kingdoms. Not only this, they also lost to humans many times despite having much physical advantage."

Do humans also live here?

"Of course, this planet is just like Earth. The only difference is that the mana here is denser than Earth because of the red dwarf sun. that's why humans here are much more powerful than Earth's humans. So whenever they see a human they challenge him to a fight. If you accept it you have to fight them to survive and if you refuse to fight. the orc will make you their slave for the rest of your life. It's better not to get involved with them. If you do you will die for sure."

I can hardly stand on my feet. Do you think I have any choice here? If I don't go there I'll die of hunger before I go anywhere else.

"As your guide in this world, I won't allow you to go there."

So what other options do I have?

"You freak, at your level, it is a well of death. You will surely die there."

I have already died once nothing will change even if I die here.

"Nothing will change for you but what about my lord who has pinned his hopes on you."

I do not care how he feels. What I want to do now is to survive in this world. And to do that I have to face the challenge that my fate is giving me.

"I guess I don't have a choice then. Alright, I'll let you use me. So at least you can survive the fight."

Alright, let's do this.

At the entrance of the orc kingdom….

The king has ordered to tighten the security. If you find any suspicious thing call me immediately. 

Yes sir.

So how do I enter this place?

"well don't even think of going through the main gate. Because you will have to fight them by going through the main gate. We can't climb the wall and get in. So the only way left is to disguise yourself and go inside with the slave merchant."

But how do disguise myself as a merchant?

" you idiot I'm not talking about merchant. You have to join their group as a slave as stealthily as possible. How can be you so dumb? 'O lord' you have placed your fate on a dumb idiot. "

Alright, I get it so don't call me dumb.

'we waited for the slave merchant for a while and saw them approaching the main gate.'

"Get ready Daksha they heading towards the gate you have mixed up with the slave without them knowing."

On it.

It's going to be quite profitable, we have twenty-five humans today. What a lucky day. I think these will sell for quite a lot.

how about running an auction for this warrior slave?

Good idea we can make a lot with him. Hmm…. we have 25 slaves, right?


So who is this 26th slave?

What? 26th slave. I think they forgot to count this one, well good for us. Hah aha…

I don't think so.

What do mean mercenary captain?

I don't about you but I am keeping an eye on them and I am sure we only have 25 slaves. He may be a spy from the empire.

'What do you mean by empire I've been here for three days and you think I am a spy from empire.'

"Why would he think that for an orc mercenary like him, you are just a human. So there is no doubt he will think of you as a spy."

So here is my question for you 26th slave, who are you?

What are you talking about sir I have been with the group from the beginning. Can't you see how thin I am? I got separated from the group for a while because I couldn't walk due to hunger. If you don't believe me you can ask my friend.

Who is your friend?

Oh, her name is Su she is in the group.

Who is Su here come out?

I am Su, sir.

Would you happen to know him?

Yes, sir, he is my childhood friend we live in the same village. I think he got lost in the group and rejoined us here.

Alright, you can go now. And you what is your name?

Aa… my name is Daksha.

What an odd name, alright you can also go now.

See captain, we told you he is one of our slaves. Alright, guard open the gate we have brought humans this time. And tell everyone we are having a warrior slave auction tonight. Hah aha…

I didn't know you could possess someone.

"Now you know how great I am this much is nothing you can't even imagine what I can do. kukuku…"

'I got inside thanks to Su but how do I find food now? I am so hungry that I can eat anything. please give me something to eat you bastard…..'

"Daksha, are you alright? open your eyes. Hey wake up aargh…"


Half a day later….

Aargh… what happened to me where is this place?

You have woken up huh!

Here's the food, do not feint again. We won't be able to sell you in those conditions of yours.

Huh? Where is su? Where have you taken her?

Woo woo calm down a bit and don't ask me the questions you fucking slave. she was a slave so I sold her you got a problem with that.

"Hey, are you worried about me? You know I am a divine weapon you can summon me any time you want. Well, who am I explaining to? You won't understand."

Oh yeah, I forgot that you are a divine weapon. So have you found a way to escape.

"Are you worried about this simple task? I just have to possess a rich guy and buy you so you will be free. See It's that simple."

Oh what a nice plan su, you are a genius.


"What? Hey, you system let me go. My plan will be ruined because of you. Urgh.. let me go you bitch."

Give up su. We have to think of another plan…..


What happened su. What is this sound? It's like that warehouse is about to collapse. Hey su, cut off my chain.


Hey, captain what is happening out there?

I am sorry sir, we can't stop him from coming.

Who is it?

It's the sixth prince "Azog".

What is the sixth prince doing here?

He heard about the slave warrior we brought with us. I think he is here to fight him.

What is the crazy prince thinking at this rate the renaming slave will run away. Do something about the slave captain I will talk with the prince. Urgh.. what a headache.

"Daksha this is the perfect time for you to get out. We won't get a better chance than this again. Oh also Let's get the necessary food and water."


O prince Azog. I your faithful servant asks you to stop your destruction the people around you are getting hurt.

Hahahaha… A slave merchant asking me to stop the fight with a mighty human warrior. You are insulting my challenge to the warrior.

This servant of yours deserves to die for stopping your fight but he is not in good shape now so your fight with him becomes boring. Let him eat and gain weight. I will personally send him to you.

Oh my, what a great mouth got there. What's your name merchant?

It's "gorbag" your highness.

OK gorbag, come with this warrior to my place. if you bring him to me as you've said I will reward you handsomely.


Finally… it's peace but what a jackpot. I would have sold him to the auction but got a reward from the prince. My life is going to be comfortable from now on. hah aha…

Where is the mercenary go?

A little far away from the warehouse…

What the fuck with these people why are they running in the same direction as me?

"well, you are the one who runs away first so they are just following you."

Aargh… do I ask them to follow me?

" huh.. what can you do?"

Yeah guess I have to run faster then….


Where do you are going, you slaves?

'how the fuck how did he catch up to us? Hey su what now?'

" The only thing you have left is to fight him head-on or else you will die if just run away like this."

I guess I don't have a choice then but how?

"Check his stat first. At least we get to know how strong he is?"

 Ok, eye of ??????.


AGILITY - 30 MANA - 35 LUCK - 29


What the fuck are these stats. You want me to fight him. He will kill me in just one shot.

"Believe in me I will not let you die just think of a weapon you want to use I will transform it into that weapon. The difference between you and him is huge but I am a divine weapon my wielder can get a temporary increase in stats and with your growth trait you can get even more buff."

Alright… I will think of a Spear because it will be more sufficient if he uses a hammer.

You have nowhere to go now. You slaves. 

Let's see who will die and who will survive.