
"Are you alright? Dakasha..."

I am ok. It's just a scratch Urge...

(Blood came out of his mouth and he wondered why a simple scratch hurt so much)

"That's not a scratch, your one hand is gone."

Huh? Arrrrr... Urgeeee...

Now that I see it's hurting more Arrrrr...

Hey Su, Why is the blessing's divine healing not working? Urge...

"Dodge, Daksha..."

Not now.

(Another attack comes from the ebony horn bear, which was sudden so Daksha couldn't dodge this attack and lost his one leg.)

Arrrrrr... Urgeeeee...

(The pain was too much for him to withstand, he screamed, his vision got blurry, and he lost consciousness.)

"Wa~e up... , w~ke up...


"Wake up Daksha..."

Huh? Am I alive?.. My hands?... My hands are fine, My legs are also fine. hahaha...

"Have you gone mad after losing your head?"

I am fine, it's just, that I thought I was going to die this time. hoo...

"Well, you are alive thanks to his mother."


"See Beside you."

Woo..., A bear?... No, The ebony horn bear's child. So you are telling me that his mother who was half-dead and exhausted protected me from his monstrous father who went berserk not seeing whom to attack or whom not...

"Alright, calm down now."

So what happened to me after I fainted?


well, after you got knocked out, the male ebony horn bear was about to pierce your upper body with his horn. at that time the mother bear comes in front of you and takes his attack and you are unconscious by then, so she takes him with her to the top of the mountain. after that, I don't know what happened, but she looked at you as if she would accept you to care for her child."

" I guess she thought she wouldn't return for her child."

She wants me to take care of her child. I can't even take care of myself. 

Kwaaa...! Kwaaa...!

Why is he crying now?

"Maybe he is hungry."

Now what? do I have to feed him?

"Do you have any other options other than feeding him? if he dies from hunger his mother's sacrifice will be wasted. and look at his traits and skills, he will be helpful to you in the future."

If you say so. but where can I find milk in this place?

"Where else, there is only one place where you can find milk or your resources."

The orc kingdom. All right, I've decided to go to the Orc Kingdom. I'll use shapeshifter and take the necessary things for the bear's cub.

"That's a great idea, so you also can use your head sometimes huh?"


"Let's go..."

(Daksha heads towards the orc kingdom to take the food for the bear cub.)





Who are you? reveal your identity.

Oh my, can't you see I am an orc?

Are you from some countryside tribe? You have to provide your identification before you enter this place.

Oh, I didn't know that.

'Hey Su, do you know any orc's tribe name?'

"Yeah, tell him that you are from the 'Galak tribe' which is very far from here. and your name is Saga."

Well, I am Saga from the 'Galak tribe'.

So, you are from the Galak tribe huh? And it's your first time coming here.


All right, you can register your name in the registration hall.

Yeah, thank you.


Excuse me, The guard says that I can register myself here.

Aa... Yes, what is your name?

It's Snaga from the Galak tribe.

Oh, from the Galak tribe. What is your father's name?

Huh? My father's name why do ask?

Because we have to write your father's name in our records.

Oh, yeah mmm...

'What do I tell him, Su? I don't know what to say.'

"This is not looking right, if you say any random name you can get caught because you may be new to them but they know everyone's name from previous generations. Hmm, tell him that you don't know."

'What I can't tell him the name. And what reason should I give him?'

"Just tell him whatever comes into your mind but don't tell him your father's name."

Hey, what's the name of your father?

Aaa... mmm...


The thing is... I don't know.


I don't know who my father is.

Who is raising you then?

I live on my own.

Hmm... You lived a hard life huh? but you have to give evidence that you lived in the Galak tribe. what to do?

Hey, Gamak is there anyone here from the Galak tribe?

There is an orc sir. his name is Bima.

hmm... tell him to come here.

Yes sir.


Why do you call me sir?

Oh, so you are from the Galak tribe.

Yes sir.

He claims to be a member of the Galak tribe, can you identify him?

Yes, What's your name?

Aaa... my name is Saga.

Hmm... I haven't heard this name before.

'Do something, Su.'

Oh yeah, I remember you aren't you that thief who stole the goods of merchants? I know him sir he is from our tribe.

Hmm Alright, you can write your statement that you know him.

Yes sir.

'Is that you Su?'

"Yes, it's me. I possess his body before he can speak about you."

'Thank you Su I can enter the kingdom now.'


Alright, here's your ID, and don't lose it. you can also go Bima.


Yes sir.




Wow, This is marvelous When I first came to this kingdom it was night so I didn't know it was this huge and marvelous.

"That's how it is."

Huh?... When did you come out?

"Just now when you are looking at your surroundings."




Move fast you lowly humans.

How can they do this to us? Aaaa...

What are you blabbering huh? I can hear you know.

 Tch, when will we get rid of them?

Wait, until the ceremony the Shaman says not to harm the sacrifice we need as much life force as possible.

Count yourself lucky humans if you weren't our resources to the shaman you all would have died miserably.


(Daksha sees the orcs taking some humans from the back alley. what he wasn't the normal humans but the humans from his planet Earth.)

Wait. Are they from Earth? do you see that too?

"Yeah, they are the humans from your planet but they would end up in the orc kingdom. it's good for you Daksha you can save them if you want."

What does it matter to me they are the same humans who would do the same as those orcs if they knew what was going to happen.

"No, even if they are the same you can't let them die like that because it will only affect your planet's Mother Goddess "Vasundhara's" chance to revive.

What? how?

"They have consumed the life force of the earth and if the orcs use their life force then there will be nothing left for the earth to receive."

How does that make any sense?

"Well, it doesn't matter if it does not make any sense to you but think about it when a person dies where do you think his life force will go?"

I don't know.

"To the thing they consumed their life force to the motherland Earth and if those orcs use their life forces to give their God then your planet's mother goddess "Vasundhara" will be weakened and not be able to revive Earth again."

So, If what you are saying is true then to revive the Earth we also have to sacrifice the humans?

"No, you don't need to sacrifice the humans."

Whys that?

"Let me explain it to you with an example, think of your body as the earth and the lives that live in it as blood cells or meat of your body. the blood and meat of your body are nutrition for other animals they have to eat you to receive that nutrition but for you, the blood cells are a part of your body, even if you are injured if you recover your blood and muscles you will become healthier again."

"It's the same for the earth if we can return all the life then the Mother Earth Goddess "Vasundhara" will be able to revive the earth again."

I get it. So, how much life force does our Mother Earth Goddess "Vasundhara" need?

"More than 40%."

So, you mean 5.6 billion humans.

"I don't think you get what I said. you will need 80% of the total life of the planet not just 80% of human life. Which is a Million Trillion Trillion means 10^30 life."

"Not all the life has been taken from Earth. What they have taken is the life they can see with their eyes. they have only taken 60% of the life on the planet the other 40% may be in the deep ocean or they hide underground."

Hmm... I have no choice but to save them huh?

"Yes, that's why your Mother Earth Goddess has asked the help from my lord and you were the only human who was alive on the planet at that time so he had no other choice but to choose you as the guardian of the earth."

I get it alright. So, don't say that to me.