Yo bro, what's going on here?

Who are you?

Oh me, I am Saga from Galak.

I didn't ask your name. tell me about your position. I am new here and can you tell me why have you tied them? Are they slaves? if they are then I want to buy some of them.

If you are new then mind your business do not butt on other's business.

I am telling the truth though. I can give more than what they are worth.

Hey you bitch, I am telling you nicely if you don't get out of my sight in 10 seconds then the people of this town will find an orc without any limbs attached to him.

I get it, sir I will mind my business.



wooh... are they serious how can they talk to anyone like this?

They can and they can also do what they've said.

And who might you be?

You don't need to know that. tell me how much can pay me for one slave.

Aaa... now I remember aren't you the one who was with them? so you can sell me those slaves.

I can but you have to pay a reasonable amount for them.

Well, I don't want those slaves if I honestly tell you. if you're after the payment, I would like to buy something else.



About what?

Those human slaves you were taking with you, tell me about everything you know.

I can't sell you that. not just me but no one will tell you about that....

Even if I give you one Gold coin for the information.

Gulp... one gold coin...

'He is giving me one gold coin for just one piece of information, should I ask him more? Yeah, he may have more than just one gold.'

Money is not something that can such a high level of information.

Then how about five gold coins?

'O my god what a jackpot with that much money I can quit this damn work. but should I ask for more?'

Not enou...

Ten Gold coins. how about now?

Deal. I will tell you everything I know but show me the money first.

Here you go as you can see ten gold coins.

Should we change the place then.

Why not here?

Are you stupid I can't tell you the top secret information here.

Alright, let's change the place.



Hey lady, bring us some hot beverages.

On it.

So, tell me.

Wait, Man let's drink some draught first.

I think you don't know the value of ten gold coins. do I go somewhere else?

 Oh my, I just want you to drink some draught that's it.

I don't want to drink. get to the point.

Alright Alright. the slaves you saw are not the humans from this world.

'I knew it, there was no way they could get this much human from this planet.'

Not from this world? what do you mean?

Yeah, they are from a different planet far from here.

But why do you have to go to a different planet for humans, they are also here.

Do you think we can win head to head fight against the human kingdom? and my supervisor says that we have more reason to bring them here.

What more?

Even I don't know that what I know is that they are planning to do something big on the full moon night.

Full moon night! Do you mean 25 days later?

Yeah, something that will help us to win against the human kingdom. That's all I know, now give me my ten gold coins.

Yeah, here you go...

That's all you know, right?

What more can a low-class guard would know? that's all I know.

Alright, thanks.

No need to...

Slam... dham...

What's up Thrak? we heard you had some money in your hand recently. shouldn't you be paying your debts instead of keeping the money in your hands?

Moth? Who tell you about me?

That's not something to worry about now. just give me the money and I will let you go.

I have a family at home. I can't give the interest now but you can have the principal.

Remember what you said that day that when you will get the money you will give the double interest rate, haven't you?

Yeah, I said that but If I give the interest as well as a principal then what will I feed my children?

That's not my problem, do the work you've been doing but the money you got now, give it to me. It's just 2 gold and 560 silver coins not much right?

Get the money from him.

Yes, boss.

Don't come near me or else...

What? you will fight us huh? you may be a guard but we are born to kill if you give us what ours then I won't hesitate to to kill you here. take it from him.

No... don't...

Grab him.

No... No...


Oh my, what do you do to get this money huh?

hey you... the one who gave him this much money. what kind of thing you buy from him.

That's none of your business. you have taken what you want right? now give him his money back.

Oh my my, why are you so rude just tell me what you buy from him and I will give you half the price of what he has asked.

I've obtained what I want and the price is also reasonable, so give his money back to him.

What if I don't want to? do you hear me, think of it as the service charge for my party members?

If you don't give his money to him then you all have to give your life at the price of wasting my time.

Oh, my you scared me Hhh... let's see who will pay for their life me or you? kill those bastards...

yes, boss...

Hey let me see that guy's stat


< RACE - ORC >

< AGE - 34 YEARS >





AGILITY - 25 MANA - 21

'So, he is a second-LEVEL thief huh?'